Storm Chasers: Small breedings related Mini event page 6 (semi-rp'ish)

Started by SGA, February 22, 2011, 02:23:50 PM

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236 Sunchaser109 - Mystery
237 Keilin Alyr - Blizzard
238 springacres - Mystery Man
239 kunaisa - Zina
240 SeaCrest - Elle
241 Ravvana - Noir

All certed carded and uploaded.

There were a few small issues that I will be mailing people about.


- Gelding -

Stats: You have 7 total stat points to assign, nothing may be raised over 15.
Stamina: 1
Strength: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 13
Flair: 1
Speed: 5

And with that, the Mystery custom event is officially closed.
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Experimental Mystery Breeding

We have never had a breeding.  I've been leery of doing breedings honestly, so I'm going to do an experimental one to sort of ease my way into it.  You can post your SC's to be bred if you choose, but you cannot pick who they get bred with.  And as far as bloodlines are concerned, these foals will not be "related" to their parents.  They will be certed just as if they were first generation SC's.  That means you will not get any bonuses from the parents, but it will keep your lines "clean" for those who care, since you will have no control over who your SC is bred with.  Basically, this is just a little test breed event, to attempt to get me over my fear of doing breedings for you all.

Participating SC's must be certed.
Participation is completely voluntary.
No breeding items will be used for this.
If you wish to participate, then post the form below.

Breedings are scary!
Mare Link:
Stallion Link:

Owners Folders:

I will mix up the entrants, and your SC will be bred to someone elses.
Foals are property of the Mare's Owner.

Sign up's begin March 15 at 22:00 Secundi time
Sign up's end on March 17th at 23:00 Secundi time

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Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD




*wanders in and blinks puffy eyes, peering tiredly at the SC's lined up waiting to be bred*

Right, 10 am and already had 8 hours doing class assignments.  I think I need a caffeine drip..  Ahem yes well, enough of that.  Let's see who we have entered shall we?

*Takes a clip board and sets about recording information*

Owner - Mare entered - Stallion entered

Aralie - #208 Mist - #234 Dustan
kunaisa - #239 Zina - #218 Toru
Scullisto - #205 Storm - #235 Thundersnow
XLostxDestinyX - #167 Pocahontas - #158 Bear
Keilin Alyr - #164 Tempest - #190 nimbus
YourLoveOnly - #225 Bianca - #025 Reamon
BabyKittenCandy - #203 Sandee - #061 Stormer

Right, that's everyone?  OK then!  *turns to the assembled SC's points to two different barns*  Stallions inside the left one, Mares inside the right one.  You will find clean straw and fresh oats and water inside, and a vet will be with you shortly to give you a check up.

*turns back around and see's the humans standing there* eh? your still here?  Oh very well then, you may wait in the break room *points up to the stone building nestled against the mountain base*  there's food, and computers.  Go keep yourselves occupied.  *mutters under her breath as she walks towards the barns "and out of the way"*

(and yes, I am tired and grumpy lol  And yes, I did just stare at the screen for 2 minutes looking for the logout button so I could switch accounts.  Maybe I need a bucket of ice water to go with that caffeine drip rofl)
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*snugs you both*

The vet has given your SC's a check up, and they are all in their breeding paddocks out back.  No, you may not go peek!  These aren't regular horses remember, they want privacy!  Things didn't go quite as smoothly as planned and a few of them are a bit agitated.  So just give them some time and space to relax some yea?


!!Mini Game event!!

While you wait on the SC's to get acquainted and make nice with each other, here is a chance for you to win some scrolls.  You do not have to have entered the breedings to participate, everyone may try.

To enter read the following information (Boys are Problematic!) about the "problems" we had pairing your SC's together.  Then you can guess at who the two stallions are.  The first Stallion I will code name "The Troublemaker"  And the second stallion will be code named "Casanova".  Feel free to chat and discuss amongst yourselves who each might be, but when making an official guess post it in red please.  With the code name given to the stallion followed by the stallions name.  Example (Casanova is Jake!).  Yes, I just made up a stallion name there lol  You may only make one official guess per stallion.  Everyone who makes a correct official guess will get a semi custom scroll.  Anyone who makes both official guesses correctly will get a full custom scroll.

Boys are Problematic!

OK, when rolling to assign stallions to mares, one of the boys gave me more then a little bit of trouble.  Hence, we will now call him (Troublemaker).  Well, Troublemaker consistently rolled to breed with his owners mare.  I rolled well over a dozen times and then got frustrated and tossed the dice rather hard.  And I am certain THAT time the dice  would have paired Troublemaker with a different mare.. except he must have used his mind powers and made the dice bounce away off the desk, and I then spent over 30 darn minutes trying to find my dice.  I was beginning to think he opened a dimensional portal to swallow it..

But!  My son finally found it for me.  In a place both him and I had checked repeatedly!  There is no way we could have missed seeing it, it was RIGHT THERE.  But we did miss seeing it, beyond all logic.  I am certain Troublemaker had something to do with this.  I'm not sure how, but I'm certain!    We have always known that the Storm Chasers had more "abilities" then just to communicate mentally with us.  They have just kept them well hidden.  I think now were starting to see a peek into their secrets. 

Anyway, so I have my dice back, and I start rolling again.  And Troublemaker just keeps pairing with his chosen mare, time after time.  I even tried breaking the order and rolling him first, he had plenty to choose from, but nope, same mare.  So I thought OK then, I will remove that mare from the options list.  I did so and re-rolled.  Haha, I got you now!  .. grr he rolled too high.  He rolled for a number that there are no mares assigned to.  If he can't have the mare he wants, he doesn't want any?!  Stubborn beast!  *shakes fist*  I finally put my dice away, and went off to  I entered everyone in (yes everyone, I forgot to remove that oh so special mare, doh!) and guess who he paired with?  *headesk*  So I redid it without her and finally, FINALLY! Troublemaker got paired properly with a different mare.

That was unbelievably frustrating!  But now, kinda amusing.  And looking back over the previous roll lists, I notice we have another stubborn boy (Casanova) here.  He consistently rolled for the same mare every single time!  Whether it was dice rolls, or listings.  He just didn't cause problems because he chose a mare from someone else's stable.  He just sort of quietly made his choice, and stood by her, refusing to let things go against him.  So evidently Casanova has the same or similar "abilities" to Troublemaker.  We quite possibly never would have known that either, if not for Troublemaker's antics.  But we do know now.  I shall be watching you Casanova!  You and Troublemaker both.  You've been outed, you can't hide from us any more!


So, as some of you know I have been wanting to start an RP for a while now.  If you read the story above, you may notice it has a few things in it.  hints, teasers, call them what you will.  You may consider this the first official RP segue.  Sucky as it may be (and I apologize for that) because it was in no way planned.  Just circumstances handed me an opportunity, and I decided to take it.  Does that mean that the two stallions mentioned above will officially be allowed to keep their newly shown off "abilities"?  You bet!  There is still more study we need to do to determine exactly what this ability/power IS.  But when we figure it out, the owners may, if they choose, consider the abilities as discovered and rp'able in official rp events.  Congratulations to both of you, my frustration with today's mishap has become your gain :)

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Keilin Alyr

Wow, those are some loyal, stubborn stallions! Of course, I'm still very well convinced that dice and random number generators have minds of their own. I keep noticing bizarre and very consistent patterns with all of my dice at the table anyway.

Aww, I think it'd be very sweet if Nimbus ended up being Troublemaker. He was acquired during the Valentine's Day event specifically for Tempest. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


hehe yes, dice and the gods of random do seem to have their own minds, often with desires counter to our own.  But I figured it was a nice opportunity to start down a road I;d meant to be far down long ago by now lol  And the SC's were always meant to have other abilities, I just never could figure out how to go about introducing/discovering them.  So a golden opportunity indeed.  Though, it could have come at a better time, when I was less tired, and less busy, and just.. less unable to fully enjoy the sudden inspiration lol

Out of curiosity, how many of you would actually be interested in rp'ing with these?  And if it matters, rp for SC's wouldn't be like.. waja's or such.  It wouldn't be geared around rp'ing as if you are the animal.  You'd be.. well you lol   And the SC's are your companions/friends.  They can communicate etc, and of course at some point you;d rp them a bit, but it wouldn't be solely animal rp.

God I fele like I;m making no sense.  My brain is turning to soup I swear.
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Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Ok!! I'll have a go at it. Maybe Lady Luck will be with me today.

The Troublemaker is nimbus & Casanova is Toru.


Hrm.. I was hoping for a bit more discussion/interaction for this lol but ahh well, there is a lot going on in forums just now and people are distrated *nods to SweetCaroline as she scribbles on a clipboard* I've got your guess entered.

Guess List:
SweetCaroline guesses Nimbus for the Troublemaker and Toru for Casanova.

Now, is Aralie around?  *looks around the room*  Aralie?  Your foal is born, and the vet says she is doing just fine.  If you would like to see, just be quiet when you peek in, Mist and her baby are resting :)  *turns back out the door and points off to the left at one of the newer buildings* You'll find them inside there, a nice big birthing stall with Mist's name on the door.

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*stands up and heads over to the building that was pointed out. Finds the stall with Mist's name and looks in. Smiles lovingly at the pair and watches them for a little while before heading back to the waiting room*

So cute! Thank-you!!! ^_^

I guess that Thunderstorm is the Troublemaker and Dustan is being a Casanova.


I'm going to guess that Nimbus is the troublemaker and Bear is casanova


*Wanders in with mussed hair, gummy eyes, and an icepack strapped to her head*  

Goodmorning folks.  Or well morning anyway, I'm still not convinced there is such a thing as a 'good' morning.. Ahem yes well then seems we had another birth over night.  

*flips through pages on a clipboard*  Ahh, here we go.. Kunaisa?  You have a healthy colt.  *turns out the door and points to the left*  You can find him in the building there with Zina.  She's quite exhausted, but seems very pleased with herself.

*walks over to the coffee machine and places the Guess List on the counter beside it.  Scribbles the new entries on it then turns to go.*  

Guess List:
SweetCaroline guesses Nimbus for the Troublemaker and Toru for Casanova.
Aralie guesses Thundersnow for the Troublemaker and Dustan Casanova.
BabyKittenCandy guesses Nimbus for the Troublemaker and Bear Casanova.

Ok, that's if for now.  I'll be back later, enjoy the coffee!  *quickly exists, fiddling with her now useless icepack*

(Aralie.. I assume you meant Thundersnow when you said Thunderstorm?)
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So noted *smiles sleepily*  I feel much better.  Tired as heck, but headache is gone.  Probably a temporary thing, but yes, pain free for a while yay!

So, who is around to keep me company while I wait for more births?

*ponders* I know, who wants to do a franken while I work?  *tries to pretend she is capable of multi tasking*  Well, I can try anyway!

So, anyone here?

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*comes back inside, picking bits of straw from her clothes*  Scullisto, your Storm had a hard labor, but mother and Filly are both fine.  You can go see them now if you like *smiles and steps out of the way, pointing out the left of the door to the birthing building.*

No one for franken?  hmm OK, I shall be back after a break.  If enough people are around later maybe we can try to do one :)
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Quote from: SGA on March 21, 2011, 12:06:31 PM
*comes back inside, picking bits of straw from her clothes*  Scullisto, your Storm had a hard labor, but mother and Filly are both fine.  You can go see them now if you like *smiles and steps out of the way, pointing out the left of the door to the birthing building.*

No one for franken?  hmm OK, I shall be back after a break.  If enough people are around later maybe we can try to do one :)

ooo poor darlin' * pats the baby on the head*
She is adorable, she does have spirit...I think thats what I will call you...Spirit...Thank you :)

Kadana Sorano

Real life smacked me a wee bit, am going to try and get the rest of these foals "born" tonight.

In other news, Site agency voting is opened now.  I know your all very busy, but please take the time to visit the voting booth and place your votes.  It only takes a moment of your time, and I'm sure everyone applying would appreciate it.  When voting remember that your allowed to vote for 3 adoptables.  

You can find the voting booth here..

Thank you all in advance for taking the time to vote!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




*mrrs and snugs back*

I agree!  And so should these foals dang it! lol

*grabs a towel and dries sweat.. and other stuff off of herself*  Oh Losty..   your foal is born!  You have an.. interesting little colt, who is all hyper and busy irritating his mom.  Congratulations!  You'll find them in the barn.  *steps aside to clear the doorway*

Everyone: regarding names, thank you for posting them so promptly, but I will be waiting to name/cert/stat card them until they are all colored up.  

Also a reminder, for those of you with colts.  The foals face the opposite way form the grown stallions, so what you see as a colt might not be quite what you see once he grows.  Where as the filly's may change some as they grow, the colts may change quite a bit, due to them showing the opposite view.  When I get lazy I color them exactly alike, but I usually try and color them differently.  Anyway, point being.. if you really super like the foal (colt OR filly) image, then it is recommended that you save a copy before the SC grows up.
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*slips back into the waiting room, looks at her clipboard then looks around the room*  Keilin? Your foal has been born.  You have a sweet little colt.  He gave momma no trouble at all, and both are ready for you to come visit them *smiles and steps aside*

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*walks in scribbling on her notepad*  YLO.. Your Foal has been born.  You have a pretty little filly.  Momma and baby are both fine and await you in the barn *smiles and crosses another name form her list*

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*wanders back in stifling a yawn*  The final foal has been born.  BKC you also have a filly.  It was an easy birthing and mother and daughter are resting happily, you can visit them whenever you like **crosses the last name form the list and gives everyone a tired smile*

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Keilin Alyr

Aww, what a cutie! He looks just like his mother. I'd like to name him Cyclone. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson