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Started by jojo, October 14, 2010, 11:56:58 PM

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I was actually just curious if people have personas in the adoptable world (or anywhere else, I guess!) and what they are like :)

I actually don't have one myself ^^; At least, not one that I can think of right now! I remember having something a looong time ago the last time I was involved with adoptables, but I can't remember.


I've been around as Entaeyen for about 9 years now.. almost 10 I guess. Before that I went by the name Edayen. There's still some traces of my former identity here and there on my Web site. I think all the sites I used the name Edayen for are pretty much gone now, as far as I can recall. That was a long time ago. I've been using the WWW since about 1995 so its hard to keep track of all the names I've used over those years!


I have a couple of them. it started with Ardent who is black with silver flames, then went to Hope. Hope was first a serendipity adoptable that is now banned because it was seen as to close to the breyers. But she was given to me by Ryuu and i managed to get a Black cancer ribbon on her. Since then Hope has kinda become me for i strive to bring hope to those around me that are down or are going threw cancer like i did.

The other persona thats out there that i own is Siurin or Marshall. Siurin i made up for my husband while we were dating. It was just how i saw his inner creature. A whtie tiger with a blue dragon tattoo and usually feather/devil wings for both his good and bad sides. THen when once more Ryuu :-p had a CYO for the okibi i decided to do somthing new. I wanted to bring out his new side with joining the navy and did him as a okibi. With the brown hair, ice blue eyes which where greyer at the time but have become more... vibrant i guess. navy blue shirt with the navy logo and his digis. And never forget his watch though sometimes he does :-p

I have a couple different adoptables that i get a lot though thats more cause they have different meanings then just persona's :)


Many moons ago I went by the name Ardent but later changed it to Ardentia.


lol Ardentia i believe is how i spelled it was the name of a rp i did. i didnt know anyone else had used the name thats cool!


that's funny :) I used to RP on a Compuserve forum but this was about 11 years ago that I went by Ardentia.