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=Miniquines= Solved a mystery: all done

Started by YourLoveOnly, June 29, 2017, 03:09:24 PM

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More Miniquine arrive on Secundi every day! They are very social creatures and like playing games. Will you play with them? Introducing Miniquines...

There are Males and Females... &

They are breedable... & =

Miniquines come in natural colors... &

But also in fantasy colors... &

There are currently five types of Miniquine on Secundi:

And you can come and adopt one today! ^^

((Miniquines are drawn by Willow, owned & managed by YLO. Some of the example pets & pets YLO owns were colored by Willow before she handed over ownership.))


In this thread everyone will get a chance to play one of YLO's favorite boardgames: Mysterium. Mysterium is easiest to describe as a mixture of Clue and Dixit. Like Clue you are trying to solve a crime where there was a culprit in a certain location with a certain object. Like Dixit you will get strange images that you'll have to interpret to the best of your abilities, trying to find the correct card.

I hope lots of people will sign up! It's an awesome game with amazing artwork.
It's also a very easy game to learn, everyone can play it even if you never play boardgames!
I'll post detailed rules once the game starts (or sooner if I get around to it), but it comes down to you getting cards with random pictures and then guessing which card you think matches your given cards best. You will be able to ask teammates for help with this.

Example picture of psychics guessing their locations:

Example picture of some dream cards that will give you your hints:

Game Info
1. This game is cooperative. The entire team will win or lose together.
2. On the playing field you will find 3 sets of cards: one with people, one with locations and one with objects. I will secretly assign each player a card from each set, so each player must find 1 person + 1 location + 1 object.
3. Each round I will give each player 1 or more cards consisting of colorful images. These are your dream cards aka hints. They can be shown to all players.
4. I am a ghost player who witnessed the crime, trying to help you guys win. The cards I give you are meant to be helpful. However, I am limited to picking from 7 cards in my hand so sometimes they are simply not a very good match.
5. The game will last at most 7 rounds (+ a final guess). Once all players have found all 3 of their things, skip remaining rounds (if any) and move onto the final guess! If one or more players haven't found all their things by the end of round 7, you lose :(
6. It is possible that some players will finish finding their cards quicker than other players. This is normal.
7. During the final guess all players will put their sets of information together and try to determine which set matches the culprit of the crime! You only get to try this once: if you're correct, you win! If not, you've lost.

Playing A Round
1. Look at your cards. Try to connect them to the cards on the playing field. Guess which card you think matches best. In round 1 everyone is trying to find their person, so ignore the location and object cards for now.
2. Help each other out! You're all playing together, so feel free to give your opinion on someone else's dream cards/hints.
3. While it is cooperative everyone still gets to decide for themselves, so if you disagree with your fellow players then just pick the card you think is right!
4. Once all players have selected a card I will reveal who is right and who is wrong.
5. If you are right your hints get discarded and you will move onto the next set of cards. So if you've correctly guessed your person, next round you will guess a location. If you've got your location correct this time then you're moving onto objects next round.
6. If you are wrong you will get new hints to go with your old ones and you get to try again.
7. Once you've guessed your person, your location and your object correctly, you have completed your mission! You can still help your other players though. Please remain an active participant. You will also be needed in the final guess, as every player must vote then.

The Final Guess
1. Everyone has found all 3 of their cards, yay! We will now clear the other cards from the playing field and replace them with each player's set.
2. I will reveal 3 dream cards/hints for the entire group. This will point to the culprit.
3. Each hint card must match 1 card from the same set. Example: card 1 matches YLO's location, card 2 matches YLO's object and card 3 matches YLO's person.
4. I cannot hint to one card from a set multiple times. I also cannot mix & match cards from different sets. One player's set WILL be the culprit and each of their cards will get 1 hint card. You will NOT know which hint belongs to which card type (person/location/object).
5. Every player will vote on the set they think is the culprit's set. In case of a tie you have to discuss until there is a majority vote. The set with the most votes is chosen as your culprit. If this turns out to be true, you've won the game! However, if you've chosen the wrong one it means you have lost.


This is a game that will take a while (3 to 7 regular rounds + final round, even if it is quick and easy to actually play. As an online adaption of this game will likely take most of the July month (I expect not everyone might be online/around daily) I will make sure every player will get a bunch of Miniquine as a reward for their time and effort!

If your group loses you will get each get 25 credits (this can get you up to 25 Miniquine!).
If your group wins during the last round you will each get 30 credits.
For every round you need less (i.e. the quicker your group wins) each player will get 5 more credits, so if you played a perfect game (i.e. win after 3 rounds + final round) you'll have 50 credits per player.

You can turn those credits in for the following rewards:
Random premade ~ 1 credit
Random premade, pick natural or fantasy ~ 2 credits
Random premade, breed & gender of your choice ~ 2 credits
Random premade, pick 1 color you must have ~ 3 credits
Semi custom Miniquine ~ 5 credits
Breeding with 1 foal ~ 7 credits
MLP mimic ~ 8 credits
Full custom Miniquine ~ 10 credits

I'd prefer you do not try killing YLO by turning in 50 credits for 50 1-credit Miniquine xD

Signing up
To sign up, please post your username in bold + if you have a preference for playing a game on the forum, through Discord or if you have no preference. You can sign up until July 4, end of Secundi day.

Up to 6 players can participate in a single game, but I'll run multiple games at once if we exceed 6 signups. There is no limit to the amount of people that can sign up for this event! Games will be clearly labeled so everyone can tell them apart. It's possible to run a full game in a Discord channel as well. You can only be assigned to one group (i.e. play a single game). I'll divide players across groups as equally as possible (if there is someone you really don't wanna play with shoot me a PM about it before the signup deadline, I won't tell anyone about it). Mysterium is a cooperative game where everyone will try to find the solution together, so talking about the game and your hints with people from your group is allowed and encouraged, both in this thread and on Discord.



[color=cyan]Random Premade[/color]
Owner: (gifting allowed)
Breed: (only fill out if your credit type allows this)
Gender: (only fill out if your credit type allows this)
One color you do/do not want: (only fill out if your credit type allows this)

Semi custom:
[color=lime]Semi Custom[/color]
Owner: (gifting allowed)
3 to 5 colors: (hexcodes allowed)

Full custom:
[color=gold]Full Custom[/color]
Owner: (gifting allowed)
Body color:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Hoof color:
Marking 1 + color(s): (add marking lines as needed)

You can also post a reference image instead of filling out a full custom form.

MLP mimic:
[color=magenta]MLP mimic[/color]
Owner: (gifting allowed)
Breed: (must match MLP)
Gender: (must match MLP)
Picture: (only official Hasbro MLP allowed)
MLP's Hasbro name:

Male link:
Female link:

If parents are not owned by you have the owner post permission in this thread.
Breedings from this event will result in 1 foal with no chance of twins.


Rosewood I don't mind either way but on discord i can check it slightly easier while at work, if we aren't so busy that i cant look at my phone.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



D.eirdre Discord. i can keep up better on discord as i can check in easily at work.


Country Discord cause I will be gone most of next week and I'll have a better chance of keeping up that way.


No preference :) (Though I'm able to check the forum but not Discord when I'm at work/out)

Maybe I'll even have gotten to play the game in RL by the time this starts...



Yay 6 sign ups already :D Still open for 5 more days.


Laviee I would prefer Discord if it is easy to keep up with (people aren't chatting so I don't have to scroll through a million things to figure out what happened for the game)



Last day to sign up! Eeee I'm so excited about this :D


We have 8 sign ups, I've divided you into two teams:
Rosedawn - discord
Laviee - discord
Country - discord
Deirdre - discord
Ryuu - forum
Saturnalia - forum
Aralie - forum
Rosewood - forum

The discord game will be here:
Those who are assigned to discord please add yourself to that channel.
Everyone who isn't playing is free to watch and comment in the chatter channel, but please don't post in the actual game channel if you're not part of the Discord team.

I'll be setting up the games incl. the full set of rules tomorrow.
I will allow late sign ups for the rest of today, keep in mind there will be a max. of 6 people on a team so both the forum and the discord can have at most 2 late sign ups.


Full rules are up. Let me know if something doesn't make sense. In my experience once you start playing it is all super easy to understand <3 I will be starting both games later today.


Games are starting! Players from the Discord group can visit their channel to see their playing field <3

In this thread will be the forum game, players for this game are Aralie, Rosewood, Ryuukokoro and Saturnalia. Images are likely too big for the forum, if you don't wanna scroll I've added direct links underneath the pictures. Have fun!! :D

For ease of the people playing I ask anyone not playing to refrain from chatter in this thread until the game is complete. If you want to chat please use Discord (either Secundi's general, Secundi's Miniquine or the Miniquine Game chatter channel will work)

Playing Field





Round 1
One at a time every player has received one or several dream cards aka hints. I've posted your cards below. Look at your own cards and try to see what person they match with best. It's a cooperative game, so feel free to suggest ideas for your fellow players too! Every player decides for themselves. Post the card you're picking in red to finalize your pick (example: bottom picture, top left would be you guessing the mailman). Once all players have picked I'll let you know who guessed right. Note: Every person is trying to find a different card.

The people on the playing field in order of
1, 2
3, 4 etc
are Maid, General, Cook, Gardener, Mailman, Musician, Clockmaker, Doctor



I have some ideas about a lot of these cards, but I'll hold off on talking about the others until everyone's seen things and has some ideas of their own :D

As for mine, I'm going to go ahead and say I'm leaning towards the Musician, since it's got the seashell gramophone thingy. None of the other people strike me as being too applicable, since we don't have any people with nautical boat or water themes. But if anyone has other thoughts, let me know :)


I have a feeling mine is the Gardener because of the flowers :)

Don't really have an idea what yours might be Rosewood, I see a bug, plates and mushrooms lol

No idea on Ryuu's either right now XD

I agree Sat, I would lean towards musician for yours as well



Aralie, I would agree with Gardener for yours.

Maybe the Chef for Rosewood?

And Ryuu, yeah, I would think that the closest I could see yours being :)



Feeling pretty confident about that one for now!



Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Round 1 results:
Aralie - right! you can now move on and try to find your location.
Rosewood - right! you can now move on and try to find your location.
Ryuukokoro - wrong! you will get one or more additional hint cards and get to try again.
Saturnalia - right! you can now move on and try to find your location.

For those of you moving on, old hints are now longer valid, ignore them. Also keep in mind selections are random, so your location and object do not have to be connected to your person at all (and if they are it was chance).

I'll try to get your round 2 hints up asap (later tonight or very early tomorrow).


Round 2
With one player on person and three on locations you are doing well :D
Here are your new hints (+ Ryuu's old one):



IM not completly sure but am thinking top left from this one.

I think Saturn is bottom left from this one.

Not sure about Aralie...

Have no idea for Ryuus person.... DX

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



Aralie: the colors seem to match with the First-Image Top-Right, the attic wedding dress one? But the themes don't quite? I dunno.

Rosewood: My first thought was the First-Picture Bottom-Left, because it looks like an angel of death and the guy in the hint looks like a spooky ghost? But also the one your thinking would be a good match thematically, hmm. Yeah, I think your choice is the better one out of those two!

Ryuu: I'm wondering if it's maybe kinda battle-themed and might be the General? Hmm. Edit-- while I was typing this, you guessed that, so... guess we're on the same page. lol

Me: Totally agree, Rosewood! It's got the nautical theme and boats and stuff. :)

Thoughts from anyone else?


top left from first set of location images

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Second Image, Bottom Left, with the boats and nautical stuff


lol that's what I was thinking too, Sat!



Lemme see how well you guys did! I think locations are generally the most difficult.
Also if it helps you could also use numbering to guess and discuss, going like
1 2
3 4
5 etc

Round 2 results:
Aralie - wrong! you will get one or more additional hint cards and get to try again.
Rosewood - wrong! you will get one or more additional hint cards and get to try again.
Ryuukokoro - wrong! you will get one or more additional hint cards and get to try again.
Saturnalia - right! you can now move on and try to find your object.

Round 3 hints coming up.


DX Doesn't help that i have ADHD and im staring at these images like what? the i get distracted by something irl and i come back to looking and im like "mmmm" maybe this one? And then distracted AGAIN.... Or ill just zone out... It really does seam simple... im just... DX

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



None of this game makes any sense to me. :P At least I'm narrowing down the options by process of elemination...

I can't use Cook, Musician, or Gardiner because those were the other people in my group, right?


I believe that's right Ryuu, we are supposed to be each looking for something different on each round so yours should be different than ours. Maybe yours is the maid?

First image, top left

Rosewood, with the piano I want to say yours is the first image, top right.

Saturnalia, The vase looks the most convincing for yours because of the flowers but no idea really XD


That is correct, everyone needs a different card so anything that other players got right can't be your card.



I assume its the attic, as the way the room is shaped, but, first image, top right.

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


I didn't even look to see if someone had suggested something to me... lol I figured it out by the window, didn't think about the piano. lol

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Sorry for my silence over the weekend!

Aralie-- If it doesn't end up being that one, I'm wondering if maybe it would be Second Image,last one, because of the mounted head (there are animals in the other hints) and the butterflies on the walls remind me of the fairies in your latest hint. (But if you're already right, ignore me! lol.)

Rosewood-- Attic would have been my guess, too, this time around :)

Ryuu-- Yeah, the Maid could make sense given that all of your hints have messes to clean up, and the beds this current hint...

And Aralie, yeah, I agree with the vase!

So, for me-


Round 3 results:
Aralie - wrong! you will get one or more additional hint cards and get to try again.
Rosewood -  right! you can now move on and try to find your object.
Ryuukokoro - right! you can now move on and try to find your location.
Saturnalia - right! your set is complete, but please continue helping your teammates.

Round 4 hints coming up.


Round 3
One player finished, two on locations, one on object.
Remember if you are moving on old hints are invalid.

Here are new ones + links to the old ones!

Old hints:




Im thinking frying pan for me, but not sure. Just think its the one that best fits.

Im not sure about Aralie for location, maybe first image bottom left? But then maybe not too...

Ryuu, Maybe second image, top left?


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


For once, I think I got a break with an easy clue, with all the water lol.



I got lucky with pretty straightforward hints!

Aralie-- Definitely thinking Second Image, Last Card for the bugs on the wall, and the previous cards involving animals, since there's an animal head on the wall.

Rosewood-- My guesses would either be the trap (since the rat seems kinda stuck maybe?) or the Candleabra because of the lightbulbs? hmm. But yeah, also there's food, so maybe Frying Pan...

Ryuu-- Yeah, that laundry room or whatever-- Second Image, First Card seems likely with all the water!
