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Started by YourLoveOnly, November 01, 2012, 05:58:02 AM

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It's November again! Who's participating in NaNo ( this year? ;D


*flails* Ahhhh how did November get here so soon!? My goal was to submit some stories for publication before NaNo got here and for that goal I have done...nothing... *hangs head*

Oh well, at least I have a goal this month that I can aim for! *rolls up sleeves*


I am at nearly 2K already! I don't feel like I can juggle my regular online things with life AND NaNo so I've decided to flesh out the Art/Celine storyline that's been in my head for 2 years. That way I do score some RP points for AAA and I can finally write up the story I should have written forever ago without feelings guilty about not posting :P I always feel like I should reply to regular RPs and then neglect my Solo posts, but this is really crucial for both of them and it's a laaarge story so this is the perfect moment to write it <3

What are you doing? =D


lol yes NaNo is very convenient for the AAA crowd. I know you're not the only person who takes advantage of this month to get their Companion plots done. ;)

I'm actually doing a novel called Howl's Island! ^^ I wasn't going to make any announcement here until it was done, but since you asked... XD

A lot of the novel is influenced by Secundi! I'm not directly copying anyone's adoptable shop or characters of course, but the 'feel' of the novel is inspired by Secundi. It's a fantasy world with a lot of different creatures colonizing it. There will be equine creatures, griffen creatures, cats, etc. all living together. And the charas in the novel are my own adoptable OC's. ^^


I'm doing it, though haven't started since I had to go see the utter destruction of my family's summer place.


But anyway! I'm etaven on there, if anyone wants to add me.


I hit 3K! :D

-hugs Saturnalia- I'm sorry :( I hope writing can provide a nice distraction from things, if anything.

Ryuu, that sounds really really awesome! I'd love to read it once it's finished <3


I'm sorry to hear that Saturnalia :(

I'll be doing Nano again this year, seeing all you guys talk about it has helped me make up my mind, I wasn't going to this year because Assassin's Creed 3 just came out and I can hardly put my PS3 controller down... So I'm starting a day late, but I've completed Nano a week early twice before so hopefully I can catch up.


I usually do NaNo every year, I'm not sure if I'll do a full fledged novel or anything, but I have a story that's been on my mind that needs to get out onto the paper, so I can only hope my muse is with me on this one ^^


*stretches* Ugh, I've been soooo busy. Finally got a chance to work on my novel this weekend a bit.

There's a write-in that I go to on Sundays in November where a bunch of us get together at a cafe and they let us stay all day and write as long as we want. (We buy a lot of food too so no wonder they don't mind us there. XD ) I churn out 1k every hour when I get in the zone. I'm hoping if I can't write during the week I can catch up on the weekends.

YLO has been on my NaNo buddy list since least one or two years ago! I'm going to add you too, Saturnalia! I love having people on my NaNo buddy list ^_^

Bun, what's your NaNo account name so I can add you too?

Edit: Oh, and Mutt! Have I already added you? I forgot! :O What's your NaNo name?

Mine is Ryuukokoro of course! I use that name just about everywhere lol.

PS: For anyone curious about such things, Garney is on my NaNo buddy list and she's already at 20k. I'm sad she doesn't seem to be interested in Secundi anymore. :(


-nods- I've had you in my buddylist for at least 2 years yes ^^ Maybe even 3?

Feel free to add me guys, same username as I have here =) Am behind today, had some unexpected stuff with friends come up AND apparently I have a date this Thursday which we set today and now I am all nervous =P But I will write a bit tonight, should be able to at least get back on schedule again and then tomorrow I plan on writing tons so I'm ahead again. There's a write-in in my city tomorrow, but it's all kinda last minute so I may skip it this week, write at home and attend the next one =)


Oh what the hay, I've never done NaNo before and I'd rather like to give it a go.  Don't know how close I'll actually come to the goal, especially starting late as I am, but anyway, here we go!


Whooo!! Go Sil Go!! \o/



Wheee, slowly getting caught back up...

I friended a bunch of you on there! I think I missed a handful, though, and that was totally by accident, so just poke me if I did!


*flops over* Ugggh still behind, but catching up!


*cracks knuckles* Okaaay... I fell waaaay behind. I am going to need to churn out 4k each day for the rest of the week to finish this monster on time. I do about 1k an hour, so that's 4 hours of writing each day, after working a full 8 hour day.

I hope you guys are rooting for me! I don't know if I will be sane after this week. XD;;


Go go Ryuu!   You can do it!

I, on the other hand, got completely derailed way early on.  ^^  At least I got a nice start on my story.


Go Ryuu! I am not making it this year, too much feeling ill so I had to pick between staying on track with my adopts and NaNo. Coloring with migraines is somewhat doable, writing heavy stories.. not so much :P Too bad.


That's still a great start, Sil! ^^ The most important part of NaNo is just to have a writer sit up and say to themselves 'You know what, it's not so hard to get this story started after all.' So you already accomplished NaNo's biggest goal! ^^

Aww, sorry to hear about your feeling sick, YLO. But you still got halfway! And you get AAA points as long as Soli is doing that again this year (yay!) ^^


*rages at self* Arg, I fell asleep immediately when I got home from work and didn't get writing done. >.< I'll have to see if I can force it in to today...

Three days left! *bites nails*


*rages more, this time at work*

Aaarg, so we have this big shot guy flying in from Alabama to be teaching us about video editting for our company website today, but now his plane is running late so the boss want us to stay late at the office. -_- I can't stay late, I have to write 5.5k tonight and another 5.5k tomorrow night if I want to finish in time! Sigh... I feel an all-nighter coming on...


Ugh, so it's now 8pm and I just got home from work... -_-  Now I have 5 hours of writing to look forward to...and then going to bed, getting up to go into work an hour early tomorrow, and getting home to write for another 5 hours.

I hate my life right about now.



YAY RYUU! You did it!

I did it, too! :D An hour to spare, woo... haha. Now, um, I just have to finish the book.

*falls over* NaNo #4, complete.


\o/ Yes I indeed survived! Now I feel like sleeping for a week...

Thanks guys for being here for me! *hugs YLO*

Congrats Saturnalia!!!! I watched you in my Buddy List and I was cheering for you! Good job! ^^


Great job, you two!!!  :)


Super belated congrats guys! <3


Thanks, Silv & YLO! :D (And Ryuu, too!)


Reviving a super old thread, oops XD

But anyway! I'm doing Nano this November for the very first time :) I'm incredibly excited because not only am I doing Nano, but I've actually got approval for my university to write/revise a 50k word novel as my senior thesis project. So I have a great excuse to finally do Nano, plus I get to work with a mentor at my school's creative writing program in the drafting ahead of time and all the revision to follow. Now I just need to wrap my head around all of my story ideas!


XD Whoo!! Go Rav! I can't wait til Nov when we can all encourage each other throughout the month!


November is not a very easy month for Teachers. I think I'll do Nano in a summer month, and just post it in November. I've heard of people doing that. :)


Ooo good luck Pega! I think that would be difficult because you don't have the support of the other NaNo'ers cheering you on as you write. But with dedication, I'll bet you can do it! ^_^ The most important thing to remember is to have fun!


while I dont have much actual comp access lately I have been itching to actually write the book i have been talking to others about for a few years now. well I have started with my chars and actually writing it and I am just going with it. I hope to be able to do Nano for the first time and just work on my book some more during it :)