
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Ravvana on February 11, 2010, 10:14:43 PM

Title: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Ravvana on February 11, 2010, 10:14:43 PM
Let me start out by saying... I am addicted to Breyer model horses. I've been collecting since I was a little girl, and have well over sixty by this point.

Something that I've always wanted are custom Breyers of my two RL boys, Colby (now retired) and Sean. My trouble is that I'm a poor student, and all the customization sites I've seen have horses that are either
a) poorly done or
b) crazily expensive.

But I'm coming up on my one year anniversary with Sean... and I've decided to finally bite the bullet and go through with this.

Can anybody help me out with suggestions? Or is anybody here a Breyer customizer? *long shot* XD

I think I'd rather get a traditional model of just Sean, rather than classics of both, if I need to make that call to save money.

Any help is very appreciated!
Title: Re: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Lectral on February 11, 2010, 10:21:23 PM
I have been looking into the same thing (well, not the protraits, per se, but the customization) - I am working up to starting customizing my own, but I have been looking around and for a solid color (bay, chestnut, etc) a lot of places charge 125-150 for a traditional - compared to what finished works go for, that is not nearly as bad

What mold would you be using for your boy?  That is my sticking point for getting my own boy done - other than his color (which will be insanely exspenive, if I can even convince someone to try)... I haven't found a mold that suits him

If I was further along in my own attempts, I would offer my own services, but at this point, I would probably fall under the A category up there XD

I could check around a few other places, see what other services I can find, if you like?
Title: Re: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Ravvana on February 11, 2010, 10:35:27 PM
I did some more looking, and found this lady, who says prices "start" at $65 (plus, I assume, the cost of the raw model).

For the model... I have no idea, actually XD Colby's a Hanoverian and Sean's a Dutch Warmblood. Colby would be cute on the classic Hanoverian:

I actually own that model, but I love the coloring it already has, so I'd probably buy a second one to get the portrait done on XD

And maybe a jumping traditional for Sean? Do they even use this model anymore? I actually don't have anything on this model, which is nice.

That same lady does nice 2D portraits too, which would save me the cost of the model... *dither*

EDIT: Colby is chestnut with a single sock, so he should be quite on the low end. Sean is bay with two socks, a star, a snip, and some faint dappling, which should still be on the lower end, but probably more than Colby.
Title: Re: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Goddesss on February 11, 2010, 10:39:12 PM
Quote from: Ravvana on February 11, 2010, 10:35:27 PM
I did some more looking, and found this lady, who says prices "start" at $65 (plus, I assume, the cost of the raw model).

3. What model will you paint on?
You can send me a model you already have, or I can purchase one for $15-30 depending on the one you want:

from her website
Title: Re: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Lectral on February 11, 2010, 10:43:35 PM
They actually put out one of the Jumpers in 2009 - he was part of their Treasure Hunt, and I got my first.  You might even be able to find one fairly cheap now, since they weren't wildly popular, and that treasure hunt is over

I looked at her page, and it looks like she does charge extra for the model, if you don't provide one yourself, but I couldn't find the actual painting prices (I didn't check all the pages, though) XD

Edit: On a lot of sites I've checked, "normal" white markings like socks and facial markings are included in a "solid" paint job - dappling does tend to be extra, but it does depend on how extensive the dapples would be, I think
Title: Re: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 11, 2010, 11:59:46 PM
Just curious, how does one go about customizing a breyer? Is there special paint to use? I know for customizing MLP's people usually just use regular acrylic paint, but the plastic is much softer than a Breyer.

Ryuu has a few much-loved-on Breyers from childhood: the Drinkers of the Wind set, the white unicorn that has his head down and one foreleg raised (love that mold!), and Stormy of Chincoteague (no doubt botched that spelling lol)
Title: Re: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Lady Everlasting on February 12, 2010, 06:51:07 AM
Some people paint in acrylics, some paint in pastels, some rare few paint in oils, etc.  Some paint by hand, some use airbrushes.

Check out  you should be able to find someone on there who paints to your liking.
Title: Re: Custom Painted Breyers?
Post by: Tribe on February 12, 2010, 11:14:14 AM
Got me a bout 3 years to late lol.

I use to cutomize bryers, i did it for craft shows/fair plus with as many horse people i had around me i was well funded and they make awesome gifts for someone with a horse!

Though i must say back when i didnt charge near as much as they do now..One of the big questions is are you looking for just a custom paint job or are you looking for more like custom posing (this is what cost so much for me as its not easy to do). I can help a little as i may be able to get ahold of some of the people i know who use to do this...