
Secundi Community District => Cafe => Topic started by: Tribe on March 30, 2010, 07:07:03 PM

Title: Hunni Shared Diary | Because you need to let it out XD
Post by: Tribe on March 30, 2010, 07:07:03 PM
Day One March 30th 2010

So i think if i write about all my good and bads it may help me reflect on the goods and try to mend the bads. Ive become so stressed lately that i cant think straight and i need all of this out of my head and off my shoulders.

So yesterday and today i have been sort of disagreeing, arguing, loathing my sister in law. I had plans for MY son on easter and she had made plans without me knowing. Doing so she had went out and got him a $40 outfit to wear. Well when i told her that i had plans she threw a fit like a 12 year old, she basically told him i had no right to tell her no to taking MY son somewhere because she had paid so much for the outfit and so on. She then demanded money for taking him somewhere for me (this was really her fault because she had told me she would keep him and waited for me to get an hour and a half away from home before telling me she didnt want to) and then she told me thats fine if she wasnt allowd to have him shed just never watch him again.

Now if anything drives me crazy its when people try to use children as pawns in an argument.

I told her that was fine because i didnt really enjoy her attitude and i didnt want him around her taking that all in. So she stopped talking to me for a bit, though i did feel bad she had spent the money it infuriated me that she thought because she had made plans that she could demand the be followed through. I finally gave in and said she could take him to church in them morning and that i would need him back by 11 am so i could get to where i needed to be on time. She was not grateful, she did not say think you she said exactly "whatever thats fine". So this morning i awake to a text from her calling my little brother all kinds of nasty horrid names, i asked her what had warrented this reaction and she said that he had written her on facebook about the matter. So i asked him to let me get on his facebook to see what he had said. His exact message to her was "i dont think it was very right of you to demand something of a child that isnt yours. My sister is pregnant and you know shes haveing a hard time with this pregnancy yet you feel its fine to bug and stress her out all the time. If you want to whine or ***** to someone do it to me i dont care if you hate me just leave her alone". Now as far as im concerned thats a very mature email for a 17 year old right? NO shes still throwing a fit and being a drama queen at this point.

I think if it all dosnt blow over soon im just going to do away with any ties i have to his family, they do nothing but drive me crazy and cause me stress.

On a side note poor boo bear (my son) is sick with a flu like cold and he has an minor ear infection caused by this sickness/bug. Its incredibly impossible to get him to take the medicine (the pink bubble gum flavord kind) he spits it at you like a goober then laughs at your face bing speckled in puky pink antibiotics, leaving you for the rest of the day trying to figure where the bubble gum smell is coming from. He dosnt really act sick its just hard for him to breathe when hes laying down so i have been leaving on a very small amount of sleep ><
Title: Re: Hunni Shared Diary | Because you need to let it out XD
Post by: Tribe on March 31, 2010, 11:51:10 AM
March 31st 2010

So finally today the pay check has been confirmed for my husbands schooling. WHOOT though it'll be in late im hoping his travel pay will come through and we not only have enough to pay bills but have enough to have extra...