
Secundi Records and Feedback => Notary Office => Topic started by: Nako on March 30, 2011, 01:55:29 AM

Title: Farallon Database (A Work in Progress)
Post by: Nako on March 30, 2011, 01:55:29 AM
F0 - Nako, Nymph(Owned by Nako) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:+2  Stm:0  Agi:+2  Int:  +1
Genetics: --
F1 - Eryn, Queen(Owned by Xenon) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:0 
Genetics:Uu Ff SS tt  Ee hh
F2 - Princess, Queen(Owned by Spiderfly) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:0 
F3 - Caedo,Drake(Owned by Red_Uni387)  (
HP:+2  Str:+2  Spd:0  Stm:+1  Agi:0  Int:0 
Genetics:Uu ff SS Tt EE HH
F4 - Skitty, Drake(Owned by Sunchaser) (
HP:+2  Str:+1  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:+2 
Genetics: uu ff Ss** tt EE Hh
F5 - Marousha, Queen(Owned by YLO) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:+2  Stm:+1  Agi:+2  Int:0 
Genetics:Uu* Ff SS Tt ee hh
F6 -Solielle, Queen(Owned by Math)  (
HP:+1  Str:0  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:+1  Int:+3
Genetics:uu FF ss TT Ee* Hh
F7 - Lionell, Drake(Owned by Jojo) (
HP:+2  Str:+2  Spd:0  Stm:+1  Agi:0  Int:0 
Genetics:UU FF ss Tt EE hh
F8 - Xöliten Rayen, Drake(Owned by Sera) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:0 
Genetics:Uu* ff* SS TT ee hh
F9 - *, Queen(Owned by Math) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
F10 - Fravardin, Drake(Owned by Springacres) (
HP:+1  Str:+2  Spd:0  Stm:+2  Agi:0  Int:0 
F11 - Julius, Drake(Owned by Keillin Alyr) (
HP:0  Str:+2  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:+3 
F12 - Calysta Shining, Queen(Owned by Spixy) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:+3  Stm:0  Agi:+2  Int:0 
F13 - Kaiper, Queen(Owned by Sera) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:+2  Stm:+2  Agi:+1  Int:0 
F14 - Astar Meita, Queen(Owned by Seacrest) (
HP:0  Str:+1  Spd:+2  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:+2 
F15 - *,Queen(Owned by Ravvana) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:0 
F16 - Neolra, Queen(Owned by Jojo) (
HP:0  Str:+1  Spd:+2  Stm:0  Agi:+2  Int:0 
F17 - *,Queen(Owned by Xenon) (
HP:0  Str:0  Spd:0  Stm:0  Agi:0  Int:0 
Genetics: Uu ff SS Tt ee Hh

F18 - Robin ,Queen(Owned by Goddess) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:+1 Stm:+2 Agi:+2 Int:0
Genetics:uu FF Ss** Tt Ee hh
F19 - Kalyssa, Queen(Owned by Babykittencandy) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:+1 Stm:+2 Agi:+2 Int:0
Genetics:uu* ff Ss Tt EE hh
F20 - Pezzato, Queen(Owned by Victoria) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:+3 Stm:+1 Agi:+1 Int:0
Genetics: uu ff Ss Tt Ee hh
F21 - Strata, Queen(Owned by Winged_Dreams) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:+3 Agi: +2 Int:0
Genetics:uu ff Ss Tt Ee hh
F22 - *,Queen(Owned by springacres) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
Genetics:uu Ff Ss Tt Ee Hh
F23-  Mazra,Queen(Owned By Jojo) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:2 Stm:1 Agi:2 Int:0
Genetics:uu ff Ss Tt ee HH
F24 - Dargore,Drake(Owned by BabyKittenCandy) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
Genetics: uu Ff Ss** tt Ee Hh
F25-BabaYaga,Queen(Owned by Nako) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
Genetics: uu ff Ss tt Ee hh
F26-Soleil,Queen(Owned by Solistia) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
Genetics:UU Ff SS Tt ee Hh-*
F27-Demon,Drake(Owned by Aralie) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
Genetics: uu ff SS tt EE HH
F28- Razka,Queen(Owned by Skysong) (
HP:1 Str:0 Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:2 Int:2
Genetics: Uu ff ss** Tt Ee hh
F29- Jinshe,Queen(Owned by Skysong) (
HP:0 Str:0 Spd:3 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:2
Genetics: uu ff Ss** TT Ee Hh
F30-Pennor,Drake(Owned by Skysong) (
HP:0 Str:4 Spd:0 Stm:1 Agi:0 Int:0
Genetics: uu ff ss Tt EE hh

F31-Lira,Female(Owned by Aralie) (
HP: Str: Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
Genetics: uu* ff SS Tt EE Hh

HP: Str: Spd:0 Stm:0 Agi:0 Int:0
Title: Re: Farallon Database (A Work in Progress)
Post by: Nako on December 19, 2011, 06:17:27 PM
If your Farallon is not on this list, it is either because you were accidentally overlooked, or you did not post in the thread you bought/received them with a name and stats. PLEASE INFORM ME IF YOUR FARALLON IS NOT ON THIS LIST.
Title: Re: Farallon Database (A Work in Progress)
Post by: Nako on June 28, 2017, 01:25:53 PM
Listing some Owned Farallon with new genetics until I can overhaul the whole system.

F32- Dune, Queen, Owned by D.eirdre (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype:Faded Brown with Wild Dorsal and Undersides
Genotype: --

F33- Vivaccia, Queen, Owned by Ryuukokoro (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Chestnut with Wild Points and Undersides
Genotype: --

F34- Lana, Queen, Owned by YLO (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Brown with Merle and Irish white
Genotype: --

F35- Roland, Drake, Owned by YLO (
Species: Tundra Farallon
Phenotype: Chestnut with Mantle, Stripes, and Irish white
Genotype: --

F36- Vasil, Drake, Owned by Riverwind (
Species: Tundra Farallon
Phenotype: Chestnut with Merle and Unders
Genotype: --

F37- Iria, Queen, Owned by Riverwind (
Species:Common Farallon
Phenotype: Faded Black with Stripes and Irish White Cryptic
Genotype: --

F38- Solaria, Queen, Owned by BKC (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Chesnut with Wild Points, Undersides and Dewdrop
Genotype: --

F-39 ,Seslah, Drake, Owned by Kahlira  (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Chroma with Points
Genotype: --

F40, Nomad, Drake, Owned by D.eirdre  (
Species: Desert Farallon
Phenotype: Bleached Chestnut with Chroma Spots
Genotype: --

F41 , Rendahni, Drake, Owned by Rosedawn  (
Species:Common Farallon
Phenotype: Faded Black Chroma Anima with Mantle
Genotype: --

F42, Shimmer, Queen, Owned by Country (
Species: Common Farallon, Muatation: Forehorn
Phenotype: Chroma Black with Starbites
Genotype: --

F43, Beyonce, Queen, Owned by Kahlira  (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype Brown Listra with Undersides
Genotype: --

F44, Grace, Queen Owned by Rosewood (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Chestnut Pinto with Mantle and Undersides
Genotype: --

F45, Jaxon, Drake, Owned by Rosewood  (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Faded Black Pinto with Wild Points
Genotype: --

F46, Esmerelda, Queen, Owned by BKC (
Species: Desert Farallon, Scaleless
Phenotype:Chroma Brown with Spot and Mantle
Genotype: --

F47, Seth, Drake Owned by Xenon (
Species: Cosplay Farallon, Scaleless
Phenotype: Brown with Cryptic Merle
Genotype: --

F48, Moxie, Queen, Owned by Sera  (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Chestnut with Wild Points, Points, and Unders
Genotype: --

F49, Chester, Drake, Owned by Sera  (
Species: Desert Farallon
Phenotype: Chestnut with Mountain Bay and Unders
Genotype: --

F50, Tourniquet, Queen, Owned by Sera  (
Species: Desert Farallon, Feather Mutation
Phenotype: Chroma Chestnut with Mantle, Unders and Cryptic Accents
Genotype: --

F51, Namani, Queen, Owned by Sera  (
Species:Desert Farallon
Phenotype: Black Pinto
Genotype: --

F52, Teyreth, Queen, Owned by Xenon  (
Species: Common Farallon
Phenotype: Faded Brown with Wild Points, Mantle and Unders
Genotype: --

F3, Karkat, Drake , Owned by Xenon  (
Species: Cosplay Farallon
Phenotype: Ashen Chroma Chestnut
Genotype: --

F4, Terezi, Queen, Owned by Nako  (
Species:Cosplay Farallon
Phenotype: Ashen Chroma Black
Genotype: --

F55, --, Drake, Owned by Xenon (
Species: Archaic Farallon
Phenotype: Anima Brown with Stripes, Undersides. Mutations: Hairless, Scaleless. Archaic
Genotype: --

F56, Myrrah, Queen, Owned by Saturnalia  (
Species: Desert Farallon
Phenotype: Chroma Brown with Merle
Genotype: --

F- , Owned by  (//http://)
Genotype: --

F- , Owned by  (//http://)
Genotype: --

F- , Owned by  (//http://)
Genotype: --

F- , Owned by  (//http://)
Genotype: --

F- , Owned by  (//http://)
Genotype: --