Hellhounds | 4/23 CYOs certed! + Lisa Frank Giveaways + Customs

Started by Sparki, April 07, 2011, 06:25:13 PM

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So before I jump right into offering up customs, I just want to get some feedback. Do you guys think these rules/prices are fair? I definitely want the rarer markings to be at least somewhat more valuable/difficult to get.

Semi Custom Info
Semi customs will include the standard marking/mutation(s) of your choice and whatever colors you'd like. For semi customs, rarer markings will be priced higher to encourage them to stay rarer.
Possible Pricing (Still have to iron this out)~
Very Simple (One Common Marking OR One Mutation)
15k - $2
Common Markings (Any combination of common markings and mutations)
30k - $4
Rare Markings
100k - $9

Full Custom Info
Full customs will be available only rarely. They include custom markings and edits to the lineart. I'll only open up slots for this when I have extra time to dedicate to it.
Custom Markings + Any Mutations
300k - $13
Custom Lineart Edits
500k - $25

...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.



Color Your Own

You may color a total of two wolves.
One will be certed, and one will be donated to a giveaway.
(You can always just color one if you want!)
Each person may only color one female, as they are rarer.
Please save them as PNG files so that I can cert them for you. =)
Please let me know which you want certed (and the name) and which is for the giveaway (if you choose to color a second one)
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.



Why am I doing a Lisa Frank (puppies and unicorns and rainbows!!!) themed thing with an adoptable that has darker overtones to it? Because I want to and I can. And I love sparkly pretty things, and I was in the club when I was a kid which essentially meant OMG STICKERS!

I also encourage everyone else to do a Lisa Frank themed giveaway so that I can try and accumulate lots of sparklies. >>


To enter the giveaway, post a fake, over the top bribe for up to two wolves that you want. Make sure you post a different bribe for each one! You're trying to bribe the wolf to come live with you, not me.
An example would be bribing number one with magical rainbow chocolate waterfalls and diamond flowers and Vin Diesel on a silver chain, but on Fridays he'll get a day off and his place will be taken by the Old Spice guy. (Don't judge me.)

I'll announce the ending date tonight when I figure out when I should end it. XD
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.



...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.



I think those prices are very fair. :)

And omg that giveaway is hilarious. XD PRETTY RAINBOWS! *makes grabby hands for hounds*


...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Oooo CYO is much <3  Do you want us to post finished PNGs here or PM them?


...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


M'kay. :)

I went all out on this female fully intending to claim her.


And then I got to the male and started thinking what design to do, and got to thinking about how LilBit's favorite animals are "doggies!" and how she adores green, and...

I'm claiming this one, name him "Green Bean"  ^^.  http://www.silvanon.com/temp/malespitz-silvanon.png


I had a hard time deciding what to color these as, eventually I was able to tear myself away from my reading long enough to make a decision and color these up,

I'd like to claim this one, name is Athero.

And I colored one up for the giveaway based on a few photos I have of 'patterned white' dogs.


Bribe Event!

Trying to bribe number 4

Offering a large comfy bed with lots of lie-ins, many cuddles, long walks and lots of time to spend relaxing as you wish. Candy canes and lollipops on a sunday on a silver tray with marshmellows on the side.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for CYO!

Bribe for #1:

I present to you, lovely lady... a box! A pretty box! Ohhh it's so pretty, it is covered in glitter and sequins and little plastic rhinestones. Open it up, go on! Look, it's filled with STICKERS!

I have gifted you my sticker hoard I had as a kid. ^.^ It is so fun to collect stickers, like from a perfect 100 on homework or a reward for donating blood or as an advertisement for one thing or another. Each sticker collected from my various experiences of childhood was lovingly cut out from the piece of paper it was attached to and put into this box.

Sure some of them aren't very rainbowy, like this I Donated Blood Today sticker, but most of them are girly and fun! Like this collection of baby animal stickers, all big eyed and long legged stumbling calves and foals and ducklings. Or this fairy tail sticker, a princess in a glittery princess dress. And here's a bunch of kittens holding "Good Job" signs! A hundred different stickers, just for you!


ooooh... such nice lineart, I couldn't resist colouring!!!


WOW WolfgangTlouey!! She's beautiful! I love the texture you were able to create with your coloring ^^


Awesome, they're all looking great! =) I'll start certing when I get home this evening!

(And great bribes so far too!)
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Thank you, Ryuukokoro , it was super fun! It has been a long time since I did much computer colouring :D


I dont mind the prices :) ill have to do a CYO to get me and marshall done :)


Woo sorry guys, I've been ridiculously sick these past few days! I'll get your CYO's certed up! =)
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Ooooh I forgot this thread! Bad Ryuu! I will do two CYO tomorrow if the event hasn't closed. ^_^


Nah, I won't close it yet, you're good to go Ryuu! =)
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.



Sorry to hear you've been sick, I hope you are (or soon will be) feeling better!


I really hate my laptop being broken.  Maybe I can find someone to color for me.  Would that be ok?  Hope you are feeling better.


Thanks for the well wishes! =) And sure Goddesss, if you want someone to do one for you that would be fine!
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.

Kadana Sorano

Bribe for #2

I offer you a giant pool of rainbow skittles, for who doesn;t love skittles?  A rainbow colored forest, made up of all the diferant colores of fruit tree's in the world.  I give to you a perpetual rainbow, to follow you around and decorate the sky wherever you should go, and a never ending supply of rainbow trout to keep your tummy full.

Bribe for #4

I offer you your own country in rainbow land, where you will become the King and rule over everyone and have your every need and desire met.  There is a fountain hidden there with  water that changes colors daily, with each color giving a differant spell effect.  In addition, to this, you will get to take #2 as your Queen (or consort) should you desire.
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I didn't see a name on yours, Wolfgang, so if you want to post or PM me one I'll put it on the cert. =)

...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.



Welcome! Thanks for coloring! XD I'll leave the CYO and giveaway open a little longer if anyone else is interested.
...its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time.


Whee I got one done! ^^

I wanted to do one for the giveaway but my photoshop does not like these .png files. ;_; My Magic Wand won't grab the lines correctly, so I had such a difficult time coloring! I decided a simple gradient girl to save my sanity. ^^;;

name: Dawn
owner: Ryuukokoro


oooh... I was thinking she was to be donated or something to a contest? Thank you! That's nice of you