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Feeling Meh. Friends.. or not perhaps?

Started by BabyKittenCandy, December 13, 2013, 08:14:03 AM

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Feeling a bit crappy lately. As well as the fact ive been suffering a rather uncomfortable pregnancy ive been feeling very let down by my mates (though no-one here I will add!)

One so called mate stopped talking to me right when i was at my very worst with the pregnancy, he says to not burden me with his issues, which, I have explained to him gave me something else to focus on other than feeling sorry for myself but no, he has pretty much ceased all contact with me :(  (He has my mobile number, so its not just online)

Another 'mate' who is  the BF of a close mate.. basically, we used to speak a lot til they got together, then it tailed off and he was basically ignoring me, which hurt a lot and in the end I de-friended him. He went nuts and even though i have since explained why I did it and appologised he refuses to speak to me still, which is putting a big strain on my and my friends relationship.

Then i contacted a friend in the last few days, only to get no reply on PI/FB and now so far, to text. The only reason I can come up with is that We were friends though Glor and Diction and since all that crap blew up (even though she is in no way in contact with either of them!) that she wants nothing to do with me as its a reminder of that...

So yeah.. to sum up, im feeling very much like my list of friends is dwindling and I didnt have that many of them to start with!!

There are plenty of people on here i would love to get to know better and be mates with more than aquaintances but it doesnt quite feel right just randomly pming people and saying 'Hey!, come be mates?' im a bit of a quiet and reserved person in RL til i get to know people pretty darn well...

anyhow.. just kinda needed to vent a little, if you read this, Thank-you!


*snuggles* you can always pm me if you want to :) I know we don't know each other very well but I would like to :)


BKC, I'm sorry all of this is happening to you, especially at a very bad time when you need all the support you can get. It's beyond low that you're other friends are choosing to leave you behind because of something that happened between you and someone else that they don't even know...I'm just trying to wrap my head around how that perspective even makes sense when you have obviously done everything you can to patch things up between your friend and his BF.

I know you're a fellow gamer, the offer is always extent to come play when I'm on ^.^ Which maplestory server were you a part of?


QuoteThere are plenty of people on here i would love to get to know better and be mates with more than aquaintances but it doesnt quite feel right just randomly pming people and saying 'Hey!, come be mates?' im a bit of a quiet and reserved person in RL til i get to know people pretty darn well...
that sums me up as well

I know what it is like, takes so long to establish that friendship you as a person feel comfortable with, you are loyal and always there when you can be and then bam they decide they are better than you. or just don't want to burden you

It hurts.

Sorry you are having a rough pregnancy, I now having times of loneliness don't help


Ive actually just been contacted by the friend whom I mentioned third, which her explaination and an appology for it taking her a few days to respond, so I am thrilled! All is good on that front, its just the 2 so called friends whom I first mentioned...

Im gonna add, if anyone one would like to get to know me better, please dont hesitate to drop me a pm :)

Bun, if you can get onto the EU servers, i'll check my server ^^


I'm so glad to hear that the third person at least did finally come through.  And I'm really sorry to hear about the other two.  That's just all kinds of not-fun-ness.  I hear you on the wanting to know Secundians better but feeling weird about randomly PMing.   I'm really shy in Real Life too, and while it doesn't manifest the same online (lookit me!  I'm talking to you!), it definitely does show up  (I have no idea what else to say now.  Man I'm bad at talking once I've exhausted the subject given to me.  Um....)  Hang in there!


Awe BKC, so sorry to hear that :(

You are alsways welcome to PM me too, and i will repond when i see it (:

I know the feeling of being abit reserved and such. I don't have more than 2-3 friends in my life, because i am that, and i'm SO bad at making friends.

Which serveer do you play on? (assuming we talk WoW? xD)


On the wow front I play on Stormrage EU, but since I'm in the same guild as the first 2 'friends' I mentioned, plus my mate who's bf it is, I've just felt pushed out and haven't been on there in about 2 weeks now... Which is a shame cos I adore wow, or used to...  That's why I've been looking into other games I can get on my mac and play...


I'm very, very sorry to hear that this is happening to you.  If you're on Steam, feel free to add me (springacres) as I'm more likely to be on there these days than on FB.  I also play DDO and RuneScape, but since school started I've had 0 time to be on either of those... darn college eating my time :P


If you have Skype, feel free to add me (cmtyson04). I'm usually there every day. ^.^


Quote from: PonyMama on December 13, 2013, 09:35:06 AM
QuoteThere are plenty of people on here i would love to get to know better and be mates with more than aquaintances but it doesnt quite feel right just randomly pming people and saying 'Hey!, come be mates?' im a bit of a quiet and reserved person in RL til i get to know people pretty darn well...
that sums me up as well

I can join this party too!
I dont remember to come on Secundi much because I have been busy with school.  I have a little more then a month off so maybe I will remember more often.
If you use AIM, Skype, or any of those other things I have them on pretty much all the time for work. You can contact me on those.  Anyone can really. Even if nothing else you can complain at me all day XD

GoddesssMommy - AIM and Skype
resgoddesss - yahoo - MSN

I hope everything is ok with you and baby other then it being uncomfortable.