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The votes are in...

Started by Neocridders, November 02, 2010, 08:25:54 PM

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--I am aware this is getting political. If it's against the rules to post what I have here, lock the thread. --

Today was election day, and I'm just on the edge of my seat here.
My school district has been asking for levies for the last many years.

Basically, our district is so large, that the fixed budget just isn't enough. We've had many levies, and this is the one that counts. Tonight, whatever the result may be, deturmines the future of this school system.

I have gone to this public school system, this EXCELLENT public school system, for 11 years.

It's a shame, this school system has suffered greatly recently. People are blaming the district that they are spending money unwisely. That they just aren't wise with money.

The budget is fine for most districts, but for the amount of people going to these schools, there just isn't enough money. It costs money to teach kids, pay teachers, fund essential programs, etc.

I am graduating in 2012, and I will only be effected for one year. But if the levy doesn't pass, all the AP classes, all the art classes, band classes, and theater classes, all the honors classes and gifted classes, those will all be effected. Over 100 teachers will be cut. 100 human beings who have been dedicated to helping kids learn for years. My own mother, being a teacher, may lose her job. She's been working in this distric for years, and she's been working hard.

I'm a girl who wants to be an artist. I have been waiting to take an AP art class since freshman year. Well, that class will probably not be offered next year if the levy does not pass. I know that my life won't end and I'll still have a chance at a good college, but seriously. I need this class. I've been planning my schedual for this class for the last two years. It's so sad that I'm probably not going to have the opportunity to get an extra step into college. Agh. I'd have a million times more of a change to get into the college with one of the best art programs in the country with this class!

And I love music. I play french horn, mellophone, piano. I love band. I'm in marching band. Next year is my senior year, and what will I do without marching band?

If the levy doesn't pass, odds are the day will be cut into 6 periods instead of 7. That's one less amazing class opportunity I could have. There are so many fantastic electives. I have had such hard choices fitting some in my schedual. But I have atleast 4 core classes. And a band class (unless it's cut) and two art classes (unless it's cut).
I am still in need of a couple more credits. I really needed 7 periods. I'll have to (once again) take multiple online classes during the summer if I don't have 7 periods.

I don't know.
It just kills me that people don't realize - they don't want taxes to go up, yes, but voting against the levy WILL lower the property values. It's a short term solution with a long term problem looming afterward.

Just needed to vent.

I'm still waiting for results, and currently it's still 58% no, 42 yes. And that's not good. I'm just going to pray. Pray. Pray.


This bugs me, too.  My mother teaches in a public school that shares a building with a charter school.  Result - overcrowding, teachers having to share classrooms, art (and other specials) on a cart instead of being taught in a separate classroom, I could go on and on and on...

The problem is that the people who can afford to pay the most property taxes are sending their kids to private schools, so they don't want to pay more taxes to fund public schools because THEY won't see the benefits.


I fear that's what it will come to.
And you are right.  these people voted hoping to sav an extra buck. And in my ara,  we are all conservatives.  But i had hoped people would see how the property values will  go down in a worse  school district. And when that happens those wealthy people who voted no will move, leaving the terrible community for the rest of us.

The levy did not  pass.
I guess atleast im  only suffering a couple more years. My poor sister has to dal with it for 5 or6