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Faekind Matchmaking game

Started by Sunchaser, July 09, 2010, 10:57:41 AM

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Okay so there is a kennel matchmaking game out there but the Arist Garney has many other adoptables that she has done the designs and lineart and all that goodstuff for.

One of those is the Faekind adoptables, one i myself truly enjoy and always am happy when they pop up in the boards. So since i saw the kennel one i decided to do one with the fae's and the faettes.

Here is how it works. Someone before you probally has a fae or faette. You take one of theres and match it with one of yours and post it here.

Now if you do not have a fae what you can do is make up a fae or faette that you think would go well with a fae or faette of the one above you. Then the one that follows uses the desciption you posted to match one of theirs and so on.

Pairs here doesnt neccisarly mean they will happen but you never know ^_^


*claps* Ooooooo a matchmaking game! You are a genius! I pine for Faekind events allll the time. Poor shop is so overshadowed by people demanding Kennel stuff lol. This will help me get my fix. >:3

Well Sun and my herds already have a lot of pairs making goo-goo eyes at each other, since we're such good rping friends. So let me see what kind of imaginative pairing I can come up with... *scampers off*

How about Sun's pretty little Faette, Hope's Love:

Paired with my Cobalt Legacy!

He's a stuck up pretty boy who is obsessed with himself and how beautiful he is, so I think her kind personality would mellow him out a bit. ^^

Midnight Phantom

hm this should be fun lol o.o

::pairs pain up with...:: j/k XD


hm closest coloring and opposite gender I can see^.^:




Mel: *nudges Pain* Better watch it, your person is planning something...

Yay more players!! Omgomg sera, Ryn is soooooooo beautiful.


Citrus was drooling as soon as she saw Ryn, but I think her bright colors would go better with someone else, so I went with the more subdued Bihex for this game lol.

(Citrus) *snort* Well thanks....

(Bihex) *grins* We could fight for him!


Ryn: *flushes* Uhm. Thank you?  *thinks they are both very pretty*


Midnight Phantom

Pain:... what?
me: ...i'm not planning anything >.>; ::pokes Mel::  even so I must say it did pop into mind ::amused::

and must agree Ryn is very pretty o.o


yay more sparkles lol


*coughs* xD;  Is this even allowed? xD;;  *has slept a lot since she last read Fae info and can't recall jackdiddly*


lol even if they cant truly happen in the fae world its fun no?

I choose

Greysson with Black Rose

Midnight Phantom

Actually I believe it is possible since there were a few same gender pairs last season o.o or at least some official pairs.



him and

her :)


And i believe it is possible they just adopt a foal though instead of having a foal.



Oooo I could not resist the pretty stripes on this girl!

with the brightly colored:

(Pavo) It's so hard picking only based on looks! What if she has a terrible personality?!

(Phantom Devil) *snort* Yeah like that's stopped you before, ....

(Pavo) Did you just call me hussy!?

Okay okay quiet you guys.... >.>


I love that combo! And don't worry, Noonie is my good girl. Roon.. not so much XD