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Feeling really crappy, De'ja Vu? (WoW based)

Started by BabyKittenCandy, May 28, 2010, 06:10:27 PM

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Warning! This post is about World Of Warcraft

So, as many of you know I play wow. About 6 months or so ago I had some major problems on there. My closest and dearest mate suddenly turned on me (basically I think he had feeling for me and couldnt cope with it) We used to spend all our time together on there and he basically turned pretty much the whole guild against me, tell ppl I was talking about ppl behind thier backs etc. The short of it was I was made to feel so uncomfy and unwelcome that I ended up leaving.

Im now in a new guild and was, i thought, doing great. Part of the progress team etc. However, alts arent allowed to go on main raid nites, so me and a mate have been running a alt run, along with another mate not in our guild. Tonite we have loads of signs and had a hard time choosing people. One of the guys who signed was a main, not an alt (so he could attend the main runs and get better gear) and was melee, of which we had too many sign, so we said we wouldnt take him. Cos of this, one of our other guys also refused to go, cos they were having a lan. Left us with a few ppl still to chose from and normally in a 10 man you take 2 tanks, 3 healers and 5 dps, 2 melee and 3 ranged. So we picked ppl and took the guy not from our guild since he was good ranged dps and had been with us since before everyone suddenly wanted to go and we felt he deserved his place. I had asked my gm a lil advice on who to take (cos my mate (lets call him john) who co-runs was late, he normally helps pick ppl) and he sugested we didnt take our mate from outside the guild, but when John came on, he wanted to take him, so we did.

About half way though the raid the guy who refused to go asks who the person on vent is, and starts to kick off that we have a none guildie in the raid. This sets my gm off having a go at me that if i want advice take it dont ignore it, that he told me not to take the non-guildie, guild must come first etc. I mean, its a fun alt run, we built the raid to suceede. He had enough of a go at me that I passed lead etc to john and left, telling him to get in someone who had been left out. I tried explaining to my gm that we had been too Melee heavy etc and why we had built the raid the way we did but he would have none of it, so I logged off after saying I would run no more alt runs.

My mate not in the guild felt terrible and /w my gm to say sry, he was told it wasnt his fault, it was mine and he told me this would happen etc. Then he went on to say he was starting to see why ppl had warned him of me. I mean, when I joined, I explained the whole situation with my old guild, cos I wanted him to know it. My mate asked what he meant by that and his reply was that he had heard i caused loads of trouble in my old guild, made loads of people leave and was kicked.

Im so unbelieveably upset atm, that he thinks like this of me. He has always been so wonderful to me and kind and im just so gutted atm. I fed up of the guy from my last guild ruining stuff for me, i lost so many mates cos of him.. i just feel like moving server to get away from all the 'bad things' people would hear. Im fed up of defending myself, why should i have to over and over? I tried to make a new start, i was so happy and now this, im just... crushed..

I feel sick, upset and worried, I havent felt like this in ages, not since the last time and now i feel like everything is gonna come appart again....

Sorry for the long ramble, i just felt the need to get this off my chest before I go crawl into my bed...


Wow, i play World of Warcraft too, and i sooo know that feeling ;)

When i played on horde side on my server that happened to me to, a person i used to spend all my time with just turned on me and somehow got me kicked from the server :)

I dont know what faction you play , but if u are going to change server, you should really come play Alliance on Ghostlands EU server (ofc if ur on a US server u cant)

But Ghostlands server is a nice server many kind ppl and such ;)


I'm so sorry to hear about this - I've been around in WoW for a couple of years and it's really really tough being female. I think you're right about your mate liking you - but unfortunately, if he has been around longer and is better 'friends' with the 'higher ranks' in the guild, they're more eager to believe him as friendly girls usually come off as (excuse my language) cheap to them. Usually I wouldn't invite an outsider either, when it's being classified as an 'alt run for the guild', but on the other hand, I'd rather have

I've been called a cheap girl and other nasty things in the early days of my WoW career because I'm female and I like to be friendly with everyone. People get jealous - see a chance to hit at you because they're too weak to do so in real life. Fortunately I joined a wonderful guild where everyone - and I mean everyone is friendly and the atomosphere is beautiful.

I'd personally say change server - change name, whatever. Forget them and move on - you'll still be able to chat with your true friends.

I don't suppose you play on a EU server, right? xD (Off-topic)

EDIT: Lol Pink - shame we don't play on the same server xD



Actually guys I do play on an EU server, im on DMF EU.

And hmm... the probs with the first guy, I actually was an officer and was the one who got him into the guild. He had never raided nor knew anything much about wow, I pretty much taught him everything. The gm took a shine to him (aka fancied him) and eventually he was promoted above me. He was the only one of his class in the guild and therefore got all the loot, for all specs. He eventually got to be a total loot (insert bad word here) and thought so much of himself.

And well, i wouldnt have said it was an 'alt fun for the guild' just an alt run for fun, and since the guy outside of the guild had been helping us since we started john and I both felt he deserved a spot.

QuoteFortunately I joined a wonderful guild where everyone - and I mean everyone  is friendly and the atomosphere is beautiful.

This is what I would have said about my guild im in atm, the people are lovely, everyone is happy to help etc. I would be devestated to have to leave. I dont wanna leave my mates there that I do have, im hoping last nite was just a bad all round, though I think I will be being less helpful/friendly to my gm.

Spixy, which server are you on? I could always transfer a toon, I have like 4 at 80 ^^


Cool :D

I'm on Kor'gall - playing on both alliance/horde at the moment. ^__^ I have my amazing old guildies on alliance and I pvp on horde xD