Need help fixing an error in the agency species display images

Started by SGA, June 27, 2012, 05:15:23 PM

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Last year when I started trying to set up my agency, I made an error and was unable to figure out how to fix it.  I accidentally uploaded an image for a new species twice, instead of editing the species image I had already uploaded as I intended.  (I was just changing the image size to a smaller one) and now it's up in the species list twice.

Is there anyway I can remove the first (larger) image from the species list?
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That's something I have to do manually for you.  And, it's done!

Kadana Sorano

Thank you Silv!  *hugs*  Now I will nap, s maybe I can get some work done later tonight when it's cooler lol

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My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :)