
Secundi Market District => Trading Booths => Topic started by: Kadana Sorano on October 16, 2009, 05:30:55 PM

Title: Looking to buy/trade for Secundi Artifacts.
Post by: Kadana Sorano on October 16, 2009, 05:30:55 PM

These are the items I am looking for.  I have Secunds now I can buy them.  Or I can trade for adopty stuff.  I can even still do PI stuff, if you still play there and prefer it.

I'm not sure what these would be valued at, but since a regular store item (giving a stat bonus of 1 point) costs 1500 sg, I am going to go by that.  So these items give a stat bonus of 20 points each.  20 x 1500 sg = 30k sg.

Heart Rose
Bone Necklace
Pearl Seashell
Blue Feather

So Secunds, adopty stuff (I have kennel, air fish, and skyreel stuff.. though I'm not sure which all of those has trades open atm) or even pi stuff.

So if you have any of these and wish to sell/trade with me, please do post, and let me know what you would like in return. (Secunds, or soethign else?).  This will remain open, there is no limit to how many I want to acquire.  I won't however, let my Sg's drop below a certain point, so when that point is reached I will put a hold on sg transactions until my stash rebuilds again.