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Order Silvanon to Do Something

Started by Silvanon, January 18, 2010, 11:03:45 AM

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Order Silvanon to do Something

This thread is going to be a game called Order Silvanon to do something.  Each round the first person to post will be able to order me to do something for them.  This isn't an event to get new free critters/items/etc, you need to already have the items or whatnot needed for what you're asking for.  Once a person has won a round they must wait until at least two other people have won before participating again.

Possible things to order:

* A Kennel breeding (you cannot have already gotten a breeding in the past month)
* Do all your Paint Rose orders
* Do Premade Paints to fill your white roses
* Do puppies for a Kennel breed that needs them.
* Code a new game for Secundi
* Go do another Flash chapter to learn more Flash
* Import all your Paints
* Do a wobble crystal form for you
* Do all or some of your tag-its
* Another something I can do for you

Obviously some of those things will take longer than others if ordered, and even a quick thing might take a bit, depending on LilBit's temperment.  Anyways, really the purpose of this game is to help me be doing the things people would rather I be doing.
A new round starts when I post GO.

Use the following form to order:

Your name:
What Silvanon should do:
Additional notes:


List of People who've bred in January:

Silvanon - 1/17/10
Ryuukokoro - 1/21/10

Round 1: GO!


Your name: YourLoveOnly
What Silvanon should do: Import all my remaining Kennel dogs! ;D


Your name: Neocridders
What Silvanon should do: Import my paints


*snicker* dont let me get ahold of you.. Id order you to webcam yourself singing barbie girl karaoke and post the vid for all of us to see :P


@Pinkshadow: I don't think that's really fair.. You said something about roses, then after I posted my form you added in a form to import your paints.


Your name: Scullisto
What Silvanon should do: Import all my Malamutes (5) to Secundi


No my computer just didnt want to post the form in also , but i removed it , so u dont have hard feelings


I don't have hard feelings, even if it was still there ;)
You're one of the people on here I like best ^^

I just noticed that when I posted your form wasn't there yet and when I checked back to read the new replies it was there..


Your name: hiyoko
What Silvanon should do: import all kennel dogs


From what I understand, I think it's only the first person to post to get it per round.


That's what I am reading as well.. xD


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on January 18, 2010, 11:26:11 AM
I don't have hard feelings, even if it was still there ;)
You're one of the people on here I like best ^^

I just noticed that when I posted your form wasn't there yet and when I checked back to read the new replies it was there..

aww sweet, and thanks dear, but i didnt think about it , and could use some more think time ;) so its okay and i have alot of kennel dogs i would love imported :D

Painted Unicorns

Quote from: indigowulf on January 18, 2010, 11:12:17 AM
*snicker* dont let me get ahold of you.. Id order you to webcam yourself singing barbie girl karaoke and post the vid for all of us to see :P

*laughs*  Well, if you really feel you'd prefer that over all the other options, I guess you could ask for that when you win.  I don't know that the results would be worth it, though.  ;)

Yeah, first person only wins the round, everyone else I'll be running more rounds, so don't despair and keep an eye on this thread!
Silvanon - Creator/Owner
PonyMama - Manager, Colourist - Posts in blue
Bunraku - Colourist - Posts in green
Skysong - Colourist - Posts in Purple
Winged - Colourist - Posts in Orange
sunchaser - Colourist - Posts in Teal


For the "import all dogs" option, will we be able to keep all of our different champ packs on our dogs? And what about dogs already in the show database? :)

*stalks and plots to bring over many, many dogs* >D


Oh yes, now that Ravv reminds me of it..
If it's easier I'm okay with changing all of mine to generic red or black.
I don't really mind ^^


Ah, yes, I should have mentioned - I still don't have access to champ packs other than the standards & generics.   If you want the custom packs on your dogs to stay, then I'll just stick a note on the dog that their champ pack goes -here- and Garney will have to add in the actual image later.

Dogs with ribbons will have their ribbons moved over.  They'll remain in the Kennel Competition Shiney, and will keep all their points, but will have their pic changed to the certless Secundi version.



Your name: Ravvana
What Silvanon should do: Import all my remaining Kennel dogs :)

In regard to champ packs:
103: Ravvana CMK 3
1069: Ravvana 2
1140: if he could keep his pack through Garney's help, that would be amazing :)
1141: if she could keep her pack through Garney's help, that would be amazing :)
1142: generic black
1166: Ravvana 2
1168: generic black
1169: generic red
1256: Ravvana CMK
129: generic red
130: generic pink
1386: could you give her the same pack that my imported Fenella has?
1485: Ravvana CMK 3
1525: Ravvana 3
1543: Ravvana CMK 2
1623: Ravvana 3
1672: Ravvana
1743: Ravvana 3
1744: Ravvana CMK
1830: Ravvana
1831: Ravvana CMK 3
1922: Ravvana CMK
1923: Ravvana 3
1971: Ravvana CMK 3
1994: Ravvana CMK
2183: Ravvana CMK 3
2184: Ravvana CMK
263: generic blue
270: Ravvana 2
357: Ravvana 3
378: Ravvana CMK
393: Ravvana
631: Ravvana 3
657: generic red
658: generic yellow
773: Ravvana 3
795: generic blue
810: generic purple
812: Ravvana CMK
825: Ravvana 3
836: Ravvana CMK
929: generic red
953: Ravvana 3


Your name:toffeeca
What Silvanon should do:Import all my kennel dogs and all the champ packs can be changed to the generic purple.


I've has that sitting open in Word all day, stalking silently XDD

Let me know if you have any questions about the champ packs <3 Thanks! :D


Ravvana gets it...this one's going to take me a bit.  XD


Hey Silv, if I'm able to snag a slot could I have my single items that I won in past comp "fetches" turned into champ packs and equipped to a dog?


hiyoko - yes, I could do that, as long as the dog in question was already imported into Secundi.


So we dont have to list all the champ pack like Rav did Silv? Or do we? *wants to be sure as she would like to try and get her doggies here*


BKC - You don't have to, no.  You could give me some general instruction like "use my standard," or "your choice" or some such.  Or you could just let the champ packs disappear off them.


If we want to get a custom wobble, can we just send in the form now and try to nab a slot later? xD;


Silvanon - can I see the painted unicorns website? I can't remember if I have two or three paints... or if I traded them all...


sera - If you have custom crystals you are welcome to PM in the forms any time you want, and I'll try to get to them in relatively quick time.  However, if you want to make certain I do your custom right away, you could use this game for that.

Neocridders - sure :)  the site is
.. looks like you have a couple Paints still.


Bahhhhhhh. >> -stalkstalk- I want a breeding. xD




Yay, all my doggies are home now ^^ *cuddles with them*
There are some children missing on the pedigree, probably because I didn't specify which ones were related. Should I wait to grab a slot to get that fixed?



^^ I don't mind, they won't be bred anytime soon because I already bred this month.
And I know you're busy ;) *waits around*


-stalks like crazy- Computer's about to die... class doesn't end for 25 more minutes. xDDD


Update for the stalkers - I honestly don't expect to get past Rav's order today.  100 dogs is a lot to import.  If things go well I may be able to take another order tomorrow.


Oh gosh! O___O; I forgot you were doing ALL of that, Silv. I'm sorry if I seemed impatient. >>; I thought it was just posting items (which is STILL a lot of work), and not importing. Good luck! x3 I can't wait to get my dogs imported, but I'm definitely going to be asking for a breeding. <3<3<3


I'll have to stalk in a couple days... I has roses to use >D


Poor Silv, good luck. If I snag a slot, you won't have that many, just 12. ;)


that is a LOT of dogs. good luck O.o


*flops*  I'm done with Rav's order!  Yay!  Rav - with an import that size I surely made some mistakes.  Let me know anything you see.

I probably won't work on anything more tonight, but tomorrow is a new day.  So, to get all set up for then:



Your name: Ryuukokoro
What Silvanon should do: a Kennel breeding
Additional notes:

Note: She's a full Champion! ^_^


Your name: SplitX
What Silvanon should do: Do a kennel breeding for me, please <3
Additional notes: Breeding with Koru (left) & Amisi (right) please, using my large bed. :D


*runs around dancing* I got it I got it!! ^___^

Hee hee, congrats so much on all that work, Sil! I've had three windows open for the past day: one on Rav's Pet page, one on her lemontoss gallery page, and one with my reply typed out in this post, ready to hit send. XD I've been watching all your hard work!

This is the first time my Champion Bright Eyes has bred with her full points, so I'm very excited. ^^


Grrrr~. >> xD 'Grats Ryuu! :3 I can't wait 'till I can snag a slot. <3


Quote from: Silvanon on January 20, 2010, 04:46:35 PM
*flops*  I'm done with Rav's order!  Yay!  Rav - with an import that size I surely made some mistakes.  Let me know anything you see.

I probably won't work on anything more tonight, but tomorrow is a new day.  So, to get all set up for then:


Ahh, Silv, you are entirely amazing <33 I've already started ordering my dogs; it's awesome to have them all on Secundi ;D I've only noticed a few name typos so far, but I easily fixed those myself with the Name Tag items :)

Thank you again!! :D :D

And congratulations, Ryuu! :) What beautiful Shelties.


Woah Ravv! You're flooded with dogs! >3 -tries to sneak off with a few- -cough- Tee-hee!


Yes Ryuu has been eyeing Rav's dogs for a full day, she certainly has a lot of pretties! lol. ^___^

*has notes to contact Rav later for breedings, bwa ha ha*


I'll be breeding Aurora & Brutus or Aurora & Atul next month. :3 Aurora has a full 29 points! =D