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Started by SPO, January 13, 2014, 11:41:11 AM

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So as many of you know I got my tonsils out two weeks ago last Friday. The recovery time is usually longer the older you are. I am 21 and that is considered really old to get your tonsils out (normally this procedure is done when you are around 3-5). Today is the first day of class. I got up at 6:45, which is not early for me, and have been to three classes, one of which was over in twenty minutes. I am EXHAUSTED. When I get exhausted I get a migraine. So I am at home for the short break I have between classes and just blegh. I am one of those that never can just sit and do nothing. I go to class, work in a barn, have horses at my house, and am always going going going. I am getting tired of having to sit sit sit.

This is incredibly frustrating. For literally two and a half weeks I have had to lay on the couch or in bed 24/7. I am just...asdf gr. And I can't take many types of painkillers. Pretty much I can take tylenol...

Just needed to rant a bit.>>


That sounds really frustrating.  *pats*  I hope you feel better soon!
