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The Luminaria: Franken Insanity!

Started by YourLoveOnly, August 10, 2010, 10:52:57 AM

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Okay, I am home but not really.. >.> Gaah. Stupid real life, stop eating me! D=

Oh and I know that was not meant to say guess again, I was just really busy and really sleepy :P


Oookay I am home for about 24 hours! Let's play!

Fast Franken

Rule: You may not answer twice in a row, unless 30 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again.

Breed for our Franken?



Yay, my favorite to color ^^

Fast Franken

Rule: You may not answer twice in a row, unless 30 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again.


Breed - Lumi - red


Fast Franken

Rule: You may not answer twice in a row, unless 30 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again.

Body color?

Breed - Lumi - red
Gender - Male - PM



Yup 30 minutes went by.

Fast Franken

Rule: You may not answer twice in a row, unless 30 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again.

Fluff color?

Breed - Lumi - red
Gender - Male - PM
Body - Hot Pink - PM



Fast Franken

Rule: You may not answer twice in a row, unless 30 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again.

Eye color?

Breed - Lumi - red
Gender - Male - PM
Body - Hot Pink - PM
Fluff - White - red


Fast Franken

Rule: You may not answer twice in a row, unless 30 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again.


Breed - Lumi - red
Gender - Male - PM
Body - Hot Pink - PM
Fluff - White - red
Eye - Blue - Cutiee



Ooh that might be shiny in multiple colors! <3 I shall ask for color multiple times, I think.

Fast Franken

Rule: You may not answer twice in a row, unless 30 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again.

Marking color?

Breed - Lumi - red
Gender - Male - PM
Body - Hot Pink - PM
Fluff - White - red
Eye - Blue - Cutiee
Marking - Spots on legs & tail - jojo


Well I almost have to go offline, so I shall go with just one color for now ^^

I will probably do a few more rounds later :)

-runs off to color-


Finished <3

QuoteThere were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1.Eye - Blue - Cutiee
2.Marking color - black - PM
3.Fluff - White - red
4.Gender - Male - PM
5.Body - Hot Pink - PM
6.Breed - Lumi - red
7.Marking - Spots on legs & tail - jojo

Timestamp: 2010-08-16 18:27:31 UTC

Congratulations CutieePiee!
Please post certing info in the Luminaria Certing Thread.



Okay, I'm back. Let's do a round of random Franken!

Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Give me a French word!



Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Name a flower!

French word - Cheval - red



Yes, cheval means horse ^_^ I would've said canard or papillon myself :P


Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Gimme an animal!

French word - Cheval - red_uni387
Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest



Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Gimme a bodypart!

French word - Cheval - red_uni387
Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest
Animal - Crab - Red


Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Name a fruit!

French word - Cheval - red_uni387
Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest
Animal - Crab - red_uni387
Body part - Nose - PonyMama



Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Name a birthstone!

French word - Cheval - red_uni387
Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest
Animal - Crab - red_uni387
Body part - Nose - PonyMama
Fruit - Watermelon - red_uni387



Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Pick a number!

French word - Cheval - red_uni387
Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest
Animal - Crab - red_uni387
Body part - Nose - PonyMama
Fruit - Watermelon - red_uni387
Birthstone - Amethyst - PonyMama



Random Franken

Rule: you may not answer twice in a row, unless 15 minutes go by without a reply then everyone may answer again

Gimme a simple shape!

French word - Cheval - red_uni387
Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest
Animal - Crab - red_uni387
Body part - Nose - PonyMama
Fruit - Watermelon - red_uni387
Birthstone - Amethyst - PonyMama
Number - 14 - SeaCrest



That's all! I'm off to color. This is what you guys made:

French word - Cheval - red_uni387 - gender, male (it's a masculine noun)
Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest - breed, Lumi (the breed with fluff that looked the most like an orchid to me)
Animal - Crab - red_uni387 - body color
Body part - Nose - PonyMama - marking location (because the nose is so small I did not use anymore questions to determine a specific marking)
Fruit - Watermelon - red_uni387 - fluff color
Birthstone - Amethyst - PonyMama - eye color
Number - 14 - SeaCrest - marking color, green (used my seekrit list of colors for this)
Shape - Hexagon - springacres - rump symbol

I'll be back with the result real soon, hang on <3


Result ^^

QuoteThere were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

1.Shape - Hexagon - springacres
2.Flower - Orchid - SeaCrest
3.Birthstone - Amethyst - PonyMama
4.Body part - Nose - PonyMama
5.Number - 14 - SeaCrest
6.Animal - Crab - red_uni387
7.Fruit - Watermelon - red_uni387
8.French word - Cheval - red_uni387

Timestamp: 2010-08-16 22:17:52 UTC

Congratulations springacres!
Please post certing info in the Luminaria Certing Thread.


Okay, I am tired so I am going to get ready for bed. I will do a lot of Frankens tomorrow, all types.

For now we will do one last quick round of Reverse Franken.


The premade has been colored, but not uploaded to the photobucket yet so PonyMama you can play too if you want :)


Breed: Sumini
Gender: Male
Body color:  Blue
Fluff color: Red
Eye color:  Yellow
Marking color: Purple


Ooh, random franken is lovely - thank you! <3  Now to come up with a name...


Body color:White
Fluff color:Light Blue
Eye color:  Green
Marking color: Dark Blue


yeah I alwasy color and then wait to upload
that way nobody can peek

I got to go clean critter tanks so I will sit this out


Breed: Furimi
Gender: Female
Body color: Gray
Fluff color: Purple
Eye color: Brown
Marking color: Cyan


I also have this Slow Franken randomized:
Breed: Lumi - jojo
Gender: Male - Cutiee
Body color: Yellow - SeaCrest
Fluff color: Light Blue - SweetCaroline
Eye color: Sky blue - jojo
Marking: Tabby Stripes - Keilin
Marking color: Pink - Dunkel

Will color it first thing tomorrow. Remember, everyone may post one Slow Franken form in blue that can be edited at any time. I plan on doing more of these tomorrow, so if you haven't posted a form yet go do so <3

Reverse Franken is still open, because I am distracted by some tv show and not going to bed yet XD


...EEP do I have a lot of unnamed Luminaria!  *uber fail for not checking raffle thread*


-almost falls over- So sleepy..


Will be back with results in a bit.


Breed: Lumi
Gender: Female
Body: Yellow
Fluff: White
Eye: Purple
Marking: White

red_uni387 - 2 points yellow, 2 points purple - 4 points total
Whimsy - 2 points white - 2 points total
springacres - 1 point gender, 2 points purple - 3 points total

Red wins the girl!

More Franken rounds tomorrow <3




ok I wanna hold a round, should I do fast franken
pull from the slow franken forms
do a reverse franken??