
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: SGA on May 30, 2014, 01:36:05 AM

Title: Kadana is back.. maybe
Post by: SGA on May 30, 2014, 01:36:05 AM
As some may recall from my last event thread/s, I've been having problems with my teeth for a while now.  It started in late March, and for months I couldn't eat much of anything.  I lived on a liquid/semi liquid diet.  Anytime my mouth felt better and I would try and eat regular food, it would cause the pain to come back all over again.  I tried to get stuff done in between bouts of pain but..

The Monday before last, I woke with the entire right side and part of the left side of my face swollen.  It was so bad, I had to wedge a straw through my lips in order to try and drink.  I managed one cup of coffee (probably not the best choice, but come on.. I was miserable, just waking, and couldn't even take pain pills at this point.  So I was darn well having my coffee!).  After Rosewood and Conroy got on the bus to school, Mom, Riverwind and I headed to the ER.

The Doctor who saw me, asked what pain level I was at.. then proceeded to pry my jaw open and cram his hand in my mouth, to feel around and check for abscess, tumors, and cysts.  I know it needed doing, but at this point I just wanted to crush a certain part of him and then ask him what HIS pain level was at.  Needless to say I was not in a very good mood at all, and was feeling far from reasonable.

Anyway, he prescribed me prescription strength Ibuprofen for the swelling, Percocet/Oxycodone for the pain, and an antibiotic for infection.  Then he had a nurse feed me some of each right there, to hold me until I could get the prescription filled.  He also gave me a referral for a new Dentist office that opened up.  He said it's in another town, but that it's income based.  (I called, it's not.)  It IS cheaper then a regular dentist, but that's because it's students working on you and you have to sign a waver agreeing not to sue them if anything bad happens.  They do offer the option of gas instead of Novocain (great, since Novocain does nothing for me) but I've never actually been gassed to my knowledge.  So I'm leery to go in and sign a waver, and let students do this, not knowing how I will react to it.  Or how good they will be in reacting to any bad reaction I may have.  If I have to, I'll do it.  But I'm trying to look for other options. 

So I spent all of last week drugged and miserable and not feeling too social at all.  I slept as often as I could, and when not sleeping I spent my time messing with FB games, or watching tv online.  I felt a little guilty for ignoring Secundi, but well.. FB games don't take much effort, and little to no thought.  As an added bonus, no chance of taking my misery out on my friends here.

I stopped taking the percocet the second day.  I hate the stuff.  It does relieve my mouth pain, but it always gives me excruciating migraines, and I'm not allowed any other medicine while on it, so stuck suffering them.  The ibuprofen they gave me for the swelling didn't hep with migraines either.  Only my Excedrin does for those.  So second day, stopped the percocet.  They had said it wasn't mandatory, and the Ibuprofen while not really doing a whole lot for my actual pain, did ease it just slightly enough that I could ride it out.  I finished the last of that a few days ago, and finished off the antibiotics this afternoon.

I'm still doing as soft of foods as I can manage and not go completely insane.  And I'm still not feeling 100%.  So I'm not sure how much/often I'll be around right now.  But I promised a combined thread at the end of the last one, and that's going to get done.  And I'm going to try and pop in at least now and then, if nothing else, then to at least check messages.  I felt really bad when I logged on and saw all my messages waiting, and no one knew why I wasn't answering them.  I don't want that to happen again.

That said, I don't know if I will feel up to logging multiple accounts to check for messages etc.  So if you could all send any PM's to the SGA account for now, I'd be grateful.  That way they will all be in one place, and I can log on when I feel up to it, and check them easily.

Title: Re: Kadana is back.. maybe
Post by: Sarah Badr on May 30, 2014, 05:24:23 AM
Hey Lady, glad to see you back here. Don't push yourself though, if you're not up to it yet.
Title: Re: Kadana is back.. maybe
Post by: Bunraku on May 30, 2014, 09:25:27 AM
That sounds...terrible >< My mother went through something similar when her back molars got infected, so I sympathise. Though...god's Kadana students gassing you? .___.; How old are these people? College level yes, but still...not hand's I'd want to be in for a heavy procedure ><; Not trying to discourage you, but that just sounds scary.
Title: Re: Kadana is back.. maybe
Post by: SkySong on May 30, 2014, 06:17:10 PM
Oh jeez that sounds horrible! I hope things turn better for you. Don't push yourself too hard with the thread!
Title: Re: Kadana is back.. maybe
Post by: SGA on June 01, 2014, 06:03:33 PM
I know Bun, it's definitely not something I want to do, but I'm keeping it as an option just in case I can;t figure anything else out.

And yea, I've been in this place before as well.  Last time I wound up going under via injection, and they took 6 teeth, 2 of which had to be dug out of the bone they were impacted in.  Now I'm terrified of needles, so injection/IV was not fun.  But I think I prefer that to students gassing me.. it's way expensive though to pay out of pocket.

Here is where I am at now..

Ali, bless him, is sending me money to get an initial exam done.  This will tell us exactly what all needs done (how many teeth I'll be losing, and by what means etc) so we'll know exactly what kind of cost were looking at.

I'm applying for medicaid, and going to wait to be turned down, so they can help me apply for.. whatever else it was they said I could apply for.  I'm still not sure why if they know I will be turned down for medicaid, I can;t just apply for the other straight away.. oh well.

In the mean time, I was PM'd some links that might offer other alternatives.  Lot's of information in the links, so I'll be going through that and seeing what if anything applies to me.  Maybe I'll be able to find something to help me sooner then the medicaid medicaid wait thing.

And finally, I have to get an apt with a lady at the hospital, who I was told also may be able to help me, at least with the hospital bill, if nothing else.

In the end, I have GOT to find some kind of medical I can get on, because my teeth are just the tip of the iceberg so to speak.  My health has been going gradually downhill for years, and I've just been ignoring things over and over because I knew I couldn't afford health care on my own.