
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Tribe on February 11, 2010, 02:06:50 PM

Title: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 11, 2010, 02:06:50 PM
I often post these on my face book lol and people love them. Ive always been one to dress the best no matter what.

So heres a few of my own rules and feel free to add your own :D


Blue Jeans

they shouldnt fall off you when you unbutton them but you shouldnt have to get a spatula to get them off either..when putting them on you shouldnt be able to slip them up and you shouldnt have use a wrench to button them..remember the word should shimmy them up and shimmy them off.



Bra straps no matter what are unbecoming. If youve got an odd back and no bra to go with it grab a paper clip. This may sound uncomfortable but its not. Just use the paper clip to put the two paper clips together and that odd middle meeting back shirt now is bra strap free.

Cleavage..the rule here is little is more! Same with makeup okay guys. No one wants to see it all..leaves all the mystery out..however a little will take you a long way.

Shirts that are baggy and way to big or incredibly to small are good on your own at home however leave them at home. Get something that fits your body without showing every little flaw without making your shape a square okay.

Always have one
a nice shirt can be needed at the oddest times. Get one okay!


Make up

Eyeliner is your friend..however its not your best friend.
Easy on it. I apply only to the inside lip of my bottom lid nothing above.

Eye shadow
Its easy peasy guys
Lid-Medium Colors
Crease-Crazy or darkest colors

Shineys are okay in eyeshadow, matter of fact i wont wear it if its not at lest a little shimmery HOWEVER that stuff that is completely glitter is messy and not cute..if your like 9 maybe but leave it for costume partys and fun nights with the girls at home! are hard to rock okay..stick with what matches if your  not ready for the stares.

Lip gloss not stick
I know i know it comes off way easier but most people cant find a lipstick that matches without going so dark that they look like the devils bride of so light that they wash themselves purples & odd colors of the such..get rid of it.

Glosses are almost always better!

Lip liner goes on your LIPS not the entire surrounding ares..i understand that you want angelina jolie lips but hunny unless your born with them or you pay the couple grand they cost stick with what you have!


Its great okay it however be easy. Get a color thats a couple shades different then your skin and apply it where the sun shines okay.
cheeks, forehead, bridge of nose & chin.

If your pale your pale..if you tan your tan..
Dont buy a darker foundation to try to darken your lighten your skin head matches the rest of your body  normaly keep it that way okay :D

Shinies..oh man if your buying foundation i say splurge. other wise they end up sticky messy shiny messes on  your face.
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 11, 2010, 02:14:05 PM
Bras..oh these are fun.

Never go with the cheapest because its the cheapest.
ALWAYS try it on.

If your smaller girl embrace it..dont buy a huge bra trying to make yourself bigger. First they are going to cave in and such..not lovely & they are going to make you look unnatural. The biggest shot in the dark is victoria secrets new bra that makes "2 cup size bigger" firstly if you are small chested thing is you get this bra and you look like your hiding pymirads in your bra as you get that nice pointy effect and 2ndly most people who are around you most of the time are going to think one your insecure two they are going to wonder what exactly youve done leaving the rumors to doubt i only buy vs bras but that ones a bad idea period

If your bigger them..others do trust me other girls would love to be you because they dont understand yet that what they having is just as awesome as you. However do not try to push them up out apart whatever..larger chests tend to do as they like and if you get a bra that does these things the doggies tend to escape thier desginated place and end up all squished in the middle and mishapen XD always get a bra that fits your larger cup size and usually the more coverage (without being those lovel granny bras) is better :D
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: springacres on February 14, 2010, 02:03:52 PM
Love them Hunni!  Here's one of my personal ones (granted it's aimed at the guys out there and I'm a girl)


If you can get your jeans over your hips while they're buttoned and zipped, fine, but please wear a buckled belt with them.  Members of the public do not want to see your butt hanging out because your jeans fell down.
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: IvySpring on February 14, 2010, 02:26:46 PM
haha I love this!! This was so entertaining to read- it's all true!!! Amen sista! ;)
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 14, 2010, 03:57:09 PM
Yes thats one of my rules but i didnt add it here as its a little vulgar the way i put it XD

but basically
sag butt= bad on boys sag butt= horrid on girls;
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Keeper on February 14, 2010, 04:25:00 PM
lol, brilliant well done XD
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Neocridders on February 14, 2010, 06:04:27 PM
Thanks a bunch. What about teenagers and makeup? Same rules?
I know everyone at myschool has a gallon of eyeshadow on a day. >< I have never been able to get my mom to buy me makeup. :P
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Gene Pool on February 14, 2010, 07:31:53 PM
My clothing rules:
Clothes- wear only when the law requires
Shoes- wear only when the law requires, unless you can get away with taking them off anyway
makeup- guys in eyeliner=yum (sorry I have some punk in me)
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 14, 2010, 08:05:04 PM
Neo-well thats more where the make up rules were applied usually as you get older you figure out theres no reason for that much makeup and starting using mless anyways. And if you dont need it forget it really. I was allowed to wear makeup as young as i pleased i mean makeup is alot better then doing drugs or having unsafe sex no? same with my hair i was allow to do as i pleased with it. If you want make up i find a good time to ask for it is birthdays & christmas or do some work around the house to make a few extra bucks for it. I can give some advice on cheaper make ups that work perfectly fine :D
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 14, 2010, 08:07:24 PM
XD im not going to like..nudeness is completely fine with me lol i guess i was raised a little different to see the world for its true face really..we were born naked and so long as your comfortable with your body and others are okay with being around aunts mother and father (married into the family howevwer i know them very well!) are 60+ years even they arent afraid..they rock minimum clothes at home as to please others lol but it dosnt bother me any really.
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 15, 2010, 09:21:13 AM
@indigo: I agree, boys and makeup can be a really handsome combination if they do it right. I mostly hang out with punks and goths, there are some really great examples among them ;)
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 15, 2010, 09:59:46 AM
I must confess at a younger age boys in eyeliner was a beautiful thing lol but now im married to a military manly manly man man man lol im not sure what youd call him..
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: PonyMama on February 15, 2010, 11:29:06 AM
Som men look very appealing with eyeliner and even nail polish, as I have a few friends like that, and they are around 30 years old each.  Mind you I hang out with tattooists, piercers and goth type people (although we don't class them as goth, as they are people)

My rule on clothing for guys

Pants, please have them fit.  If they are too big wear a belt.  Pants were meant to cover the under garments.

If it is summer and you have some beautiful tattoos, show them off, I know I like to see what you are like by what you will put on your body.  However if you pick a design off the wall instead of somethign personal you lose points.  Come on get something that shows who you are, are you a in the box sort of guy or original?

Rules for girls

Camel toe = ICK!  Pants that show off your figure are fine, but do we need to see that much of your figure? *shudders*
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 15, 2010, 11:49:16 AM
*raises hand*

I was raised in a tattoo shop basically my step fathers a tattooist my mother a piecest. Its a rather neat world :D Though i do agree if the tattoos just because hey it looks awesome loose the idea, get something that means something truly. I have thus far two tattoos. A wrist tattoo that says my husbands name & a key on my foot that symbolizes the key to my husbands heart. Both hurt greatly though dont get a first or second tattoo on either of those regions lol.

camel toe is incredibly bad.
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: red_uni387 on February 15, 2010, 11:49:50 AM
camel toe?
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 15, 2010, 11:51:01 AM
I have only one, all around my wrist saying "I saw forever in my never" and I didn't think it hurt that bad at all. And I am terrible with handling pain xD

I think it helps if you expect it to hurt really really bad, like I did. I was expecting so much worse xD
If you tell yourself it won't be that bad then you'll probably think it hurts xD
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 15, 2010, 11:53:45 AM
Growing up with it i knew exactly what to expect..there for to me i knew where i was having them done would hurt.

Granted id take another wrist tattoo over something on my foot anyday. My wrist took like eh 15 mins maybe 20 though i think i may have been less (its a beautiful tattoo dont get me wrong im not saying it was done in a hurry or anything its just not that big and my wrist is rather small itself) my foot tatto was more like umm 3 hrs
and my step dad god love him is a heavy handed artist so there is the root of my pain anyways.
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: PonyMama on February 15, 2010, 12:05:04 PM
Camel toe, that really icky look of a woman's pants pulled so tight that you can see her...lips.

I have two tattoo's, one on my wrist that is the birth signs of myself, and my two daughters, it was designed by my hubby.  The second is on my shoulder blade and is of Eeyore smiling wiht a butterfly on his nose.  I am a whinnie the pooh collector and adore eeyore.
Title: Re: Hunni Thread O Rules On Clothing
Post by: Tribe on February 15, 2010, 12:37:18 PM
well we just have a club o wrist tattoos eh :D

i think you should have to try on pants in front of a mirror i mean they makes pants to control that sorta thing
and seriously if you see it in the mirror and let it should just not go into public..or outta the bedroom for that matter.