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Orchids Sechduled C-Section [info and so on]

Started by Orchid, June 08, 2010, 05:05:34 PM

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As ive started an adoptable and have one in waiting (help forums) here on secundi i feel as if i need to inform you all of this. Just because i know most of you are all more then mature enough to handle such information without being weirded out or grossed out ><

Tomorrow i have c-section for 1 pm, thus i will be a little slow going for just a bit guys. This also means a preemie baby will be on my hands and life may get a little chaotic seeing as i already have a infant turning toddler son to take care of.

Cason will be 32 weeks gestation, however he is considered 34 mature as his lungs are fully functioning and his size a little bigger then normal (probably due to the steriods) More then likely he wont be coming home with me just yet which means daily 1 hour trips to the hospital, visit time, and then the 1 hour trip back. They have offered us a hotel 3 days a week and more then likely these three days i wont be around much. I would expect this to last 1 to 2 weeks, plus my recovery time after having a c-section.

Sorry to sorta set things down so suddenly but i had planned on being in the hospital for another 2 weeks (they were going to induce me at 34 weeks but since the amnio test came back positive they decided they were going to today then it turns out that he had flipped thus the c-section)

I also feel as if i need to talk about the matter because if theres anything i was more afriad of i dont know what it was. I figured just like the first id be able to do things naturally and all would be good on my end. My poor husband is having thoughts on not being able to be in the room becuase hes not sure he can stand to see my cut but hopefully he'll come around (cause ya know id hate to have to force him XD)

Thanks for your time guys!


Good luck Orchid! I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you and your son have a fast recovery! *hugs*



We were all born c-section, and there are five of us. That was back in the day as my youngest sister is in her twenties. The procedure is a lot more advanced now, and while there are always risks, I'm sure everything will be fine. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and wish you the speediest of recoveries. :)


I woudl say put the adoptable on a hiatus.  Preemies require a bit of attention.  Yeah they still sleep a lot but baby may be in hospital for a little while as well as yourself, and then recovery at home.  You may want to take some time to just chill.

Congrats on your baby, and 32 (34) weeks is a good age, not great but survivable.


Thanks guys and im going to semi put them on hiatus PM. I kinda use them as my release if anything, i like running them and coloring them so i may take some time for them when im recovering.


I thougth newborns and preemies slept a lot so when my daughter was born and considered preemie I thought I woudl be ok, well I was wrong, so I just wanted to share.

but yeah semi hiatus is best, most peeople here are pretty understanding to RL taking us away from things owed


Eee, omedetou that you finally get your baby out and sorry he's coming so soon! @___@;!!!!

Spawn was 10 days late and he knocked me flat on my butt for, like, a month. xD;  sera also has a lack of mothering instincts.  *coughs*  ^^;;;;

Definitely put up a hiatus notice and if you get a chance to work on them, great; if not, we'll all totally understand.   

Did you get to pick your date or was it doctor choice?  My sibs and i were all C-section, too; my mom chose all of our b-days based solely on the earliest day the doctor would do it. xD;  Yay! xD;


Not much of a choice really >< to my knowledge i was being induced today for a perfectly natural birth. Everyone thats checked me has told me the baby was head down but when they brought in the ultrasound to check the length of my cervix the poor nurse got a aweful confused look on her face and the doctor kindly glided the little wand up the near my ribs. She was just kinda like 'oh well, looks like we wont be inducing you, your babies breech so we'll have to schedule you a c-section. They thought it would be today but there was not open times for it so its tomorrow at 1. Tis why its been such a rush for me, if i wouldve known or expected it wouldve been completely fine with it buts its alot to take in, and have done in less then 24 hours after being told about it >.>


Bleh!  : /  i'm pretty sure my doctor said that such things are possible. . .  You have wiggedly baby!

They were going to induce me on the 22nd, but my water broke late the night before. xD;  That was a horrendous experience, dude; i'm so sorry yours did, too.  i think. o__O;  Snot, sorry if i have you mixed up now. T__T;  And then my body wasn't cooperating, so they almost had to C-section me.

*fluffs*  Gambatte, gambatte, though!  6-9-10 is a pretty fun birthday, though!


LOL. I hope you and your babies are happy and healthy! My sister was born c-section, so she was preemie, and she's what, 9 years old now? I forget, since I was like five when she was born.


Good luck, Orchid.  Here's hoping this little boy will eventually thrive - as he obviously has parents who love him and want the best for him even before he's born.  By all means put the adoptables on hiatus until life settles down for your family.  And keep us updated whenever possible.  I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and sending positive vibes your way.  *snugs*


If you wanna talk or want some info send me a PM.  I have had 2 c seactions one emergancy and one scheduled.  Honestly I would do the scheduled one again anyday.  As far as your husband they put a sheet up so he can sit by your head and not see anything if he doesnt want to.  He would have to go out of his way to see anything really.  There are also a ton of people avalible to help if he gets faint or whatever.  You will also most likely have a nurse who is just for your spinal block so once that is in she just monitors you.  Mine was wonderful I was scared and as soon as the baby was out she offered me something for my nerves (which I didnt take).  My point on her is that if your husband needs to leave because he cant handle it and you dont have another family member or friend who can be with you there is at least someone avalible for emotional support.

Any question shoot me a PM.  I will tell you anything you would like to know as far as what you may go through or whatever.  May help just knowing what to expect from someone who has been there.

Congratz on the baby.  May not be ideal but is defiantly exciting. =)



Sorry for a late update all the meds made me pretty much sleep all day long.

Im good as is the baby, the c-section was no where near as bad as i thought it would be. The poor hubs was a little bothered by it all as he sneaked a peak past the sheet when he probably shouldnt have but i think all and all he'll be okay XD

Cason is not on any sort of anything to help him aside from being fed from a tube, after they make sure it wont upset his stomach they will have me start feeding him. Hes doing great ^^


Oh that is so wonderful.  It is so hard to explain what happens and not scare someone because it isnt nearly as bad as it sounds.  I am so glad you are both doing well and you will get to feed him soon.

My hubby wanted to see.  He peeked and watched the whole time.

Congratz to you guys! 


Great!  I'm glad to hear that it went well and that your baby is able to breathe on his own.  Here's hoping things continue to go well for both of you and that you are able to hold and feed him as soon as possible.


I think im coming to the peek of my pain today. I hurt unimaginably and i never thought such a thing would occur out of a c-section.

I can either 1. take my meds and literally sleep all day long or i cant 2. skip my meds and not do much more then sit up because it hurts to bad to do anything else.

I have no clue what to do at this point, im supposed to pump every 2 hours but on the danged medicine i cannot stay up to do so, and if i dont take it i can barely waddle to the bathroom. let alone to take myself to the nicu but myself.

On an upside my hubbs just got a VERY good job very close to home. This may strain us just a little on driving back and forth but im excited that he got it. Its a factory job which where i live is like a coveted golden egg XD


could you just take a tylenol?  Maybe 3, but that way you get some of the pain dealt with and aren't so sleepy?

Not too sure how to deal with that kind of pain, two natural births and no tearing, so no meds taken both times.  But I woudl think they coudl give you tylenol or advil.


Im going to try one of the stronger meds and 2 tylonol the nurse isnt convinced that with as high as i am on the pain level that just the tylonol will cut it. They are also searching for a binder but they cant find one small enough to fit me so hopefully they can figure out something to bring the pressure off the incision site.

Just sitting here it has a lingering burn and this is with my legs out on the bed half stretched. I just hope it hasnt become infected or something, thatd be my worst nightmare. They arent releasing me until sunday because of this thus far so we'll just have to see what goes on.


i'm a little shocked that they let you leave without a binder. o__O;  Everything i've heard says that you should have gotten a binder before you left the hospital.  *Fluffs* i hope they find one soon.

i vote for taking enough meds to take the edge off of your pain.  T__T;  Gambatte, but i'm so glad you and baby are doing good otherwise!


Try T1's
they are stronger then tylenol, but not as strong as T3's
you can take them while nursing (or pumping) and can even buy them over the counter (well you can here anyways)
this is what I have to take when I get a migraine that makes it unable to function.  Gives me the little pressure relief I need to relax and allow myself to heal itself.


What are they giving you?  What I took was Maybe Darvacet and Ibprofin 800 MG.  If it was infected the nurse should be able to see that.


Sera im still in the hospital and i only use the binder when im going to be moving alot. Seeing as im not a very large person theres not much the binder does other then cause a tid bit of pressure else where to bring it off the incision site. Binders are for women whom have bigger bellys that cause lots o pressure on the incision. My stomach after the c-section was pretty much flat and has stayed that way other then the little bit of swelling thats expected with the c-sectio.

PM im taking two tylonols rather then the stronger meds during the day to curb the pain. I find its worse after i sleep and stay streched and then try get up and move around. If ive been up most of the day its not that bad and i can deal with it if i have my binder on.

Goddess im getting either the two tylonols or two 5 mg oxycodones (SP?) it just depends what time of day it is. Thats what the doc will send me home with to. Im also taking something thats something like a very strong aleve once a day for swelling >.> i think.


Im incredibly ticked off at this point, my son was doing perfectly and advancing. Ive been able to hold him for 3 days now NO problems, he liked being held and was content with me doing it so i could produce enough milk to cover him on the days id be gone.

He got a new doctor today and shes set him back TWO days worth of his advancing, the only thing she left him with is the ability to have 15 mls with each feeding. Shes put him back on the controlled tempature incubator and there is no reason for this. He was doing PERFECTLY fine with the room air temp incubator and at this point im thinking of changing his doctor. Theres no reason to fiddle with his routine if hes not digressing in any way. She said that the other doctor was wrong to give the orders she had to but with the fact that the orders she had given were working for him and he was still advancing kinda proves her otherwise.


Why did he get a new doctor?  That sounds a little odd to me, especially given how important it is for a baby to be held by his mother.


I'm late to the thread, but I'm really glad to hear that you're both doing as well as can be expected. <3

But this change is weird and more than a little frustrating. o_O I'm also curious as to why his doctor was changed, especially since it seemed like the one from before was doing a really great job.. At least in regards to helping your son progress.


The doctors change over once a week. His new doctor is well..not my favorite. I can barley understand her, as her accent is very thick middle eastern. Shes rather snobby and wont answer my questions but when i went down for his 3pm feeding i gathered up another 'resident' doctor and had him explain to her why i was upset and that if she didnt began to communicate better with me that i would have my son moved from the nicu here to the nicu that im closer to (a whole different hospital that i know and trust) me. She said the reason she had turned him over to the 'temperature' controlled setting is because when she checked his records he had began to drop in temp. However when the resident doctor and i showed her his records for the entirety of his stay his temperature had been perfect to just a little over perfect (meaning the high temperature of the incubator was just burning him up). She became extremely defensive and again the resident doctor reminded her that she was being unruly and rude so she calmed down and agreed to keep him on 'room temperature' setting and the resident doctor is now a sub on his case so he has control over what his orders are.

Thus im now happy to say at least shes not really set him back, the holding thing sucks for me but it wont effect him much i wouldnt think.


Hopefully not too much, since you at least got to hold him the first few days.  And he's probably being held by the nurse that changes his diaper (if you don't do that yourself - not sure how NICUs operate exactly)  But I'm glad you were able to find someone who was willing and able to intervene on your behalf for your son.  He's a very lucky boy to have a mother like you :)


The only person whom holds the baby is parents, the nurses tend to the babies but will not hold them. Hes content with being sleepy in his box right now so im content with him staying in it for a couple of days.  I feel bad for when hes awake and no ones paying any attention to him but soon enough he'll be home and everyone we'll be after him so maybe its good for him to have his down time now.

Im going to be gone for a couple of days then back on tuesday i expect him to be off his IV and able to be held now.

Thank you everyone for the kind thoughts!



How are you feeling?  Is the pain getting better?  I wonder if all hospitals the nurses dont hold the babies.  Seems sorta sad to me.


Preemies need the Skin to Skin as much as they can, this stimulates them.  So if he shoudl be fine enough for regular temps and what-not he should be fine to hold, IV's or not.  They shoudl just require the skin to skin contact.

When you start nursing he shoudl be diaper only and you bra only, so you are skin to skin.  Preemies really do benefit from this.