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OMG....OMG....I broke....A NAIL

Started by Daimas, August 12, 2011, 11:25:14 AM

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*laughs at her title*

Normally I am one of those girls who secretly snorts when a preppy girl or someone on tv had a fit over breaking a nail. I have never been, and never will be really....I dunno.....girly? I grew up a tomboy and have pretty much stayed one aside from small female pleasures... hot baths, roses, a cute dress now and then. And lately my biggest weakness is getting my Nails done. It serves two purposes, one; it keeps me from biting my nails to the quick, two; its pretty, my guilty female pleasure.

Well today being the tomboy(albeit 24 years old) that I am i was tromping around in flipflops and shorts, looking for bugs, when I see a old steel hammer head embedded in the dirt road. I take my flipflop, scuff the rocks and dirt away, and make sure its loose enough to pick up, reach down and grab it. Well my finger slipped, and my index fingers nail snaps in half and breaks off* salon acrylic nails over the real bed* All I know is one second I am thinking 'oh wonder if I can find a handle to this' to thinking '%^#@!!!!' and holding my finger maing sure it didnt rip the real nail off or something.

so I thought maybe some of you could read my adventure and pain and either think OUCH thats happened to me... or get a needed laugh out of it!^^

*P.S. Im not too worried about breaking the nail, i got it done on the 9th so it will be fixed for free


Lol, I know how taht is!
I used to laugh at people complaining about fake nail breakages too... until I broke MINE. I was in Gym class and the ball slammed into my finger, ripping the nail off. I almost cried. O: It HURTS!!
I feel for you!


Well I got you beat.  My nails are real and I paint them often and decided to let the natural nail breathe a bit, well I snapped off the tips of two.  Which ticked me off royally and it will take over a month to grow out again.

Still sucks for you of course, but at least it will be fixed for free, I know having to pay for it to be fixed would suck


i did that to my nail yesterday :( went to open my car door and miss and snapped my nail off instead. had it fixed today though  ;D


*shivers with dread* Ew! Poor you! This is why I will never let my nails grow longer than the edge of my fingertip. >.<


I did it AGAIN O.O

Good thing I missed getting it fixed friday..... I mean SERIOUSLY! OW



lol ouch! Maybe you should look for a less painful way to feel pretty!  ;D