
Secundi Market District => Stage Area => Topic started by: Ryuukokoro on April 03, 2010, 11:05:07 PM

Title: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on April 03, 2010, 11:05:07 PM
First of all, I got a bunch of my Kennel dogs imported here to Secundi! Yaaay almost all my old friends have come home and are hanging out with my new doggies! ^^

( Shtiya, my lovely fawn brindle Samoyed

( Hoshi, the simple but stunning mala boy

( Sunrise, the completely stunning Golden Brindle mala that makes everyone swoon XD

( Sky Bridge, my unique lined Sammie boy (expecting his first litter soon!)

( Kokoro, who is wearing a bandana that symbolizes my Kennel theme

And so many more! ^___^

Aaaand Taru jumped right on my Tag-It and now I have this OMGGORGEOUS new Sammie boy!

Meet Sos!

Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on April 03, 2010, 11:08:23 PM
Also wanted to brag about my new Painted Uni!

Man, whenever I turn in yellow roses, they always come out so weird. XD I should just stick to my usual soul colors of blues and purples but...well, that gets boring! haha so this time I tried white, mint green, and pale pink. And ta da a spotted boy!


His name is Abanditym'bin, which means Peppermint Coat. XD
Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: CutieePiee on April 03, 2010, 11:09:53 PM
*is jealous of your doggies*

Really, they are all just so gorgeous!  :D
Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: PonyMama on April 03, 2010, 11:10:10 PM
I like your Painted uni, she is gorgoeus, but I like that kind of marking, it is fun.  Looks liek she got hit with paintballs

and congrats on yoru new Sammie, very pretty
Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on April 03, 2010, 11:11:40 PM
Next up is Buck! Oh man I was completely in love with Rav's event. How much fun it is to get to pick out REAL horses to mimic and then I get to write for the event as well! <3 As soon as I saw the photos of the little gelding with the dark face I just had to get him as a Stable horse. And look how great he turned out!!


I especially love his dark brown face against his white body and neck, and the little black at the end of his tail, hee hee. It's all in the little details with the Stable, I always say! (well, said to myself mostly..)
Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Neocridders on April 03, 2010, 11:14:50 PM
You're going to need to keep your sammies under close eyes. Those sammies are just whoah. I would love a breeding with them some time.

;) See my sammies, many varieties on coats! :D And your malamutes are gorgeous.

Oooh love the Painted unicorn. I <3 Painted Unicorns, and I love the color on her.

Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on April 03, 2010, 11:22:13 PM
And of course I saved the best for last: FAES!!!

Ryuu has to admit, Faes are her favorite adoptable shop. Because of the big variety of lines, the great coloring job and marking sets that Garney has to make them all so beautiful, but most especially because of the detailed world and the RP aspect of the shop. All in all Faes are right there at the top of my coveting list, hee hee. So when I get Garney trades, I get to request Faes in return! Yaaaay! ^___^


First up, this is Dragonheart. One of my many personas, this pretty girl originated in a Lupine event but she just seemed to call to me so much that she became one of my personas. Which is really odd, since red and gold are NOT normally colors I associate with. But the Lupine came pre-named, and since Ryuukokoro means Dragonheart and I happened to win her randomly, it seemed like it was destiny...

I haven't actually RP'd her, just collected adoptables in her image, so I'm really looking forward to see what aspects of my personality she ends up embodying. XD


I'd like you all to meet From The Dark! Yes, it's kinda an odd name... he's based on one of my PI Ponies (all long dead now of course, but i saved the color hex combos of ones I thought were particularly good looking). I must admit I was always a sucker for the Faes with Tiger Stripes, but I didn't own any! So now that is taken care of. XD

I'm not sure of From The Dark's personality, either. But it will be fun to find out! I have a feeling he is a brooding but chivalrous kind of guy who is always trying to protect the mares haha.


Thiiiis guy actually doesn't have a name! I'm working on it... Again his color combo came from a dead PI Pony. What a stunning combo! I love it! I also love how Garney takes my crazy ideas for Fae s-genes (I believe I said something along the lines of " some kind of deco spots on the legs that fade into stockings!") and brings them to life waaay better than I imagine hahaha.


And last but not least for the Faes, who could forget this guy!? It's Kohaku, of course!! ^____^ (I'm going to have to make a brag thread of all the Kohaku mimics I've managed to wrangle up...) If you're wondering about the MStripe mane in all its blue-ish glory, that was the result of a Double Visible SO project of mine back on PI. When those kitty ponies were released, I wanted a black one with paint to be like Kohaku, and I chose MStripes for the second gene since they are nicely visible against the black and white body. ^^
Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on April 03, 2010, 11:33:00 PM
*sneaks in one more post for the Faettes*

Ryuu and Kokoro are my twin personas. Not the most original, I'm sure, but I decided I wanted two personas to represent the two opposite sides of me, the wild fantastic storybook writer with her head up in the clouds, and the cynical down to earth pessemist that always rears her head when I'm stressed or pissed off at life in general. XD And since my name is kinda easy to break down, thus Ryuu and Kokoro were born!

Ryuu is my wild fantasy side. The side that can occasionally be roped into seeing girly romance movies. The side that goes to every kids movie even if I'm the only adult in the theater without a child in the seat next to them. The side that writes fantasy stories for kids and someday hopes to make a living off it. ^_^

She/he (I have adoptables in both genders) doesn't have a set coloring. My soul colors are lavenders and light blues, so I usually try to get adoptables like that. Basically anything that looks wild and crazy and makes me think of me, that adoptable gets to be Ryuu. The Faette Ryuu is especially adorable!!! I love her spotted blanket and every one of her colors is perfect! Her golden eyes leap right out at me, I absolutely love her!


And next up is my other half, Kokoro. This persona was born after I graduated college, went out into the real world, and discovered life tends to suck when you're an adult on your own. :P She/he is a cynic and doesn't easily trust. Would rather stay inside on the computer than take a chance going out and actually socializing with the populace. Bleh. But really she/he is just been hurt one too many times and every time it's harder to convince the self to marshal efforts to go out and try again. Sigh!

Kokoro is always done as a sable merle Shetland Sheepdog coloring. She/he exists as a Shetland (adoptable from PI) and a Kennel dog, and now as a Faette too! Garney did a great job putting doggy colors on a horsy body. XD

Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Neocridders on April 03, 2010, 11:50:09 PM
Oy! *Clings to them ALL*

Ohh, I don't have a favorite. I love. Them. ALL.
Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: Pinkshadow on April 04, 2010, 03:10:14 AM
*Steals away shtiya*

They are all so amazing
Title: Re: so much to brag about!!!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on April 04, 2010, 03:41:53 AM
Amazing! I love the Faettes and the brindle sammie =3
I wanna steal her for a RB O.o