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Neo's crazy life.

Started by Neocridders, August 12, 2013, 10:10:34 PM

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Yeah. So I'm stupid. I get myself into crazy situations that aren't all that bad but then... yeah. I make a big deal out of them.

So I'm super emotional right now.
I joined a stupid dating site that isn't even a dating site... it's more of a ... umm... yeah... people looking for stuff that I'm not looking for.

Anyway. I started earlier this summer. I decided to try it, what's the harm?

Well, yeah. My life is one big ball of emotions at the moment.

Got stood up by a guy a few weeks ago. He said his dad was in a car crash, then he was in a car crash. But I'm pretty sure it was a lie since he didn't post anything on facebook or the dating site about it at all (and he had been online, and he had posted other things).
A day ago he posted that he wished people didn't stop messaging him, since he can't get a chance to show them he's different than other guys.

BS. He stopped messaging ME.

I've had about 8 guys do this to me in the past year. First my ex, then all the rest. They get me hooked on them and then drop me like I'm nothing.

It's very emotional. I need to stop.
Also, I had another guy I met on the site I've been chatting to the past month or two. He told me he has decided to kill himself. He won't let me do anything. He said he'd make me miserable if I did. And I can't figure out where he lives or his family. He isn't in the same area of the country as me. I don't know what to do. But I'm crying because I don't want to lose another friend. I'm selfish. I love my friends. I don't want him gone.

And aside from that stupidity that I've gotten myself into, I've started working out. Insanity workout. I'm not sure I can continue it in college so I might need to find a different workout (one that is intense but not so... jumping up and down to disturb the people below my dorm)

I don't know how to properly end this post. I'm kinda just spilling my thoughts to you guys because i don't know. And Im going back to college next week yay...

I don't know why I'm posting this. Not looking for advice. I just need to talk. And have someone listen. Because no one listens to me anymore and I knwo you guys do.

My emotional state is kinda... shot right now.


Hey neo, I know what you're going through and I know it's really hard and heart wrenching at times but you just gotta hang in there and if you ever want someone to talk to, send me a pm or ask for my cell number I don't mind. I hope I don't sound creeperish, but if you ever need someone, I'm usually around.


Aww Neo! *Hugs* I'm here when you need to talk, too...I really hope things get better for you soon. :'(


Sounds like that dating site business just led to a lot of drama. :(

It's great to hear that you've started working out, though. Yay for getting in shape! :D


Ohh Neo.. :( Im sorry all thats going on in your life. You shouldnt have to go through that. :/

As far as workouts go, maybe try p90x? insanity? I want to try it but idk how to get it, and the cost, and im scared ill die. lol.


It's really difficult, but I can tell my body is quickly getting better. I mean, I've gained weight and a pants size this summer so I don't think I can tell any results.

I might switch over to a new workout.
Insanity is just... super sweaty. It's so hard to keep up. It's super fast pased. But it's something good for me since I like quick results.


Hmm. Yeah, I like quick results as well. Where do you get the workout? I know people that have it but I never knew how they got it


I'm sorry things are so rough for you Neo!
As far as the workout goes, insanity and similair things aimed to get big results real fast are a very big strain on the body and can have longterm side effects if not careful. Like crash dieting these very heavy intensive workouts are not actually healthy. They are even outright dangerous when under 23 because of certain cells in your body not being done renewing and developing (as English is not my first language I sick at explaining the process, but it's one that stops around age 22). And even after you reach that age it's still not risk free, like any other exercitie program meant to get such fast results. Please do be careful dear <3


Thanks for the info, YLO!

My friend showed me how to get it... not quite legally... shhh. Yeah... I just didn't want to pay if I wasn't going to follow through with it.

I haven't worked out in the past day or two. I am feeling like I'm going to end up failing this workout. I don't think I can continue in college anyway. When I get to college I'll go to the gym more.

I have actually gained weight since I started dieting and working out. It's only been two weeks for dieting but still... it's not very motivating to realize notthing is working yet.


You always gain before you lose. Dont give up hope!
If it makes you feel any better, I've cheated waaayyyy too much on my calorie count. :/ Everytime I'm with Tim I just dont count because I know all they have there is crap and I have no choice but to eat it. I havent stepped on the scale since my initial doctor visit.

You should pm me this trick for Insanity.. >.> I wanna try it


Lol it's the hardest workout. It's like... gonna make you sweat. Maybe cry. You'll get so much more strong and flexible though.


Yeah I've been cheating too. I just need to get out of this house. There are cookies and chips and other crap everywhere. Like I need to take myself away from the tempations. Luckily college starts next week. So maybe I can get the willpower to change my diet when I get there.
Rawr. I'm such a bad girl.


You've probably gained a lot of muscle :P
I think that with any kind of diet and exercise routine it's very important to start slowly and not do anything that you can't keep up. Then if you feel like your workout isn't satisfying at a later point, you can always increase the length/intensity or add different stuff. Losing weight generally takes a long time (and afterwards it will probably still be some effort to maintain your weight), so it's best to make sure that your exercise routine is comfortable for you.

And it's probably best to only weigh yourself once every couple of months or so, otherwise you might get frustrated at how little you're losing.
Weight fluctuates a lot throughout the day anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much. :)


Chiming in on workouts and stuff... I finally got my butt back on the MyFitnessPal website. If other people (my friends and boyfriend) aren't holding me accountable for my exercise and eating habits, then I just drop off altogether...

I like MyFitnessPal because it's freeee (yay) and easy to use and really helps me keep track of things well. (If anyone else is on there, my username is etaven )

Good luck, Neo! I hear you on the slacking off... I totally just ate pie for breakfast. Oops.