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Eggs and Fungus

Started by red_uni387, August 14, 2010, 07:03:56 PM

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good day...bad day...not sure. Woke up scratching and uncomfortable, and had to go to the doctor. So I get there and she pokes needles into me. Needles. HATE them sooo much. I was shaking the entire 20 minutes I was lying there with needles in me. Then after she tells me I can't eat eggs. ;____; I haven't eaten eggs for a month, and have been craving them with hazelnut coffee creamer and now I can't eat them! That's just.. ARGH I WANT EGGS >___< And that's not all. Apparently I can't eat eggs cause I'm growing fungus. ON ME.
gross. I can't even express how grossed out I am right now. There's fungus. on. my. arms. and hands. Possibly the worst I've ever been, since I've never had fungus on me before. ew. Just ew.

so red's not doing so good. meh.

edit: it burns too :(


... not good.  At least when I get fungus it mostly stays between my toes (yay for chronic athlete's foot).  But yeah, ewww is right.


is there a medical term other then fungus for what you have?
it may explain the no eggs thing

and no matter what as soon as youa re told you can't have something, you want it.  That is just how these things go you know


it's between my toes too, according to my mom. (also betwwen her toes too; i probably gave it to her) is athlete's foot just fungus then? never really learned what it is...

the doctor just said fungus, but it's a mix of fungus and eczema on me, which is why it's not healing. no eggs is cause it has some nutrient I have too much of or something like that. :( so unfair


Yeah, actually a lot of common infections & rashes are fungus.  Athlete's foot, yeast infections, yeast rashes, etc.  It sounds less gross if you think of it in terms of the specific variety.  I'd take a guess that you've got a yeast rash, they're pretty common and don't heal without help.  Did they give you some medicated cream to put on it?  Or did they tell you to go for an over-the-counter like Lotrimin or Tinnactin?


It says yeast rashes are red-pink in color and that is the color of my arms and fingers, but I'm not sure cause it's mixed in with my eczema as well. Plus it just looks like regular eczema to me, the doctor said I got fungus cause it's not healing >< As for medicine, my mom stopped taking me to the western doctors years ago as their medicines for eczema supress the immune system and/or remove layers of skin. Instead I get to bathe in herbs and get poked with needles. long term healing stuff too, so might even get worse before it gets better


I have the same thing you do red on my leg (Sounds like what you have).  Exema and some sort of fungal infection mixed with it.  I have tried 3 different things from the dr.  First on made it grow.  Was the size of a softball right below my knee.  Now it goes from my knee to my ankle.  The second and 3 havent done anything.  It is very frustrating.  I have had it over a year now, and I had it for 6 months before I got preggers (for some reason it went away while I was preggers and came back when my daughter was 2 months old.).

One thing that did help was a cream my mother made for my sons exema a few years ago.  My sister had a bit left.  It is alot of herbs and natural stuff.  I can ask her for a list of the stuff she put in it if you would like.  Maybe your mom would make some up for you.

The natural way of healing exema seems to be the best as to what I have seen.  Most dr give steroid creams for it but like me if you have an under lying fungas then it cream makes it grow.  I have also never seen a steriod cream actually work I used it for 6 months on my son before I realized how bad it was.

Good luck red.  *hugs*