Painted Unicorn, Betta, and Quinsta brag! Maybe Feli coming soon!

Started by skysnolimit, December 09, 2013, 11:28:55 PM

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I'm following Country's lead XD  I am also so stoked to see my PU's on Secundi!

Yan'verana, whose name means Free Song.  She was the 159th Painted Unicorn and has now been reunited with her parents on Secundi!  I love her hooves and agile little body, and her name (which she possessed before she came to me).  I recalled her being so big!  Hehehe, since I was just a little kid when I won her...  I guess perspectives change XD;  I believe I won her from a draw of former Abandoneds at the Orchard, long long ago :)

I can't remember how Mirith came to be with me, either; but she is also soso happy to be back with her parents and some siblings, now!  Just look at her gorgeous coat, lovely proportions, athletic personality and warm chocolatey sheen!  Her name means "Dance."

Aladania, the first Zebracorn ever, if I recall correctly...?  And so cute too!  *wraps up in arms and snuggles*

And Kanna'won, my beautiful little Nai boy.  His name means "Tree's Tune."  I don't recall whether he was a premade or an inspiration custom or anything about that, really, but I recall the feeling of how lucky I was to get him!  He had a little Nai charity and everything, back in the day!  I think he's stunningly beautiful.


This week, I was blessed to win not one but TWO new Painted Unicorns to join my herd!  One was a claim for which I traded PM for one of her old roses:

A little Nai girl to hang out with my little Nai boy ^_^

And the other, a Zebrie to hang out with Aladania!  I was lucky to bring some company into the herd!  Thank you, PonyMama, for the opportunity to adopt both!


Then, this morning I saw my three custom Bettas from Wildfilly and was just blown away!

My Twilight boy

My July 4 boy

And my Jack Dempsey girl!

Wild said she was proud of the girl, and I have to say...  WITH GOOD REASON!  She is stunning!  Thank you so much, Wild *hugs*

There are stories behind all of these customs.  Let's just say that my father and I are HUGELY fish people.  >D;;;;;;;


Finally, two very pretty new Andy girls came to join my herd!

D'awwwwww :)  They fit right in.  I have a major, major, major Andy obsession.  I can tell they're going to be a blast to name =D


AND I have a Feli grow in two days!

Thank you, Silv, Wild, PM, TheLeet!


welcomes, glad I was able to help you get the one you wanted in the white rose event
and glad you got another zebracorn to go with your first


Actually, I think that first Tablet girl is a Theli, not a Nai.  But congrats on all your lovelies!


Awe, lookit all the old Paints being bragged!  ^___^  And yup, Aladania is indeed the very first zebracorn ever.


Aww Im so happy you like them!! All your adopties are gorgeous!! :)