Wobble-wobble wob-wobble? (Trans: Trade Wobbles for Wobbles?) Also Free Wobbles!

Started by Ryuukokoro, March 15, 2014, 10:15:48 PM

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(Wobble Trades!)

My Wobbles originally ran wild all over my account, but now they are under strict orders not to overpopulate. Now that I have them in some semblance of order, I'd like to find new homes for them!

First up are the Free Wobbles. These are not limited in any way, because there's already a ton of them all over Secundi. You can bid on any of these for 0 sg and you do not have to keep them Neutral Gender. You are free to breed them!

Free Wobbles:




Next up are LilBit Wobbles. These are not limited, but they are not free. They are only up for trade for some other LilBit Wobble. But you can breed them and trade them as much as you'd like. :) Post here to trade!
Lilbit Wobblies:

0 available right now, waiting for breeding!


Lastly we have up for trade my Special Wobbles. These are either full customs or semi-customs made especially for me. I will only breed 10 of each of these, and all of them will always be O Gender. You must keep them O Gender and not breed them, if you take one home.

I will mostly be interested in trading them for other 'Limited' Wobbles (though I'm not that picky about how you limit them, like if you plan to breed 20 that's okay with me, I don't consider them more valuable than one who is only limited to 10. As long as they're not going to breed out of control, I will consider it an equal trade). Just post here if you're interested. :)

Special Wobbles:

Sprinkles: 10 of 10 born so far (3 found homes, 6 available)

Spitter: 10 of 10 born so far (1 found home, 8 available)

Starlit: 8 of 10 born so far (3 found homes, 4 available)

Scatter: 4 of 10 born so far (2 found homes, 1 available)



Whoo thank you for your pretty Wobbles, PM! :D

My posts have been edited to show the numbers I have left. :)

Rodent Cottage

For the LilBit Wobble: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=568699 (limited so has to be kept 'O' but I forgot to O one of my own 2nd gens and ended up with a few 3rd gens before putting them all to 'O', so I'm okay trading this one for a non limited Wobble)

For Starlit & Scatter:

And I was wondering, do you take reservations? I am kinda bad at keeping track of Wobbles I really really want and am afraid that once babies are finally born they are sold out before I take notice :P


I have a LilBit wobble that I can trade for your LilBit wobble, however it must be kept 'O'

And I already have a Sprinkles, but I would love to get Spitter, Starlit, and Scatter. I have these guys who must be kept 'O'


YLO: Oh I love your two Limiteds! I would love to trade for a Starlit and a Scatter baby. Here you go:


Sure I can take reservations! Are you waiting for some of your Wobbles to breed? I am too. XD They can be stubborn! And I will put you down for a future LilBit trade for you LilBit Wobble but I only have 2 left so I'm looking for some different colors. *hurries her babies up to breed*

toff: That sounds great! I will definitely keep the cute LilBit critter with the stars as an 'O'. Here's your Wobbles to bid on:


Two of the Wobbles you linked to me belong to YLO now, could you send me links for the star Wobble and the brown/blue/white one? :)

SPO: Love the colors on that LilBit Wobble! Here's one for you to bid on:



Rodent Cottage

I noticed your Sunny had babies, so I can offer this one for a Sunny baby (for naming purposes I'd prefer a male offspring):

And yay for reservations! Mine are cooperating quite nicely actually, I have two ready for you right now:
In return for babies from your Ester and >this< Unnamed once born?

And my slightly-less-limited Wobble for your non-limited LilBit Wobble:

Can you PM me when those babies are born and available? :) Feel free to bid on yours now.