
Secundi Community District => Gaming Hall => Topic started by: Saturnalia on February 20, 2013, 08:29:24 AM

Title: Light Weight Role Playing Game!
Post by: Saturnalia on February 20, 2013, 08:29:24 AM

EE! The day has arrived!

For months and months and months, my friends have been working on a role playing game. The concept was simple; they wanted to create a game like Dungeons and Dragons but without the piles and piles of rulebooks, confusion, and time commitment. After all, the most common reason we've heard for people who haven't played D&D is "I just don't have the time to get involved in that, though I wish I could."

No longer shall that be an excuse for not trying out an RPG!

The system is really open-ended, so you could apply any sort of time period or theme. Robots? Fantasy? Steampunk? Modern-day? Heck, you could even make a Secundi-themed setting for it. The math isn't too complicated, and you just need one ten-sided dice.

Bubblemuffins and his unicorn friend

This is the culmination of so much hard work-- I've done all of the proofreading, and we've had artists making fantastic illustrations for the book, and we've done a lot of playtesting, and countless hours have gone in. So, to finally cut that red ribbon and release LWRPG is a fantastic feeling! :D

If anyone is interested, the website is here: (

Prices are--
$10.00 PDF
$15.00 Softcover
$25.00 Hardcover

We'll also be demo-ing and selling at:
DC Gameday ( (Washington, DC) March 9-10
PAX East ( (Boston, MA) March 22-24
Gen Con Indy ( (Indianapolis, Indiana) August 15-18

...and more when we get things nailed down.

YAY! Can you tell I am super excited to see this project come to it's big day? :D