I've tried several different ways to color roan and just can't figure out how to make it look good xD help please? extensive directions would be good <3
Depends if your doing a solid or broken roan.
What sort of program are you using love?
I'm coloring your gidget :) dunno which roan it is though xD
Photoshop CS3
Ermm id say a solid spotted ^^
First off i use gimp so i dont know the brushes and so on but ill tell you how i do it.
I choose a fuzzy brush, and turn down the opacity to between 20% and 40% it kinda depends how many times you wanna go over it.
So i use this brush and use the color white, i lay put it on the torso and a little on the neck leg areas. I lay the first layer, then next i put more white in the shoulder stomach areas. And then again on the stomach and shoulder back haunches areas
To put the spots on just grab a fuzzy or somewhat fuzzy brush on and just put the orignaly body color as your color and put the spots on.
:O thank you! shall try that right away <3
Another way to try is to make a completely white layer over top of your base colour and then use a 30-40% opacity eraser with a stipple or small brush and erase from where you want there to be colour, so face, legs etc heavily, and then more lightly over the body until you get the effect you want.
I cheat, I accidently found out one of my brushes makes a perfect roan xD