
Secundi Community District => Cafe => Topic started by: Ryuukokoro on June 01, 2010, 12:14:34 PM

Title: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 01, 2010, 12:14:34 PM
Wah, I lost my momentum as I was getting ready to move! It took a lot of time getting my affairs in order and packing up all my belongings and then cleaning my apartment so I could move out. Then we drove over 1,000 miles over the course of two days to get from Indiana to Maine!

Well now I'm settled into my parents' basement temporarily until I find a job here. The cats are adjusting as well, though they're not particularly happy haha.

But I seem to be having trouble writing, I tried last night but fell asleep instead! >.< So I think it's time for another writing calendar to keep me motivated!

Please continue to cheer me on! ^^ It means the world to me.

July 22 -- 1057/1000 goal met!
July 23 -- 1000/1000 goal met!
July 24 -- 1000/1000 goal met!
July 25 -- 1000/1000 goal met!
July 26 -- 1012/1000 goal met!
July 27 -- 1111/1000 goal met!
July 28 -- 1100/1000 goal met!
July 29 -- 1030/1000 goal met!
July 30 -- 1000/1000 (editing day) goal met!
July 31 -- 1304/1000 goal met!
August 1 -- 1148/1000 goal met!
August 2 -- 1000/1000 (editing day) goal met!
August 3 -- 0/1000 goal not met
August 4 -- 1016/1000 goal met!
August 5 -- 1042/1000 goal met!
August 6 -- 1196/1000 goal met!
August 7 -- 1049/1000 goal met!
August 8 -- 2017/1000 double goal met!
August 9 -- 0/1000 goal not met
August 10 -- 2417/1000 double goal met!
August 11 -- 0/1000 goal not met
August 12 -- 1360/1000 goal met!
August 13 -- 0/1000 goal not met
August 14 -- 0/1000 goal not met
August 15 -- 1025/1000 goal met!

June 22 -- 1635/750 double goal met!
June 23 -- 1559/750 double goal met!
June 24 -- 3519/750 quadruple goal met!
June 25 -- 1115/750 goal met!
June 26 -- 2084/750 double goal met!
June 27 -- 1030/750 goal met!
June 28 -- 1173/750 goal met!
June 29 -- 1021/750 goal met!
June 30 -- 1394/750 goal met!
July 1 -- 1531/750 double goal met!
July 2 -- 1224/750 goal met!
July 3 -- 3138/750 quadruple goal met!
July 4 -- 1110/750 goal met!
July 5 -- 1080/750 goal met!
July 6 -- 1522/750 double goal met!
July 7 -- 2653/750 triple goal met!
July 8 -- 1302/750 goal met!
July 9 -- 860/750 goal met!
July 10 -- 1218/750 goal met!
July 11 -- 1278/750 goal met!
July 12 -- 1256/750 goal met!
July 13 -- 1311/750 goal met!
July 14 -- 1024/750 goal met!
July 15 -- 1432/750 goal met!
July 16 -- 1154/750 goal met!
July 17 -- 888/750 goal met!
July 18 -- 993/750 goal met!
July 19 -- 810/750 goal met!
July 20 -- 861/750 goal met!
July 21 -- 1131/750 goal met!

June 1 -- 1361/750 goal met!
June 2 -- 813/750 goal met!
June 3 -- 1050/750 goal met!
June 4 -- 0/750 goal not met
June 5 -- 0/750 goal not met
June 6 -- 896/750 goal met!
June 7 -- 0/750 goal not met
June 8 -- 0/750 goal not met
June 9 -- 0/750 goal not met
June 10 -- 906/750 goal met!
June 11 -- 504/750 goal not met
June 12 -- 814/750 goal met!
June 13 -- 0/750 goal not met
June 14 -- 0/750 goal not met
June 15 -- 1381/750 goal met!
June 16 -- 937/750 goal met!
June 17 -- 1097/750 goal met!
June 18 -- 1696/750 goal met!
June 19 -- 816/750 goal met!
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: YourLoveOnly on June 01, 2010, 12:15:09 PM
*cheers Ryuu on* ;D
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: SeaCrest on June 01, 2010, 11:54:26 PM
C'mon Ryuu! XD Get writing!
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 02, 2010, 02:46:37 PM
Hee hee, thank you guys! ^^ I think I'm going to write down some goals for myself each morning on here, and cross them out as I accomplish them. Work work work for Ryuu!

June 2 goals:
butterfly garden experience
fanfic for LJ contest part 1/4
chapter 1 of Warriors fanfic
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 02, 2010, 03:26:58 PM
I decided to post my butterfly thing here. It's not really much of anything, just some kinda poetic/diary-like/observations I wrote when I was at the zoo. They had this giant greenhouse garden you can go in and sit down, and it was filled with literally thousands of butterflies. They fly all around you and it's so beautiful. I sat there for hours just watching the butterflies and the people there.

I hope you all enjoy. ^^;;


At first nothing caught her eye. The air was humid and hot, making her skin prickle and stick to the back of her shirt. The sound of the enclosed area was the low murmur of hushed conversations, almost covered by the hiss of pumped air or perhaps sprayed mist from somewhere up above. Over all an orchestra of instrumental music held sway over the area.

Along the manicured square paths of concrete, wild greenery sprouted and covered every square inch of the ground. Vines with wide tear-shaped leaves climbed the columns of steel and stone. Palm trees and other exotics reached for the sky overhead. Shrubs and bushed changed from knee-height to shoulder to just moss covering the ground all within two feet of one another. But other than the heat and green and noise, what was here?

Little darting treasures, almost invisible until you stop to look. A black wing with orange spots chases a pale yellow set of wings in a slow dance. Black shadows pass over her head, dark against the perfect blue of the cloudless sky.

A flash of bright blue catches her eye, just for an instant, there and gone. But already her head is turning to follow the movement, tracking the large set of wings as they float across the path. As large as her palm, the wings flap up and down in a slow rhythm. Up, a plain underside of brown and black speckles like tree bark. Down, a flash of brilliant blue. Up, plain. Down, brilliance. The wings land on a broad leaf and go still. Held upward, the brilliant azure color is hidden. Gone.

Half orange, blending to black along the outside, dotted with yellow spots. Black with a stripe of white and orange at the tip. Black with one pale blue spot and two white on each wing. Orange with black stripes, not like a monarch, but like a tiger. Pale brown veined with orange, like an autumn leaf.

They move like autumn leaves, spiraling toward the ground, drifting one way than another, until they land or are swept up into the sky again as if by a playful wind. She learns to spot them by watching the small dark shadows flit across the concrete paths.

Two ponds house white and orange goldfish, drifting in and out of water greens. A large plastic case stands in the center of the building. Within are rows upon rows of cocoons. Like soldiers in line they hang from wooden dowels. Rows of empty husks, burst open at the bottom. Rows of full rounds, all shades of greens and browns and grays. Here and there one rests, just having pulled itself free, wings wet and curled from being entombed. Here and there is a dead body, halfway out of the cocoon, unmoving and crumpled. Failing in its breach for freedom and rebirth. Behind the plastic case an arm with a zoo uniform sleeve reaches in, cups a pair of fluttering drying wings, and pulls it out into the sunlight.

Pale yellow with black horizontal stripes. Butter yellow with hints of black spots. Pale green with gold and brown veins. Black with one pale streak on each wing. Black edged in white at the bottom, red at the top. At rest, they hold perfectly still or slowly open and close as if to feel a breeze in this heat.

A child stands beside a wooden bench, perhaps ten years old, staring fixedly at the pale fronds of the plants. Unheeding to the large blue wings sweeping up behind her, alighting on her shoulder all in an instant. Startled the child's hand flashes up without a thought and brushes quickly. She darts sideways, eyes wide. The wings sail away. Three seconds and the exchange is over, but the child stares after the blue wings for a long time.
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 04, 2010, 02:31:27 AM
June 3 goals:
fanfic for LJ contest 2/4
fanfic for LJ contest 3/4
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 09, 2010, 11:21:38 PM
*growls and kicks self* I'm such a loser. I have the worst writer's block ever. I just sit and stare at the blank screen. I can't write anything! I've tried three different stories, and nothing comes to me! Sigh. I think it's my location. Parents house is not peaceful or conductive to a writing atmosphere. -_- Baaaah. *dispirited*
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: YourLoveOnly on June 10, 2010, 03:29:23 AM
Aww poor Ryuu *hugs*
And you had been doing so well =o
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: sera on June 10, 2010, 01:18:43 PM
*fluffs* i've been there. <<;  Maybe you can grab a spiral and just take a walk somewhere and sit down and write there?  Gambatte!!!
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 11, 2010, 11:23:02 AM
For the first time in four days it's not raining out, so I will try to go out and write in the wilderness! XD (Now that I'm back to living with my parents away from the city, there really IS wilderness out here. I'm going to go look for all my old stomping grounds I had in the woods when I was a kid. X3 )

In good news, I managed to write my quota last night! Let's go for two days in a row!
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 16, 2010, 01:03:05 AM
Grrrrr.... mncvnmnmm vjjvvcjjdfjdfldfs *mashes keyboard in annoyance*

I WILL beat this and get back into my groove!
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on June 17, 2010, 04:21:46 AM
Two days in a row! must keep up momentum... *crawls into bed at 5 am*
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Keilin Alyr on June 17, 2010, 11:47:55 AM
Don't worry about creating plots and stories if you're this blocked creatively. Getting any writing down is better than worrying and stressing about getting the right details. Just let any thoughts down on paper/keyboard, and you'll be surprised where and when story ideas come.

Of course, I've had freewriting days where my entire entry has boiled down to "I can't stand this, I can't stand this computer screen, why am I writing again, grumble". It's just getting in the habit and writing groove more than anything else. XD

If you have some extra spending cash, I've found some of the prompts in The 3AM Epiphany to be really helpful. There are also decent sites online that have lists of prompts. Either way you go, good luck to you! I've been there. *hugs*
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: Ryuukokoro on July 22, 2010, 01:19:38 PM
*wiggles around* Whee I have been so dedicated lately! I'm proud!

I've decided I'm finally making my daily requirement to be 1000 words. I've been managing that for a while anyway.

But I'm going camping this weekend with college friends... no laptop for 3 days. 0_o I don't know what I will do. I have not been without my laptop for.... uh...... well it's been a long, long time. XD;;;

So this thread will not update til Monday, but I will do my best to write my required amount in a notebook and type it all up on Monday when I get back! Wish me luck!
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: YourLoveOnly on July 22, 2010, 01:23:21 PM
What a great streak! *cheers Ryuu on*
Have fun camping and good luck keeping up the writing!
Title: Re: Ryuu's Writing Calendar II
Post by: indigowulf on July 22, 2010, 05:38:14 PM
You're allowed to take a break lol. Here- I officially give you permission *hands you a bottle of permission* there, now go enjoy your camping!

(im going camping too! weeeee! good weekend for it!)