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Christmas Bragage

Started by Kadana Sorano, March 10, 2013, 10:09:48 PM

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Kadana Sorano

I have been extremely lax about my Christmas brags, I was waiting (or trying to wait) until I had everything form all agencies etc, so I could make one big massive brag post.  But I fear I will begin to forget some (I already have actually) and that's just sad!  All of my gifts were so wonderful, they all deserve to be shown off, and the colorists and event runners are all just so amazing!  And definitely deserve their time in the spotlight as well.  So I will begin slowly, and start posting my Christmas thi8ngs here to show them off. 

To colorists, event runners, and gifters.. if I forget to post a gift, I do apologize!  It doesn't mean I didn't completely love my gift, just that with my stupidly trying to wait, knowing I have an awful memory anyway, and things happening irl, I fear I have forgotten quite a bit of things.  I keep stumbling over pets in my account and going "Wait what? When and where did I get this one?"  So it's not that I didn't love my gifts (I did!) and I very much appreciate them, thank you everyone!  *big group hug*

And on that note..  If you know you gave me something, colored something for me from someone else, or just know you saw me receive something form someone else etc etc  Please do poke me in a PM and let me know what, from who/where!  I feel sad that I can't remember who gave me what, or even if a pet was a gift or not.  So please, feel free to poke away at my inbox if you know anything lol

Now, for the pretty stuff!  I'm not going to try and keep this thread nice and neat and orderly, I'll just post things as I find/remember them in a new post, somewhere in the thread.  Thank you again to everyone who gifted to me, colored for me, ran events etc.. I love you guys!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

OK this first set is Gryphons.  I had some vouchers to turn in for premades and customs, and did so.  I also did a breeding, and while I cannot keep all of the babies *dies* I want to show them off.  Because they are gorgeous!  And trying to decide which ones to let go is KILLING MY SOUL!  Also a few randoms that I got during the holiday events.  And a super lovely gift from a super lovely friend.

Premades!  I was a little concerned with my lack of time and all, that there wouldn't be many of these left to pick through.  But I found two absolutely perfect premades, and snatched them up.  A big Thank You to whomever gifted me the premades!  I am so sorry that I don;t know who you are to thank you properly :(

Customs!  I turned in two vouchers (each one giving me 2 customs!) and just tonight found them all safely in my account.  I had seen two of them earlier on, but was waiting for the other two, and then well, stuff happened here at home and I just.. *flails*  Anyway, I now have all my lovely customs with me, and I must say when I saw one of them I was extremely confused!  I didn't know where he came from, or why he was hiding in my account.  But when I petted him (clicked his head shot) I saw in his agency info he is actually mine, one of my customs, with my form having been ..altered.. a bit.  I ordered Normal breeds for everything, and he is far from normal!  I am not unhappy about this, I wasn't sure why this was done, but.. I nearly cried in happiness that it had been.  He is absolutely perfectly stunning!  I went to the thread to thank Sunny for an excellent job, and perhaps find out if there was a reason for the breed change, and.. I'm sad to say I found the thread locked.  I was shocked, to say the least, when I read through the thread.  And while finding my boy only nearly set me to tears, reading the thread actually did make me cry.  I have named my beautiful boy Strife, in "honor/remembrance" of the discord he inadvertently brought to my online family.  I am so very sorry, for any bad feelings that this unexpected gift has caused.

Customs Voucher From Midnight Phantom -

Customs Voucher From Whimsy  -

Thank you both Midnight and Whimsy!  Your customs gifts brought me such lovely new Gryphons!

And thank you as well Neo and Sunny.  Your gift on that last custom.. it's amazingly generous and thoughtful, and I can't tell you how much it means to me.  Thank you both so very much!

Breeding!  I had a breeding voucher, and I used it to breed Elmo (a handsome stud I adopted from YLO a while back) and my new girl I had recently received as a gift during holiday events.  My lovely kittens were delivered to me fully grown as per my request, and now I have to decide which to keep and *gasp* which to let go *sad face*  They are all just TOO perfect, I am having so much trouble making a decision, I dunno what to do!

Kitten 1 -

Kitten 2 -

Kitten 3 -

Kitten 4 -

Kitten 5 -

Proud Daddy Elmo! -

Proud momma Eve! - See below, she is also a brag :D

Randoms! These two came from the holiday events, a slow franken (the first guy) and the advent calender day 3 (second guy).  I adore them both, the natural well.. I love naturals!  so that was a given hehe But the Christmassy boy was a surprise, as I'm not the typical Christmasy person, but he is beautiful, and I am so happy I won him!

A super lovely gift from a super lovely friend! This girl completely blew me away when I got her.  She was an unexpected gift, and her markings are just.. wow!  To me, it's like she has all the big cat breeds I adore all mixed up in her.  I've been told this isn't the case at all, but.. she's my girl, and this is what I see, so.. that's what I decided she is!  She's my Eve!  And she is the Proud momma to my brood of kittens above.  Her and Elmo make such lovely babies!  Beware colorists, I shall have another breeding form this pair in the future!  Thank you, dear friend, for such a wonderful gift.  I've told you I love her I know, but.. I freakin LOVE her!  You rock huni *bear hugs*

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

Silv posted a thread for Christmastime, and anyone who posted the form received a lovely gift of a new Quinsta breed.  I received my first Morgan from this gift, my beautiful Pandora!

Thank you so much Silv, I completely adore her!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

Annd got a bit of a headache coming on, will post more later as I'm able.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I am glad you like your gryphs *snuggles* You know how much I love ya ^_^


*stalks for that first Elmo baby* What an awesome litter!

Kadana Sorano

I luff you too Sunny! *snuggles*  And I do love them, so hard to decide!  But I already have Mom stalking one, and heck even my son saw them and wants one lol  Not to say he will get it.. he'd have to be extra super nice to me!

lol YLO I know, I do think I shall be breeding these two again!  Poor Sunny lol  I shall have to make some sort of a decision soon.. *sighs and clings to litter just a bit longer*
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

A handsome Sooty buckskin boy from toffeeca, thank you toffeeca! :D

Annd a Fantasy Frame Overo from the white elephant game.  Sorry for stealing her guys, but.. She does fit my character perfectly  :D

Thank you Elenaria staff for running that event, as well as the rest of the holiday stuff!

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

So, I hadn't even been following this adopt yet, I meant to, just.. stuff happens right?  But in the holiday rush, I was gifted some premades and customs vouchers (as well as some various items I can;t recall, sorry!).

I have NO clue who to thank for my CDA gifts!  *sad Kads!*  But.. whoever you are, I DO appreciate the gift, very much!  So, here is what you/you guys got me :)

I was gifted 4 premades, and here they are!

Beetlejuice & Cleopatra

Archer & Bailona

Both pairs are happily admiring their first clutch of eggs now, thank you whomever gifted me these :)

And I was gifted two customs, and used them to get mimics of my Naga couple Odji and Shemei.  These two are there for extra special to me, and their babies will not be released as freely to the general public.  Doesn't mean I won't breed them, oh no!  Lotsa babies for my lovlies, just means I'll prolly be hoarding most of them for myself lol

Thank you so much, to whomever gifted me the ability to bring this pair to Secundi, it is their first time being mimiced!

Odji & Shemei

And thank you as well, to whomever all the CDA Items was from, they will come in quite useful in the days to come I'm sure :D
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Kadana Sorano

From Bunraku I got this cute boy! 

And this pretty gal is from Ravvana

This 'sexy thang' came to me from Goddesss

Sweet Moe is also a gift from Goddesss

And this little lovely is a gift form my Mom (SweetCaroline)

I feel like I have more FCFC brags needing made for this adopt, but I can;t remember if any more of my new babies were from christmas or not, as I have been acquiring quite a few new ones lately :(

But.. thank you guys, for these beautiful pets, they were great presents and I love them!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Wow, so many gorgeous pets!!! <3

I'll spill on those CDA pets; I gifted you a set of premades. :P But I wont tell (Nor can I remember) who gifted the others!

Kadana Sorano

lol aww *hugs* well thank you Wild!  They were really a surprise, since I hadn't managed to follow the adoptable just yet, they made me feel really good, and it was very hard to pick from all the pretty premades.  There are some I still want to go back and steal :D
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Hehe, your welcome! :) I'm glad you enjoy them so much. I plan to run some events when I come back fron vacation, so in a few weeks there'll be some events up!


*loves on Elmo and Eve* I shall be stalking for more litters from those two!

ETA: And of course major congrats on your other lovelies as well!  Must get some FCFC breeding beds so I can breed my beauties... and that buckskin Morgan mare is just wow!



Kadana Sorano

Thanks guys!  I'll try and get more up later, if I have time.  Just slept almost the entire day away, and got way too much to do now in too short a time *sigh*  and I STILL feel tired bleah

But.. my pets deserve love lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :)