
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: WildGrowths on May 01, 2010, 04:20:25 AM

Title: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: WildGrowths on May 01, 2010, 04:20:25 AM

A sign catches your eye and you decide to investigate.  Most of the doors are open, but the one directly by the sign is closed.  After a moment of hesitation, you go in.

The first thing you see is a table covered with flasks, burners, and other scientific looking apparatus.  After a few minutes, a man comes wandering in, staring at the clipboard in his hand thoughtfully.  He blinks when he realizes that he's no longer alone and waves a bit awkwardly with the hand holding his pen.  "Oh."  He quickly tucks it back into his pocket.  "Well.  Yes."  He clears his throat uneasily.  "Hallo. My name is Dr. Kayesh."  He gestures around him.  "This is my lab. Uhm.  Sorry for the mess."  He drags his now-empty hand through his brown hair, setting the pieces slightly askew in a fashion that is obviously a habit of his.  "You're here about the sign?  Good.  We, well, we sort of had an accident."

Dr. Kayesh turns around, craning his head one way then the other before finding what he was looking for.  He pulls up what looks to be a piece of paper.  He sighs at it then passes it over to you.  Holding it up, you realize it's a photo.


"That was Miki," the scientist says.  "I know she's around here somewhere; she's a purple. . . blobbie thing."  A glance around shows him that she's currently nowhere in sight.  "Oh, yes, she likes to get under things."  He glances heavenward as if for patience.  "Look around, will you?  She has to be here somewhere."  He puts down his clipboard, and begins to look under the tables and desks, actually getting down on his hands and knees and disappearing himself.  

Cautiously, you kneel down as well, looking for something that matches the photo.  You squint as you see something purple curled up under a nearby table.  As you look closer, you're surprised to see a creature, with legs and a tail, not the little round blobbie from the picture.  You call over the doctor and he hurries to your side.


"Ah, very good!" he praises you.  "Miki, come here.  Come on."  

She stretches out in a strange manner that makes her look not exactly solid, but as she comes trotting over she seems to do fine.  She turns her head towards you and, to your surprise, she doesn't seem to have real eyes.  

"This is Miki," Dr. Kayesh introduces you as he picks up the creature.  He pets her head gently.  "As you can see, she doesn't much resemble her original form."  He clears his throat uneasily.  "Yes.  Well, it really was an accident.  I bumped the table and a few flasks and potions fell on her."  He frowns and you can read the concern on his face.  "Other than this form shift, she seems fine, but, well, that's where you come in."  He puts Miki carefully back down and gestures for you to follow him through the lab.  He opens the door at the back of the room, and motions you through.

Here is yet another lab room, though this one had a series of tanks.  Within you see all sorts of blobbies, more like Miki's original form than her current one, but in different colours and shapes.  Dr. Kayesh waves a hand to encompass them all.  "As you can see, we've had a sort of explosion of blobbies, and we still haven't actually figured out what they are or where they came from.  Miki's transformation, however, has me baffled, and I think that might be tied into the origins of the blobbies.  I'm tied up, though, working on the main project as well as taking care of Miki.  I'm going to need some help with these blobbies and that's where you come in.

We're going to allow four of these blobbies to go home with tes—kind people who are willing to experiment—carefully!—and see if they can help us learn more about these strange creatures."

Dr. Kayesh looks you over thoughtfully.  "This will be a labor intensive project," he warns.  "You'll need to spend lots of time with your blobbie, at the very least to make sure it doesn't get into anything it shouldn't.  They don't seem to need to eat, but they enjoy doing so, so you'll need to carefully chronicle what it eats, drinks, everything."  The scientist is watching you anxiously now, afraid he's driven you off.  "If you are still interested, there are some forms on the main desk, the one without any flasks.  Fill them out and come back in a few days and I'll let you know if you've been approved."  He gives you one last hopeful smile then, with a quiet 'Excuse me' heads back into his main lab and resumes his studies.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop
Post by: WildGrowths on May 01, 2010, 04:20:37 AM
(Well, to clarify a few things for Dr. Kayesh since he's an NPC and doesn't understand how to break the fourth wall:  

Blobbies are also known as WildGrowths.  Perhaps Dr. Kayesh will figure out why later and then be able to share with all of us.  This is a test run for the doctor and, well, for me.  WildGrowths are an opening for me to develop new artistic skills through abstract to structured art.  Hopefully.   As such, I cannot guarantee any specific colorations or styles; they should be ever evolving.

As such, the WildGrowths are a highly evolutionary species; as evidenced by Miki, all sorts of things can cause them to change, though normally you'll only get a new stage after a major growth or a culmination of minor growths.  

There will be two ways to grow your blobbie: RP and purchased items.  More RP of you and your blobbie interacting with each other and the world will get you more changes and growths.  Dr. Kayesh will be able to come interact with you from time to time as well if you need/want him to.  Hint: Because you have more control over RP, there's a better chance of getting your blobbie to evolve into paths you desire for it.

Items will be available in two forms: Known and Unknown.  A known item will cost more; the doctor knows what it does and charges appropriately since, well, after he figures out what something does he really kind of loses interest in it.  An unknown item will cost less; changes might be drastic or minor, or even seem entirely hidden.  It is very important that the owner also keep track of what items has been used on his/her WildGrowth.  Dr. Kayesh will be keeping records as best he can, but, let me be frank; he's rather absent-minded.

Dr. Kayesh also isn't always the most creative when it comes to naming things (...blobbies...) so there is a very good chance he'll ask owners to help him name things.  

For this draw, you may not gift.  That will be an option for later events, however, should your friends desire a blobbie of their own.  The form is really meant to help me judge how much interest there is in the WildGrowths and where my focus should lie with them.

The form will be open over the weekend and will close Monday evening at 1900(exactly) Secundi Time.)

WildGrowth Preferences: (Please list them in preferred to least preferred)
Preferred Growth Method: (RP, Item, Combination)
Why do you want one:

Available WildGrowths



Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop
Post by: WildGrowths on May 01, 2010, 04:20:50 AM
Cert Contest

(Well, as you can see, we have a cert form for the blobbies, but, let's be honest, it's ugly and boring.  Which is pretty impressive.  So I've talked Dr. Kayesh into letting me choose the home for one of the other little blobbies he has floating around.

We need a new cert form.  It will need to have spaces for all of the information that's on the current one and it's important that there is enough space for items to be listed.  All items will have a short code, but we foresee them stacking up in the future.  

I would prefer that entries be in .psd or .png format for quality control.  This is not a requirement, simply preferred.  If I can adjust your entry to Photoshop without problems, that will be fine as well.

This contest will be open until May 12th, 1900 Secundi time, but I reserve the right to extend the deadline if I have not received an entry I really like.  No offense to anyone, but since this will be seen with every single WildGrowth, I want it to be something I really like.  Please add your name to your entry for copyrighting purposes.  (For example, the Iridium Cornelia have a small line of text on the cert that says 'Lineart By Chem_Gal'.  Obviously, yours should say 'Cert By' or 'Background' or whatever term you prefer.)  Feel free to post an example of your cert using the contest prize below, but also include a link to your actual entry as well.  

The prize will be the first orange WildGrowth or an appropriate SG amount, depending on your preference (and how much is fair).)

Entry Form
Your Name:
Entry Link:
Entry Example: (If desired)

Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop
Post by: WildGrowths on May 01, 2010, 04:21:06 AM
Cert Pick-ups






Flatsale PREVIEW
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Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 01, 2010, 04:46:52 AM
Dr. Kayesh can be seen bustling around his lab thoughtfully, but he's put up a sign on table that reads:

Feel free to browse around and ask questions.  I don't bite.  Usually. -K.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: Willow on May 01, 2010, 04:49:08 AM
WildGrowth Preferences:R001,G001,Y001,B001
Preferred Growth Method:RP + Items
Why do you want one: Because they look very fun, and it seems like there are a lot of random possiblities, which is interesting and new ;)
And they look squishable >3>'


I'd enter the other contest, but my cert skills are nil ;3;
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 01, 2010, 10:12:16 AM
"Bad, Gruff! Come on! Heel, will you!"

The heavyset boxer female displayed her lack of training by completely ignoring me, lunging forward on the leash hard enough to make her heavy panting sound strained and choked. Concerned, I let up on my yanking and Gruff took advantage by shooting forward down the hallway.

"We're going to get in so much trouble," I muttered to myself, not beliving the boxer had the strength to drag me through an open outside door and into this strange building. Usually I bred and raised smaller dogs; the large and muscular boxer was giving me a run for my money.

Finally we stopped, not because I got her attention but because Gruff found a door that very much interested her. She stopped and glued her nose to it, snuffling heavily.

"What, girl? What's so interesting in here?" I glanced up, and that's when I saw the sign. "...Experiment? Apply within? Huh..." A bit of a smile crossed my face. The key word there was "experiment." A word that was filled with possibilities, that one!

Guility I glanced down at Gruff, who was running her giant jowels along the crack in the door, sniffing away. If I opened the door, the boxer might run rampant inside. But if I took her home and then came back, what if they filled all the needed spots in that time?

I decided I was just going to have to be extra diligant with my girl, so I grabbed the door knob and walked inside.

After meeting and listening to Dr. Kayesh (and managing to keep Gruff from "investigating" Miki too closely only by sheer force of will) I assured the man I would return with the forms and took my leave. Perhaps because her curiosity was appeased, the boxer trotted along beside me cheerfully and without need to yank my arm from my socket to convince her to come along.

A writer always keeps a pen in her pocket, so I fished it out and jotted down my answers on my form as we walked down the hall.

Name: Ryuukokoro
WildGrowth Preferences: B001, R001, Y001, G001
Preferred Growth Method: RP!! (Duh heehee)
Why do you want one: Training dogs is one thing, but training an unknown blobby thing! Oh the possibilities! (Plus you mention my fave thing in the world to do and allowing me to do it now heh heh)

I finished my forms as we reached the front room, where Gruff dragged me into this building to begin with. The door was still open, allowing a humid spring breeze to stir the office air.

"Hmm." I looked around for a moment, wondering if I should return to the room and drop off the forms with the doctor before going home. But then I'd have to drag Gruff back there... did I dare leave her here alone for 30 seconds while I ran back?

My problem was solved for me, as I noticed a stack of mail slots behind the desk in the room. I scanned the little names on the tags below each slot and sure enough, one was marked Dr. Kayesh. I pushed my forms through the slot and whistled happily at having accomplished my first step in this new adventure.

Gruff perked up her ears at the sound of my whistling as we left.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: Solistia on May 01, 2010, 02:09:41 PM
Name: Solistia
WildGrowth Preferences: B001, Y001, G001, R001
Preferred Growth Method: Combination (I like having both options open!)
Why do you want one: I think they look incredibly cute so far! ^o^ (I must say, I'm quite taken with Miki, she's adorable X3~<3). Also the ability to RP the growth of your blobs 'pets' is quite intriguing =D I'm very interested in seeing how each creature grows and evolves! ^o^
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: kasatsu on May 02, 2010, 04:10:45 AM
Name: Kasatsu
WildGrowth Preferences: B001, R001, G001, Y001
Preferred Growth Method: Combination
Why do you want one: Through the sheer obsession of cute things! *currently isn't coherent enough for further reasoning* xD; <3
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 02, 2010, 05:19:08 PM
Dr. Kayesh gathers up the forms that have been turned in thus far, skimming them over to check for completeness.  Everything appears fine, so he sticks them in the appropriate folder to review after the deadline has passed.  He smiles, pleased that there are four volunteers, though he's a bit concerned later blobbies might have a difficult time finding new homes.  Oh, well, he'll worry about that when it comes up.

He carefully puts the folder away in a drawer on his desk, when a loud crash catches his attention.  "Oh, no! Miki, get away from that! No, don't spill it on the others-!"
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 03, 2010, 03:42:48 AM
I will enter this, please kick me if I forget >.>
I really wanna be a part of this adoptie <3
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: Solistia on May 03, 2010, 12:48:56 PM
Entry Form
Your Name: Solistia
Entry Link: (
Entry Example:
( (

I went for a Medical Clipboard Research Paper look, since it seems like this is all about documenting and researching these little blobby creature things :3
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: xenon on May 03, 2010, 02:39:50 PM
Solistia, may I just say that those certs look AWESOME? XD Love the researchy-look. I laughed at the list of items. And these look like a ton of fun, I'll be sure to keep checking in on them!
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 03, 2010, 04:37:56 PM
Oooo Solistia I LOVE them!! Man I was thinking of makign a cert but I seriously don't want to now because I want your cert to be the winner! XD
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: Solistia on May 03, 2010, 05:08:44 PM
@///@ thanks guys
(I'm curious what Ryuu's design would be though!! X3)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 03, 2010, 05:21:55 PM
Name: B001, R001, G001, Y001 (I based my preferences on inspiration of what the creature could turn into instead of favorite colors, I thought that was more suitable)
WildGrowth Preferences:
Preferred Growth Method: Combination, but mostly RP
Why do you want one: Roleplay, customization, the surprise element, the cute lil' blobbies! Should I go on? I love how I can interact with it and that will actually influence how the blobbie will look! I've been looking for an adoptable with a really fun RP aspect and this seems perfect <3
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 03, 2010, 07:26:26 PM
(Wow, Solistia, that is a really great cert!  It's very fitting for the adoption as well.  ^^ My biggest concern is that there is a good chance of the blobbies growing bigger.  Miki was actually a bit unusual in that she seems to have shrunk a little when she got into that first bunch of potions. 

That would leave us two options if we went with that cert: Size-limit all blobbies so they can fit in the box, or have separate stages (like Miki's Stage 1 image) and just keep a 'thumbnail', as it were, of the blobbie on the cert.  Do people have a preference?)

Dr. Kayesh hurriedly gathers up the remaining empty forms, stashing them out of sight.  He gives a small sigh, relief tinged with concern.  One last check in the box and he smiles at the sight of another form tucked in there.  "Oh, Miki, we got five entries."  He turns to look down at his blobbie, giving a small sigh at the differences in how she looks now.  He hopes that the entrants wouldn't mind the slight change to the available blobbies.  Of course, Dr. Kayesh is fairly certain that only two of them had actually gotten any of that weird, fizzy red potion on them, and the change isn't really obvious when you look at it. 

"Well, how to go about this then?" Dr. Kayesh asks him self.  He crumples the forms up into little balls and finds an empty waistbasket.  After tossing them in, he twirls it around a few times then began reaching it for the winners.

There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Timestamp: 2010-05-04 00:20:17 UTC

Dr. Kayesh smooths out the forms he's drawn, lining that up in the order he pulled them out.  "Okay," he mutters to himself and, after checking each form for preferences, goes to mark the blobbies for their new owners. 

He posts a list up on the door with the winners, along with another quick hand-written note.

kasatsu - B001
YourLoveOnly - R001
Solistia - G001
Ryuukokoro - Y001

Please come in and let me know what you'd like to name your blobbie.  Everyone's blobbies are fine, but there was another little accident.  The change is fairly minor.

Dr. Kayesh clears his throat uneasily.  Well, he hopes the entrants all think it is a minor change.  He waits anxiously for whoever comes to check in first.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw and Cert Contest
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 03, 2010, 07:36:18 PM
Quote from: WildGrowths on May 03, 2010, 07:26:26 PM

That would leave us two options if we went with that cert: Size-limit all blobbies so they can fit in the box, or have separate stages (like Miki's Stage 1 image) and just keep a 'thumbnail', as it were, of the blobbie on the cert.  Do people have a preference?)

Another solution: you could always ask for an enlarged version of the cert so the later stages will fit on it. :)

~ ~ ~

After being contacted saying I had something waiting for me, I eagerly returned to the mysterious building that had been occupying my thoughts the past day. (This time, Gruff was left at home.)

When I read the notice on the door, it brought a smile to my face. "So yellow guy is coming home with me!" I exclaimed, walking inside. "Well I think I'll call him Lemonade, for the coloring," I murmured to myself thoughtfully, wondering what the line at the bottom of the note could mean.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: Solistia on May 03, 2010, 07:52:50 PM
Green! ^o^ /liked them all really XD

I do that with Luminaria, the certed images are actually smaller than the uncerted images :3  So yes, it would probably act best as a thumbnail portrait, rather than being the actual size :3

Name will be.....Arawn


Solistia walked into the lab room behind Ryuu to check in for her randomly selected Blobby...only to find a small mess behind Dr. Kayesh. "Oh my...." She wasn't quite sure what else to say, but wasn't quite sure if she should offer to help, or let the lab assistants take care of it. She was only a volunteer, and didn't know if it required some manner of scientific degree to help with such a procedure.

"Um....I'm here to pick up the Green blobby, Arawn?" She was still concerned about the lab behind the Doctor, but decided just to deal with the present issue of getting her assigned charge.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 03, 2010, 07:57:56 PM
(That's a great suggestion, Ryuu, thank you.  I'd only be concerned about the cert being just too big, if that makes sense.  With the original cert, I had the ability to make the WildGrowth hang off the side if needed. lol

I was thinking about uploading the standalone image as well, in case people wanted to save that and/or use it in RPs so they don't have to post the whole cert.

Your WildGrowths will be available shortly in Pick-ups, though it might take a little while for the updated info to show up.)

Dr. Kayesh smiles to see the nice woman who had brought the beautiful-- if rather hyper-- dog with her the first day.  "Welcome back and congratulations, Ryuukokoro."  He listens to your name, and nods in acceptance.  Dr. Kayesh fills out a form on his desk, then tapes a small copy to the tank of Lemonade.  Lemonade was not one who seemed to be affected by the accident.  

"Well, Miki spilled a red, fizzy potion and a few of the blobbies go into it."  Or, he remembers, were pushed in by Miki, a fact he does not mention out loud.  "Lemonade managed to escape it, but it did bring to my attention that blobbies are apparently capable of three genders.  Lemonade is an It."  He pronounces this rather proudly, pleased to have made the discovery no matter how it had come about.

He turns as Solistia enters, wondering if she heard his little announcement.  He nods when she reminds him of the colour she won and he goes to get the blobbie's tank with a slight grimace.  He brings it back and clears his throat a trifle uneasily.  "Well, yes.  Unfortunately, Arawn is one of the ones that got into the potion.  The good news is that it is definitely female now.  So.  Congratulations."  The scientist flushes, hoping Solistia isn't too perturbed by the change.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: kasatsu on May 03, 2010, 09:28:30 PM
((Thumbnail or having the image hanging to the side both sound like good plans *noddnodd*))

Having filled out the paperwork earlier that week, Kasatsu returned on the designated day to see if she was picked to help with one of the blobbies. Walking along the tanks she finally spotted one that hosted her name on it.

Aww it was a cute one too. Not that they weren't all cute, though.

She smiled before stating happily, "Morcant"
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 03, 2010, 10:25:09 PM
Dr. Kayesh greets Kasatsu, checking which blobbie is hers.  "Oh, yes.  Uhm.  Your blobbie was unfortunately affected a fizzy red potion.  Congratulations, it's a girl!"  He smiles awkwardly at her before hurrying off to fill out her paperwork as well. 
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: Solistia on May 03, 2010, 10:33:48 PM
(Are we supposed to RP what these new mutations look like? or do we get to see them newly mutated first? XD)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 03, 2010, 10:45:52 PM
I think the discovery of red fizzy potion changing the gender was the mutation. ^^
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 04, 2010, 12:41:57 AM
(Yes, the red fizzy potion causes a gender change to female (or one step closer to female, dun dun duunn!)  If Dr. Kayesh ever gets around to setting up an item shop (i.e. when I finally re-do items, since the first set are ugly, lol), the red fizzy potion will be available for sale. 

Now, would it be better to have RP events in a shop thread, in the Cafe, or some other place or way I cannot think of? 

As another note, if you do start an RP somewhere, feel free to PM the link to this account so I can keep track of what's going on and let you know if/when you get changes to your WildGrowth.  Also, if you need Dr. Kayesh to show up, just let me know in the PM.)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 04, 2010, 01:22:08 AM
Rp's run by you would go in Critter Exploration in the rp section, as it says "Critter centered roleplays organized by critter marketers." ^_^
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 04, 2010, 02:10:36 AM
(lol Thank you, Ryuu!  For some reason that section had been minimized and I just missed it over and over.  Now, hopefully I can get an RP set up in the next few days.)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 04, 2010, 03:25:43 AM
I walk up to everyone, carefully pick up the red blobbie and pet it.
It makes a cute sound and wriggles a bit in my hand.
"Welcome home my dear" I whisper. "Let's name you Sookie, shall we?"
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 05, 2010, 12:00:20 AM
Dr. Kayesh fills out YourLoveOnly's forms, passing over her copy.

"Okay, then.  Congratulations, all.  A few points of interest.  As you can probably tell from both your blobbies and Miki, they aren't exactly sentient.  You'll probably notice that the more you talk to them and interact with them, the more they understand.  I don't know if that means one day they'll be able to talk back. . ."  He trails off and shrugs a bit uncomfortably.  "In any case, I forgot to get you journals."  This pronouncement is followed by the scientist quickly retreating to his desk and digging around.  He finally pulls out a few in a handful of colors and lays them on a table by the door.  "Again, I'll need you to keep a record of anything your blobbie eats and preferably anything they have prolonged interaction with; I really think that can affect them."  He pauses for a moment, a small frown creasing his brow for a moment.  "Blobbies, as far as I can tell, will eat anything.  If you find something it won't eat, please let me know as soon as you can."  After another momentary hesitation, he reiterates.  "And by anything, I really do mean anything.  I don't suggest leaving them alone with creatures they are larger or faster than."  He clears his throat uneasily.  "If you have any problems or would like to ask any questions, don't hesitate to stop by or send me a mail.  These are my only project, so I will make a point to get back to you as close to immediately as possible.  I have to sleep sometimes, after all."  This smile is slightly less uneasy than most of his others.  "Well, if there aren't any questions, I look forward to hearing from you to get an update sometime soon."
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 05, 2010, 12:23:57 AM
I leaned over the table and scooped up a journal with a blue cover. "Journal keeping, I can do that," I told Dr. Kayesh easily. Hearing the stress in his voice as he said anything, I felt myself grow uneasy. I raised dogs and horses, after all, and I had a lot of...other interesting creatures running around. But surely the little blob couldn't do too much to them.

...Could it?

I looked down at Lemonade, quivering innocently in my hand. "Guess I'll be keeping a careful eye on you, little Blobbie," I said with determination.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 13, 2010, 04:35:28 AM
Oh my, deadline passed! Does that mean Solistia wins or do you plan on extending it?
And I personally would prefer thumbnails on the cert and full sized uncerted images, instead of a different sized cert or size limited creatures. But if you prefer size limited creatures that's okay too, small and cute pets are my love <3 I just thought it might limit the creativity you want to put into this adoptable.

On a sidenote, I totally wish I had artistic talent like Solistia, because I did have an idea for a cert, I just can't draw to save my life xD And I defenitely can't ink or shade. Lemme color and run events and I'll be fine :P

I wonder if people just don't notice the RP forum, I miss seeing Ryuu over there =o
I know Ryuu loves to RP ^^ I did speak to Solistia yesterday and asked her to come join the RP too ^^
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: Lookky on May 13, 2010, 05:05:08 AM
= interested :3
hehe, I love these things... ^^
*will figure out a way to get one*
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: WildGrowths on May 13, 2010, 05:10:13 PM
(Well, it looks like everyone prefers Solistia's entry. lol  I believe we shall declare her the winner! Congratulations!  I will be re-certing everyone's blobbies soon-- I actually hope to do so after I fold some laundry(or before!)-- and making certain everything works properly for me. 

Yes, there is an RP thread up in Critter Explorations, and I'm also hoping to get a flatsale up soon.

Solistia, is Turi the name you would like for yours?)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Opening Draw(Results) and Cert Contest
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 13, 2010, 05:30:38 PM
Flatsale?! More blobbies? O.o <33
Please do announce upfront? <3 Like maybe put up the flatsale, but make it start 24 hours later or something? I think that's always a good way for people from different timezones to plan participating.

I think Solistia's cert is awesome ^^
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Coming Soon!)
Post by: WildGrowths on May 13, 2010, 08:06:59 PM
(Yes, more blobbies are on their way!  Dr. Kayesh is pleased by the interest and is also rather concerned since he seems to keep finding more WildGrowths floating around the lab! 

I'm thinking about limiting it so each person can only buy one (whether it be a gift or for themselves) per day.  So hopefully there will be plenty available for the different timezones. 

I may end up throwing up another contest later for items. . . I keep trying to draw some, but I really don't like most of my attempts thus far.  Bleh.  lol)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Coming Soon!)
Post by: Solistia on May 13, 2010, 09:22:37 PM
oh yay! (and yes, Turi XD)

Sorry I haven't done more RP, I've been sick lately xAx (finally over it I think OTL) two weeks is too long to be sick >A>
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Coming Soon!)
Post by: WildGrowths on May 13, 2010, 09:59:17 PM
(First batch previews are up.  Also, pick-up for Solistia.  The other pick-ups will remain up for awhile since they have been replaced with the new cert, but photobucket will take awhile to show them.

All previews are up.  I foresee the flatsale going up sometime tomorrow, though I'm not yet sure of start time.  If I can get some items done before then, they'll be thrown in as well.)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 14, 2010, 03:13:49 AM
I think I'm away for most of the day, but most events of secundi seem to run at midnight or so when I'm back home already xD

Absolutely lovely previews, I have a really hard time picking one of them!

Edit: kasatsu's is certed as male, but the story said it was a female.
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: indigowulf on May 14, 2010, 07:39:26 AM
*pokes head in and sees blobbies, does a bobbing finger wag, pointing to each one in turn, "I want dat one, ahn dat one, ahn dat one, ahn...."*
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 14, 2010, 08:13:18 PM
I am on the RP scene! XD Just was away from Secundi for a bit.

Ooooo flatsale. o.o DO WANT
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: WildGrowths on May 15, 2010, 02:00:34 AM
(Oh! Thank you, YourLoveOnly!  lol I remember thinking that I needed to be certain to get their genders right, but I guess my brain blipped out on me anyway. 

The flatsale will be held in a different thread.  I will actually be setting that up shortly-- I hope-- and it will open tomorrow evening.  I hope this works out for everyone.

Items still aren't coming along so well.  Bleh.  lol  If there's anyone out there who enjoys making items, I'm becoming more and more willing to have someone else make them.  lol)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 15, 2010, 02:35:24 AM
I was wondering about the flatsale, is it secundi time? If not, at what secundi time will it run? (timezones confuse me and I'm really busy so that's a bad combination)

And once per 24 hours means you have to wait 24 hours or just buy one once a day? (so if you buy one a minute to midnight you can buy another one after midnight)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: WildGrowths on May 15, 2010, 03:33:49 AM
(The flatsale will open at 2300 Secundi time, tomorrow evening.  It means one WildGrowth ever 24 hours.  So if you buy one at 23:01:46, you can buy your next one on the 17th at 23:01:46.  I'm hoping to accomodate all of the different timezones, so you will hopefully be able to get at least one of your preferred ones.

The different timezones is also a reason for the double set available.)
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 15, 2010, 03:13:36 PM
Well I decided to set my alarm clock to be here when it starts xD
That means 5.30 AM, giving me 30 minutes to get my lazy ass out of bed, turn on the computer and prepare the flatsale form :P
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 15, 2010, 04:15:50 PM
lol make sure you set it tomorrow and not tonight, YLO. Since tonight is 23:00:00 on the 15th, not the 16th. ^^ Don't want you to have to wake up early for no reason!
Title: Re: WildGrowths Shop: Cert Contest(Results) and Flatsale (Preview 12/12)
Post by: YourLoveOnly on May 15, 2010, 04:22:34 PM
Hehe yea I know it's tomorrow. I'm glad it is, because I have nothing to do on tuesday so that means I can go back to bed after the flatsale xD But tomorrow I am super busy so if it had been tonight I wouldn't have done it, I need my sleep :P

I'll reply to the RP tomorrow (or maybe a very short response right now) and turn in early, I'm tired. Almost midnight too. Goodnight! ^^