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Started by Graffitus, June 06, 2010, 12:30:00 PM

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I realize there's no Introduction subforum, but this is a very interesting community and I would love to take a minute to say hi and learn a little bit more about it.

My name is Graffitus (Graffi for short!) and I've been a long-time fan of RP adoptables/breedables (in fact I do run my own site - Dragon-Wings Freehold - but it's currently down while we upgrade the system ;) ).

It seems to me that this is a community that runs something like the Breedables forum of Gaia.
I've looked through the Help stickies and I've caroused the main page a bit, and that's the vibe I'm picking up on.

Is this correct?

And if so... that's freakin' fantastic because that means I've been looking for you guys for years. I look forward to settling in here and getting to know all of you!

Thanks for your patience,

Graffi <3


You are right about that! :D
And it's not as big and chaotic as the Gaia Breedables section too!

Glad you joined us <3

We had an introduce yourself topic, but it got lost somewhere a few pages back XD


Welcome to Secundi! We love new people, so welcome welcome! We're a small community here and everyone is really happy to answer questions, so it won't be hard to join in. ^_^

Adoptables are definitely breedable here and it's a major focus of a lot of them (especially Gidgets and Wobbles!) There's also lots more you can do with your adoptables like RP them and trade and compete them to raise their levels. ^^ Lotsa fun to be had here on Secundi!



It's nice to see someone new from somewhere other than PI (from what I can gather).
I tried joining Gaia, but as YLO said, it's big chaoticness scared me off XD
Secundi is a relatively small but welcoming and lovely community, dedicated to adoptables and breedable pets ;)

Welcome! ^^


Yes welcome Welsome to our small little intimate community.  We alwasy love seeing new members.
there is much love here for adoptables and each one has it's own fanbase as well as way of running.  There is fun for everyone here.


Hello, and welcome!
I'm excited to see new people around, and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time here!

I'm neocridders, Neo for short. I hope to see you around :D


Gaia is lovely, I have my beloved Modifoxes there. Only reason I pop back on there every once in a while. I wanna start playing for real, but I'm already into bigtime stalker mode when it comes to Secundi, I don't think I can handle another one XD


Welcome to Secundi.  :)


Welcome. I was on Gaia when it first came out, beta. I loved it back then. But when it started having so many people doing adult-oriented rp and stuff, I left. My BF is over 30, its posted in his profile, AND he has his pic up, which clearly shows he is over 30. He still has little girls sending him lewd suggestive PM's asking "want to be my boyfriend?". Im thinking Chris Hanson from Dateline would LOVE Gaia these days.

Here, if there was someone offering personal info for the purpose of meeting for adult relations, they would be told to take it offsite, and probably warned about internet predators.  Also, as mentioned, its far less chaotic then most sites, the user interface doesnt change weekly, the mods know how to mod what is important without powertripping, and any number of things Ive had complaints with other places (not specificly Gaia) that are not here.