
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: Poupou on February 15, 2010, 10:29:36 AM

Title: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs - Closed
Post by: Poupou on February 15, 2010, 10:29:36 AM

Update : I got to talk with my Dad last night and he will pay for the gas for the trip so that's not a problem anymore.  I am closing these because I will not be needing the extra money.  Thank you for the sympathy and to those who wanted to help, I truly appreciate.  Things will be fine now, hopefully.

:( Hey guys :(

Today, I am opening USD customs for my adoptables.

I had a call this morning, and I learned some really devastating news.
I wish I could talk about it, but right now it is too hurtful to even think about it,
so please forgive me if I am not telling what is happening in my life.

That being said, I will need money to travel to the NB, where my family lives,
and with us being a bit tight a the moment on the money side,
I don't have many options but to try to sell custom usd for my adoptables.

They will be open up until the day before I leave, so I can have enough time to finish
any business before I go, or as soon as I can get enough money to travel.

My goal would be to gather at least 100-150$ to cover the gaz for the trip,
since it's so darn expensive and our main concern,
as eating and place to stay would be available at my parent's home.
I wish I could get there right away, but my daughter has important evaluations at school, so it is impossible for me to drop everything and leave right now.  
It is killing me, but there is no way I would compromise her school year. *nods*

Most of you already know the Misuteris and Clover Dragons, but
Little Apple Heart Kingdom has many species and The Land of Taiga too.
I would be willing to let you guys have customs from any species you like,
from both world.  I plan to bring them all here at some point, so..

The only species not available for the USD customs are the Shorir Soekis,
Shorir Dragons and the Ushikus.  Unless there would be some real interest, but
they were never really popular, so I didn't bother to upload them on the forums.
That and I've been lazy, I admit, lol.

Here are the forums for both worlds, if you are interested, please post saying what
you are interested in and I will send you the appropriate form for what you need.

TLoT :

What kind of 'package' you can get :
For 7$ usd : Custom with as many markings as you want + 1 mutation of your choice.
For 10$ usd : Custom with as many markings as you want + 2 mutations of your choice.
I will also give you a free of charge basic breeding item for your adoptable.

Paypal only.  I will contact you with my informations.

Thank you guys.
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: Poupou on February 15, 2010, 10:29:47 AM
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: Poupou on February 15, 2010, 10:29:58 AM
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 15, 2010, 11:18:30 AM
O.o those are seriously addictive. Now I wish I had more USD to spend >.<
*tries to decide what she would get*
By the way, is there a price for customs with no mutation?
And is it premade markings only?
And do items count as mutations?

Sorry for the bunch of questions xD that's what you get when you gimme lots of options xD

*looks around TLoT for mers* they are hiding, I think xD
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: Poupou on February 15, 2010, 11:30:51 AM
By the way, is there a price for customs with no mutation?
I didn't think of this, usually people want them lol.  I'll say 6$ for a custom with no mutations.

And is it premade markings only?
You can get both premade and custom markings.  I'm not always good at animal mimics, but I am willing to try and do my best.

And do items count as mutations?
Ah, another thing I didn't think about. >.< Let's say the first item would be free, then it would be 1$ each after that.

Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: Scullisto on February 15, 2010, 11:51:27 AM
I am sooo interested in the TLoT. I always have been, been timing was never right to get one...until now.
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: Poupou on February 15, 2010, 12:03:03 PM
Well, here's your chance, lol! :)

Just let me know what you'd like when you're ready, and I'll send the forms. *nods*
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: XLostxDestinyX on February 15, 2010, 12:09:34 PM
I wish I could help, but I spent most of my Paypal already...
I would like to offer some Semi Custom/Custom Vouchers of my Bird adoptable to help [Each purchase could include one Semi custom from my line] I don't expect anything in return, just want to help out however i can.
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 15, 2010, 12:18:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your tough times, Pou. :( *hugs* I really wish I could help you, but I'm on food stamps and gov. money as is, and the bills keep piling up, sigh. I will be sending you hopeful thoughts and good wishes instead, my friend. :)
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: Poupou on February 15, 2010, 12:23:33 PM
@Lost - Oh my, you really don't have to do this, but thank you so much.  I really appreciate. <3

@Ryuu - Don't worry, I know how life can be hard at times, and your hopeful thoughts and good wishes are most than welcome.  I hope you can figure something out soon. *Hugs*
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 15, 2010, 12:27:59 PM
Thought of bonus birdy makes me want this even more xD
Now to decide what I want.. I am seriously considering writing down all the types I want and putting them into xD
Title: Re: LAHK & TLoT - USD Customs
Post by: XLostxDestinyX on February 15, 2010, 12:40:41 PM
No problem! I love to help out anyone in need when possible *huggs*
I know how bad hard times can get :(
Anyone who purchases may Message me this form:
3 Colours:

Each LAHK or TLoT recieves 1 Akara to go with it :)