[Quinsta] Gorgeous Bay Arabian and Gypsy Vanner Stallons up for stud

Started by toffeeca, June 02, 2010, 02:45:08 AM

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First, the Arabian,

QuoteBay, front left Coronet, Faint Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Then my Vanner,

QuoteChestnut, Coronet on front right leg, Pastern on front left leg, Fetlock on back right leg, Pastern on back left leg, Star and Snip on face. (Calm and steady)

Both are available for free. I will be using my Arabian in a personal breeding, but since I only have one male, the Gypsy is lonely this season. I will not be limiting the number of breeds, if anyone wants one. If you are interested just post or drop me a pm with the mare and I will post permission.
Thank you!