*Starlight Tavern* Bribes - special interest for FR players -

Started by SkySong, April 12, 2014, 08:55:50 PM

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Basically, a 'Tavern Cat' started out as a barn cat that kept company at the taverns. They were most often picked off the street, and any significant breed standards were quickly lost. However, they grew more empathetic towards humans, more intelligent. Before long it was impossible to deny that they were sentient life, and today they are considered close companions. They lead the wandering home. They are a warm body on a cold night. A guardian in the dark. They are the cats of the Starlight Tavern.
* ** *    *  * ** * *  * ** *

Hey all! This will be a little bribe thread before the release of the first mutation. Depending on how well this goes, I may or may not do another. This thread will close once I am ready for the next one, but feel free to message me after if you want to discuss more trades.
* ** *    *  * ** * *  * ** *

Color Chart

Locket, Buttons, Mitts, Bootees (10%)
Neck, Belly, Stockings (20-30%)
Tuxedo (40%)
Mask and Mantle (50%)
Cap and Saddle (60%)
Harlequin (70%)
Van (80%)
Magpie (90%)
Whole (100%)

Ticked – Residual
Spotted – Rosetted
Mackerel – Broken
Classic – Marbled

Colorpoint lightening of the body so the 'points' look darker
Burmese – slight lightening
Mink – medium lightening
Siamese – strong lightening

Tipped (Adding Golden to it makes it a yellowish fade instead of a white)
Smoked - white fade around the neck
Shaded – white fade from toes to belly
Chinchilla – white fade up most of the cat

Calico – large splashes
Brindled – thin/smaller splashes
* ** *    *  * ** * *  * ** *

16 points
17 points 20 points
20 points 17 points
16 points 18 points
14 points

Premade ID:

CUSTOMS (Pictures are allowed for reference)
Essence of Awakening – Picture is necessary
Full - you may use any/all options on the form 25 points
Semi - Gender, Base, Eye, and one more thing 15 points
Inspiration (Song, Picture, etc) - Gender + link. Delete Base - White 13 points

Custom type:
Tortoiseshell: (Specify the base color - Cinnamon, Sienna, etc - as well as the type. If using torti, base is always one of the black based colors and torti is always one of the red based. Delete if not using.)
Colorpoint: (Delete if not using)
Tabby: (Please specify whether invisible or not.)
Tipped: (Delete if not using)
White: (Delete if not using)
Picture: (Delete if not using)

NEW TAVERNS 7 points
I considered telling you guys in the next thread, but I figured I'd let everyone know another feature for the taverns. Each mutation will come from a certain region, and the taverns in that region will be given the opportunity to obtain the newer mutation before everyone else. This is to add to the lore, as well as make things a little interesting. I haven't decided which mutation will get which region though, so there isn't going to be much to help you decide where you'll have your tavern.

Tavern name:
Tavern location: (North, South, East, West, North-East, South-East, etc)

* ** *    *  * ** * *  * ** *

Working on:
Random Premades!

Current Taverns:
Vanilla Fields

The Wildcats Tavern

Kadana Sorano
Safe Haven
South East

Wildfire Tavern

Woodland Tavern

Wanderlust Tavern

Feel free to offer anything! I will consider any pet, currency, etc. The Essence of Awakening will take the most, simple customs the least. Not sure where taverns fall.

Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


1 semi or song custom Elenaria for 2 semi or song custom Tavern Cats. <3

Or 2 random Elenaria for 2 semi or song custom Tavern Cats. <3


Accepted, sera! I'll go with 2 random Elenaria. Please post forms here so I don't lose them. (Your choice between semi/song.)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I'm going to want to bribe when my head is on straighter.


looooolllllzzzzz i forgot to come post forms. ^^;;;;;;;;

Blood Kissed

Nibbled Bits

Inspiration: http://youtu.be/ndHadBpud1o Female
Inspiration: http://youtu.be/-dXRClwk-h0 Male

ETA: If you want to do another trade like this, i totally say yes. xD;  <333
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers

Starlight Tavern

I love the little earrings in the first girl! I'd be fine with doing another round like this! (Even helps fix your ratios a little, look at that!)


What is Essence of Awakening used for? O.o
What would I have to do to acquire a RL pet mimic with a custom pose?

I have lots of pets. You should browse the ones for bid and tell me what you want. XD
Also may have some $$ I can spend. (Having a new job with great pay is awesome)


Essence of Awakening is the non-template kitties. (Results would be like toff's Ivy and Iris) So basically what you are looking for.

It's so late it's early right now so I'm going to go to bed, but I'll poke around tomorrow.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


All but the elenaria If be willing to trade . The ele is YLOS who forgot to pick her up xD
How many Essence of awakening customs could I get with that? I'd be wanting Symon with collar for sure and then the rest would either be other RL pets or I might do normal customs instead.


I'd only be willing to do one for the three horses and Morgan or Sansa. If you're interested, I can throw in a semi-custom for all five. (This might seem expensive, but I put more than a couple hours into each Awakening custom, and thus feel I shouldn't trade them cheaply.)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Thats just fine for me. :) I wasn't expecting to get much more than one awakening anyway, I know how much time they take!

Username: Wildfilly94
Custom type: Semi-Custom
Gender: Female
Base: Blue
Eye: Light gold
Tabby: Classic Visible :3
Bribe: Morgan

Username: Wildfilly94
Custom type: Essence of Awakening
Gender: Male
Base: Brown
Eye: Light baby blue
Colorpoint: Siamese
White: No idea what the percentage is, sorry. D:
Picture: Feli, FCFC, LH, and Banu Gaia (cat) symon.
Bribe: 3 horses & Sansa
Pose: https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/10271601_657400754295766_1942507370313684875_n.jpg Sorry its not clear. He rarely ever does this pose. This is his "Im so cute look at me, watch me roll over, you lookin?" pose. XD
Extra: Can I pretty pretty please get his collar added? Black with white diamonds. :)


I'd call him a tuxedo cat. Also, I noticed on your FCFC mimic of him it says he has stripings? If you want to find a photo that more accurately displays his colors, I can use that for color reference. Color can do.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Yes, he has barely, BARELY visible leg stripng. I mean BARELY. Lol. He also has a dorsal stripe along his back and just a couple hairs at the tip of his tail that are white.

Heres a few pictures: (I cant get good ones of his colors.. EVER. XD Banu Gaia cat symon is the best representation of his colors I have right now) He doesn't like to pose in good lighting, so I apologize for my terrible self in these. XD



Thats all the ones I have uploaded right now. Let me know if you need more and I'll transfer them from my instagram.


I think that should be good, if I need to make changes later that's no problem.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Are there any pets of mine up for bid that you like? :) I can also bribe with shops I run/work for, FCFC, Kitchen Mice and Panda Shrimps are currently active.


If you haven't started drawing him yet, I may have a better picture for his pose. XD he's very attention hoggy today. If you have, don't worry about it.

I'm on my phone so not sure if it'll work: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=657963764239465&substory_index=0&id=100000775434112



Sorry for the slight lag! Your kitties are with you, Wild.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Oh I love them!!! Symons pose is perfection. <3
I'd like to offer 2.50$ for that premade please :)

Also what would you price those custom posed kitties for in usd?


Glad you like! I'll definitely consider that.

I'd probably consider at least $15 for one. The Awakening kitties are the ones I'm most gray on as they are by far more of a case by case for me than anything else with this adopt.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Also forgot to ask; how much usd, or what else would you consider for bribes on taverns? :)

There are 4 awakenings I'd like to get still. I was wondering if I get a short description, could we figure prices that way? Not sure if I'm getting them or not, ask I should save this new job money, but Im having too much fun with money this week XD

1. A plain white longhaired cat with a pink collar and a pawprint charm on it. Probably a laying down pose.
2. A multi-toned grey persian, sitting down
3. A bobtailed, corss-eyed cat with similar colors to symon, sitting down most likely
4. A red tortoiseshell FAT FAT FAT cat, sitting or laying on her belly. VERY FAT. And I think shes hard to color, but thats just me. XD

The top priority is #3, then #4 because I feel guilty for her only having one mimic on secundi, then #1 for being so simple, and #4 would be last.


I'm not expecting much for the Taverns - for the same reason Silv doesn't ask for a crazy load for the genes.

Hmm.... It depends on the picture of the first two, since if the fur is sticking up all over the place, it automatically makes them a lot harder. If not, then the order listed is the order I'd place them from easiest to hardest.

If 1 has fairly simple shading, it'd be around 15. 4 could be anywhere from 20 to 25 depending on the markings. The other two would fall somewhere between the two of them.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Okay, if you want to do another sweep of my adopties/items for bid, and also et me know if there are any not for bid you like, please do! I also have Gremlin and FCFC customs to offer.

I'm going to offer $4 for that premade and a tavern together.

Is there any way to get a female posed cat with just longer fur added to it? Instead of making a whole new custom posed cat? If so, how much would that range? The two long haired cats I'm wanting could both be done like that. Though one would be the long hair added everywhere, and the other would be with parts of the body having extra fur (Lion hair cut)


I'm interested in customs! Not sure what just yet, though. I'll also take your offer of $4 for those two - the kitty will be moved over when I get the chance. (Paypal is frost.matsumoto @gmail.com)

Eventually there will be a longhair mutation, so if you don't want a unique pose, you can always wait for that. If you're willing to wait for that (Which would be a while, but still) then it would probably be around 4-5 if you wanted the regular longhair base with a color.

@Everyone else who plays FR!
Plague is planning to run for dominance the week of the 11. We are also possibly up against three other flights, so it's looking tough. For this I'm willing to do ST stuff for dragons! (Also items but that is more in general than this specific instance.) I don't care what they look like, where you got them, what breed they are, whatever. This is an instance of quantity over quality.

If people are interested then I can expand on what I'm willing to do. Also, I'm not really looking for dragons I receive after the 17th, as well as ones you don't want me to exalt. Every dragon going my way will be exalted.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I have 1 Dragon I am certainly willing to part with and another nest of 5 hatching soon that I did just for exalting.  Tell me your rates and I shall partake! )


Money has been sent ^^

Username: Wildfilly94
Tavern name: Woodland Tavern
Tavern location: West
Bribe: $$

Forgot to post that :P

I can wait on those customs then, for the longhaired mutation. ^^ Now it's just to decide what I want to do about the bobtailed and fat cat ones. Haha. If you find any pets of mine you like, or you decide you'd like some customs, please let me know so we can arrange a ratio/price for these two customs. :)


@Wild - Received! Enjoy! I'll definitely think on it and get back to you when I come to a decision.

Sweet! I think I'll set up a point system so it looks like this:
Dragon with no daily bonus = 1 point
Breed or Gene daily bonus = +.25 for each
Color bonus = +.5 point
Leveled dragons = point per level (So a level 2 dragon with no bonuses would be 2 points, a level 3 would be 3, etc)

I'll do my best to accept the dragons when they are part of the daily bonus, that way you get the most out of your dragons. I'll be keeping track all week and once it ends you can decide what you want. Premades will have points listed underneath, semis will probably be something like 15, and full customs probably 25. Awakening customs we can discuss.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Sounds good to meeee. I'll go ahead and put the first boy up for you. The inability to use the darned coliseum is really irritating.....


I might toss a few dragons your way. Buying pre-gene'd pretties is much cheaper than working on some of my current dragons. XP


Haha, ok. I don't want to be exalting anyone till the 11th, but if people want to start gathering dragons (Or think about gathering dragons) I'm totally cool with that.

Also, I just spent about half hour in the Coli. Is it not working on your end, Rose?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


None of the games or coli work on my comp or tablet.  I can sometimes get it to work on my phone but the phone is very small screen and tedious.


Ick. Probably need to update your adobe. I feel you on the small screen, though. I can't stand Coli on my phone for too long.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Oooo, I am interested in the FR trading part (and the $... but I am very short on that right now....) - I have a nest of 4 hatching tomorrow, and I have no plans for 3 of them (possibly all 4, depending on how they turn out...)

I would be very willing to train them up a bit before trading them over >.>

My comp is not a huge fan of the coliseum some days - I can usually get 4 or 5 battles in before it slows down horrendously, and I have to do something else for a little bit... but tonight it started lagging halfway through the second battle :/


Sky I am hoarding all the fodder for you.

Just let me know when you want them.


I'm also hoarding fodder. XD Apparently these kitties are enough to make me turn traitor to my own Flight.


Good girl, Ember.  More love for Plague. >3

Sky, i have some more premades done; would you like to wait on another trade like that until after the push? ^^
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


PS: QUESTION!! Will we get to see any of the premades before the push? I ask because I'd love to figure out which I want and what they'll cost so I can go for them.


sera, that'd be great. XD My plate is pretty full right now. (I'd totally prod you to join in here in sending me dragons but that'd be a little pointless seeing as you're in plague. XD)

Rose - yup. I just need to find time to upload them. I will probably get ten or so up by Saturday, and then possibly more after that.

Also, if you guys want to send me CRs for the dragons you already have and are ready to go, feel free to do so. I'll start accepting them on Sunday, and stop Saturday night.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



CaelAugurium. And I do appreciate you helping me instead of your own flight! Apparently we're up against Fire, Nature, and a for-profit Ice so all the help we can get is best.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Aha, so that's who that account belongs to. :P And, well, I am probably still going to exalt a few for my own flight. Wasn't sorted into Hufflepuff for nothing, heh. But I do love these kitties, so best of both worlds, right?


Hehe, true. I was Ravenclaw so it would probably be more sense for me to be in Lightning or Arcane, but Plague is pretty sweet.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Thinking still about getting my bobtailed boy and my fat cat, but I am SO interested in more premades :3


There, sent some crossroads. By my math, minus the daily bonuses, they add up to 37 points.


I'll have some dragons for you Sky :) We're planning our own dominance push but it's not till June so i can spare a few for you just now.
What's the easiest way to send them to you? I'll be sending trained dragons.
Owner of Gliders!


Winged - if you send me the cross roads, I can accept them when I need to. Sending them before you're done with them may result in me accepting them without realizing you're done with them, but if you want to send them all at once then feel free.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I don't have many suitable at the moment so i'm waiting for a nest to hatch, as most of my trained ones are marked for our dominance but will send some over sometime in the next few days when i get the chance :)
Owner of Gliders!


Sent a few CR over! They all have tiger, so today would probably be best to exalt them if you can, plus i need the space to hatch a nest xD I'll have more for you end of the week.
Owner of Gliders!