
Secundi Market District => Help Booths => Topic started by: PonyMama on February 25, 2010, 05:08:02 PM

Title: Stable Name help
Post by: PonyMama on February 25, 2010, 05:08:02 PM
Ok so I now have MORE then enough horses of the same breed to make a stable site and try to become registered, problem is I have No idea what to name it.

All the horses will be and are so far named with African names
they will all have Black halter and Jolly ball

So does anyone have any suggestions?

All my horses can be found right here in my brag thread: (
Title: Re: Stable Name help
Post by: CutieePiee on February 25, 2010, 05:28:56 PM
I can't think of specific names for your stable, but when I think of your African theme, here are some words I came up with...

- Safari
- Pride (I thought of the Lion King-- pride of lions/Pride Rock)
- Savanna
- Sahara (desert...)
- Wild/Wilderness

Hope that helps somewhat. Maybe you can find other words that go along with those words to make a pretty name. *shrugs* xP
Title: Re: Stable Name help
Post by: YourLoveOnly on February 26, 2010, 04:00:42 AM
Wou Perd Stables. African theme makes me think of wild horses.

African - English
Wou Perd - Feral Horse
Mak Perd - Tame Horse
Stalle - Stables