
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 06:30:46 AM

Title: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 06:30:46 AM
Is anyone as much fan as Twilight as i am?

I have the movies, i have tickets to Eclipse when it gets released and i have read the 2 first books on english (im danish so its pretty good of me) and i just cant stop reading when i starts, i watch the movies more then before ;)

I Love both the books and the movies, but there ofc are some things i would have liked eighter in the movie too or just made like it is in the book ;)
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Kadana Sorano on March 21, 2010, 07:22:34 AM
I loved the books.  There were of course aspects I disliked, but you get that with everything.  over all, I loved them.  I've only seen the first movie, and frankly am in no hurry to see the rest.  I'll get them to watch, eventually (in fact the second is on my Netflix queue).  but I'm in no hurry since the first one was such a disappointment. 

Mind you, I always am a little disappointed with a movie that's based off of a book, they can just never live up to the written story.  But this one, went way beyond a little disappointment.  If I hadn't read the books, I would have liked it well enough, though I still would have been unable to take some of the actors seriously.  But having read the books the movie was just.. eh

I'm hoping the second one is better.  But I have doubts.

I do of course, wish the story continued in the books.  It's a series I would have loved to have just keep going on and on.
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 07:25:24 AM
Well i also did it in the wrong way, i saw the movies and then i read the books ;)

but why were you so dissapointed kadana? :o
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Kadana Sorano on March 21, 2010, 07:41:29 AM
Well, for one thing, I kept getting bored.  I can't explain that, it just.. didn't catch me up.  Then there were the times where I found myself pausing it and going "wait, wtf just happened, I don't remember it like that from the book!".  I know you get that with all movies that are made after books (I dislike the harry potter movies as well..) But it just annoyed me a lot more then usual with these, as the books were so darn good.

It was a lot of little things, mostly just me nit picking to be sure.  but the biggest bit for me, was the actor chosen for the role of Edward.  Every time he tried to be all baddass, I'd find myself laughing, smirking, or rolling my eyes.  Sorry, but after his roll in Harry potter, I just found I could not take him seriously as Edward.

It's not his fault to be sure.  And I know how some actors struggle not to be pigeon holed into one type of role.  I usually try and keep an open mind when watching someone perform in something different.  But, in this case, I just couldn't.

The other big thing, was the way they did the "sparkles".  In the book, the glittering sparkling vampires surprised me.  At first, I was not pleased.  But I got used to it, and well, it was a new and interesting take on vampires; and I was looking forward to seeing it in the movie.  But in the movie, it didn't look like he sparkled.  It looked like he took a bath in a tub of glitter.  I started the movie expecting to see hmm cgi? (I dunno what thy call it) but basically computer effects t make him sparkle and shine.. and instead, I get what looked like good old mundane glitter.

My problem overall I think, is that I started watching the movie with a bunch of preconceived notions and expectations.  And the producers utterly failed to deliver.  I'm going to TRY and wipe all my expectations away before watching the second one, in the hopes I can enjoy it better.

Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 07:46:49 AM
Well im lucky and i havnt seen him in Harry potter, so i just LOOVE him as Edward, and i think Bella and Edward looks really cute together.

The main problem i have with the movies vs. the books, is that in the books i love how every person is described, Lauren don't like bella, Jessica is insane jaloux, Mike dosnt leave her alone and Tyler dosnt eighter, and in the movie, thats changed alot .

Jessica is kinda nice something like , instead of jaloux
Lauren & Tyler you hardly see in the movie
Mike is less interested in her in the movie

And the way she meets Jacob is all wrong too :o
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 10:09:01 AM
I do love the sotries, I think Stephanie has a writing style that shoudl never be repeated, as it is horrendous, but he story itself was interesting and kept me reading.  I read Twilight and Breaking dawn allt he time, but have only ever read New Moon and Eclipse once each, they seem too full of whiny teenage stuff for me.  For a big bad wolf, Jacob is way to clingy, for a vampire Edward is too darn unsure of himself, and Bella, yeah her maybe him, but I love him thing gets old.  All in all I do enjoy them

Movies.  Yeah.
Ok the choice of actors was interesting.  Kristen as Bella?  Ok she is an over-actor and it shows horribly, but I guess it goes will with Robert's under acting.  I think who they chose for the rest of Edward's family was spot on, that is how I pictured them, and they acted as I thought they would.  There choice for jacob, I questioned it at first, but he was a good actor and seemed to fit the part, then in the second movie he really made the role his.

I too had an issue with the "sparkle" that is not what I had pictured in my head, they have so much for computer graphics at their disposal so that was a let down.  My biggest issue with it was his running, thank goodness it was fixed int eh second one, but when he has bella on his back his feet move quick but the rest of him does not?  Cheese!

The first movie not great, but it does not stop me from watching it, I have a pretty good imagination so I fill in the gaps happily.  Dfinitely spots I hate, but again I send my thoughts to the happy written word and fill them in how I want to.  All in all good movie, for what they have, I hope one day someone comes by and redoes it, but until then I will watch this one.

Second movie, oh yeah full of over acting from Kristen, even worse then before, what is with her grabbing her hair and screaming out, somehow that doesn't work, it looks pathetic.  They fixed the running, and now they look all blurry, thank goodness.  The morph from human to wolf was done AWESOME.  They decided to do something right with graphics.  It isn't nearly as teenage whiny as the book but as I still have to fill in some gaps it feels whiny.

All in all I am a fan, not a die hard fan, but I do enjoy them, and do plan to see the next one in theatre as well.  I saw all of them in theatre first so far.  Eclipse and Breaking dawn will be no different
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 10:53:25 AM
I can see im much more of a fan then you guys are, because i dont think that way at all ;)

- I think Robert is a stunning actor for Edward because of his eyes, and i just love Kristen so much.

But to bring something positive; Whats your favorite book and movie scenes?

In Twilight Book my favorite are ;
When Edward says "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb" . Its just so darn cute and i picture it well, and also the prom where he takes her.

In Twilight Movie;
Same where Edward says "And so the lion fell in love wih the lamb" - His eyes is just so full of emotions and deep.
Another fave is where he takes her on journey in the three tops ;)

In New Moon book;
Well im not done yet, but i think its cool they made 1 day to each month , those 4-5 month their passes

In the New Moon Movie;
The first fave is where the month passes, they captured it so amazing and if you look closely the pictures on the wall beside her, dissapers slowly on each turn around.
Another fave is the morph from human to wolf where Jacob defend Bella after hitting one of them, thats just plain amazing, i was stunned, and beside that the wolfs are just soo pretty.
A little third fave was when she rescues him from showing his "true colour" to humans, and all the time at the Volturies.

And on a side note i think the whole storyline on the Volturies are amazing and it compares good to my thinking and other vampire movies like Van Helsing :)

Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 11:15:11 AM
you can't say that, just becasue I find things I don't like or woudl want done better doesn't mean someone is a bigger fan then I am.

From the books, my favorite part is on Breaking dawn and always will be, when Edward says quite frankly "please stop attacking my wife"

From the movies so far, when She is asking who wants her to become a vampire, How Emmett just grabs her up into a hug.  Just shows how much she has already become as the wolves put it, "the vampire girl"
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Kadana Sorano on March 21, 2010, 11:28:05 AM
I agree, there is no way to conclusively prove or disprove who the biggest fan of any given thing or person is.  

But anyway, I don't know that I have a favorite part in each book, or in the movie I have seen.  I will say I can empathize with her struggle to choose between two guys, both of whom she clearly has feelings for.  Simply because I have been there myself.  So that was one aspect that was always rather real to me.  And I admit, I'm naughty, and kept wondering why she couldn't just have both.. but then, I always did hate having to pick one over the other.. and later wondering if you made the right choice.. sigh

As a side note, I LOVED Laurent.  I wouldn't mind seeing some Fan Fic's pop up where she tosses Edward and Jacob both and runs off with Laurent.
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 11:30:55 AM
I agree Kadana, he was pretty

although all teh girls were screaming when Edward came onscreen, or Jacob and I was like Carlisle, that's a pretty pretty man
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 11:43:44 AM
@PM - WIFE?! Are they gonna get married? and if they are i supposed she gets turned too?
aaand yess that scene is just lovely too <3

@Kadana - Lool , i think hes very far from pretty, but thats coz i have some personal problems too :p

Both of you - oh i think u missunderstanded it abit or i wrote it wrong, i meant much more of a fan in the way understanded that i own everything that says Twilight on it , books, posters, movies, cups and so on ;) And atiny bit cause im hyperventilating over being able to see the 4th one soon.

I have to say i think Edward looks great, mostly i love his eyes, full of expressions, and Jacob looks cute with long hair, but very hot with the short hair but i also Love the look of Emmett, i like that hes so big beary <3

The girl playing Rosalie and Alice is also just soo pretty and spot on the roles :D
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 11:47:34 AM
Yeah got to read quicker, sorry, I am guessing you probably guessed it might happen but if you didn't you will soon. 

I don't own everything twilight because everything in my house is either winnie the pooh, dragon or princess (this one is because I have two little girls)

I did own the books asap, and the movies as well, although my car crash has prevented me from buying new moon so far, but I will get it, and I will see Eclipse the first weekend it is out, as long as I don't have to go to a friend's wedding, as I think they will stop with the guilt trips now with us havign no car. (no they aren't really guilt tripping us they are wanting us there)
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: YourLoveOnly on March 21, 2010, 12:17:26 PM has lots of Bella/Laurent stories ^^
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Spixy on March 21, 2010, 04:43:35 PM
Ooh :] I love twilight too - at least the books(Twilight, New moon and Breaking dawn.). The movies were good too, but I really have a problem with Kristen Stewart. Her whole attitude and voice annoys me to no end, it's horrible.

I'm really not looking forward to seeing Eclipse, the trailer is extremely tame, but so is the book, so yeah, I'm just hoping they'll put everything they have into Breaking Dawn.

- SPOILER Breaking Dawn -
I loved the BD book - everything but the Jacob/Rene imprint thing, that was just freaky and disgusting. yes, I know it's "just a friendly feeling as a child" but seriously? It's nasty and just .. wrong?
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 04:50:52 PM
agreed spixy, but


from breaking dawn
She is not a regualr kid so I am not overly creeped.  But I would have pretty much acted the same way Bella did, with wanting to rip his head off.  She just grows so quicklya nd she understand the bond between herself and Jacob which helps with the not creepy thing
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 04:55:42 PM
Guys, i havn't yet read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, so i think its a bit sad that you say Eclipse is a tame book and such :)

On the other hand, i started reading New moon today, and after plus/minus 10 hours i have read 300 pages :D
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 04:57:31 PM
I didn't same tame I just say I don't like it as much, and it isn't that it is bad, it all ties in
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 05:20:32 PM
Quote from: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 04:57:31 PM
I didn't same tame I just say I don't like it as much, and it isn't that it is bad, it all ties in

i didn't say you did, but spixy did you agreed ;)
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 05:22:29 PM
I agreed with her spoiler which is what I added in the spoiler area

So that woudl have made more sense had you read the spoiler but you shouldn't

but also rememeber that this is a Twilight talk thread, not everyone is going to like it the same way another does, and you may get some who hate it, unfortunately if you are only wanting good talks to which everyone agrees with you, you may want to make it a you only thread.
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: YourLoveOnly on March 21, 2010, 05:31:18 PM
Idea for spoilers: put them in white colored text and then post there is a spoiler posted below? Like this:

Breaking Dawn spoiler below:
This is just an example, but you get the point. Select the post or quote it and you can read it. Decreases odds of people reading it by accident.
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: PonyMama on March 21, 2010, 05:32:39 PM
Good tip YLO, I will go cahnge that then
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 21, 2010, 05:46:06 PM
I'm not looking for ppl only liking it, but telling what happens when i started with writing that im only reading new moon atm is a bit sad i think.

Isnt that like telling the end of a movie to someone their hasnt seen it? or is that just me?
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Blondie_63 on March 21, 2010, 06:25:03 PM
I love the Twilight series! The series that got me started reading again. So I appreciate the series quite a bit. What I love about the series is the actual story line. Stephenie Meyer's writing in the series, like PM said, I think is horrendous but then again this series is supposed to be for younger audiences. I thought The Host was much better written!
Favorite book by far is Breaking Dawn!
I loved the wedding I could see the whole thing! Loved the Honeymoon! Although I was waiting for the scene which she skipped again because of younger audiences but dang I wanted to read that! *I be perv* Hehe. I didn't so much like that she put it in Jacob's POV but again I understand. I loved Renesmee! The fight scene ehh...wish they would have actually fought even if just for a moment.
/End Spoiler

The Twilight movie I absolutely hated! Actually walked out of the movie theatre. I severely dislike Catherine Hardwicke! I didn't understand why she changed the movie so much from the book. New Moon the movie I thought was pertty good. I understood for the most part why Weitz changed the parts he did. He had to to make the story understandable for audiences who hadn't read the book. I loved the wolf change! Done quite well! But personally I think Rob and Kristen are extremely terrible actors! HORRIBLE! I like the Cullen family they're pretty perfect. I like Charlie's character. I think that Jacob was picked perfctly I think Taylor Lautner is a pretty good actor still has some learning to do but he's pretty decent. The first one I defiently hadmy doubts because of the truck scene that was horrible! But he's poved himself in New Moon. Did a very good job in my opinion.

But yeah that's my opinion on the movies and books.
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Kadana Sorano on March 21, 2010, 07:45:35 PM
lol well, everyone has their own personal issues and tastes, nothing wrong with it.  Were a very hmm.. diverse? species after all :)

And don't get me wrong, I do think Pattinson is hot.. just wrong for this role.  And Jacob.. ahh Jacob.  He makes me wish I was quite a lot of years younger lol  And while I do love long hair on a guy, I have to say he is one of the few guys I've seen in long and short hair, and looked equally hot either way.

Also, I saw a clip of the wolf transformation.  And that was the single deciding factor that caused me to add new moon to my Netflix queue and "try again" as it were to enjoy the movies.

Ohh thank you YLO I shall have to check that out :D
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 22, 2010, 01:05:23 AM
Hehe Kadana.

Im almost certain im the youngest here, because i had the experience alot with elder people thinking Kristen and Rob perform poorly, and i dont get that at all, i love the movies so much and im so looking forward to buying New Moon today and watching it while or after i have read the book done :p
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Spixy on March 22, 2010, 01:40:28 AM
I'm not sure I understand you Pink, I said that the book was tame and I do think that, but that's my personal opinion. I've argued with friends forward and back because some of the like Eclipse equally much as ex. New moon, so I was just stating my personal feeling towards it. I haven't revealed anything that happens in that book, so I don't understand you saying I'm spoiling it?

Anyway PM! xD
I know what you mean. She's not a normal kid I know, but it just really annoyed me. I mean couldn't the imprint come later? I just feel like, well, that Rene has no choice whatsoever in her future being 'bonded' with a protective werewolf from birth. I mean come on, he didn't even want to hand her over to her own mother! Plus the fact that Bella was only protective for - what, five minutes, when she tried to rip off his head once? Bahaha, I'd shun Jacob for months.
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 22, 2010, 09:21:48 AM
I didnt say you spoiled it, but before you made your spoilers white , all of them did as i havnt read all the books yet . :)
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 23, 2010, 03:57:20 PM
Okay admitted , im really bad at keeping my self from reading the last page of a book im reading, so i couldnt help myself, and i read the last or actually 2 last pages of Eclipse , and now .. Please tell me Bella dosnt become a stupid dog? :o
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Kadana Sorano on March 23, 2010, 04:20:37 PM
*snickerfits* Alls I will say is, dogs are not stupid.  :P
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on April 01, 2010, 01:43:52 PM
Okay freak, im way addicted to Twilight.

It took me exactly 9 days to read all four books + 1 day to read the public outcast of Midnight Sun .
Thats 2.213 pages on 9 days + 264 pages on a day witch equals = 10 days = 2.477 Pages .

- My parents thinks im insane and that i have lost my mind , because after i was done i started over, and im watching Twilight & New Moon all the time , thought sometimes i also watch Harry Potter or Hannah Montana , but most of my time goes on Twilight .

Yes i have vacation , thats why i have so much freetime , its really insane , but i just LOVE the books , i think their really awsome and fasinating .
And i got pretty upset with my parents for saying ive lost my mind as my dad and brother uses this much time on world of warcraft , i just have something else i love to spend my time on .

I must say i thought Bella would die in breaking dawn , when i read the baby was killing her inside from . Am also abit dissapointet over no big fight in the end but ill manage :D
Title: Re: Twilight Talk <3
Post by: Pinkshadow on March 15, 2011, 08:29:16 AM
Aaand liife to this again :P

- Eclipse is now on DVD and Breaking dawn first part is soon in the movies !
YAY ! :D