
Secundi Market District => Help Booths => Topic started by: Willow on May 04, 2010, 06:34:12 AM

Title: Evuus? Evolving unique blob things?
Post by: Willow on May 04, 2010, 06:34:12 AM

Evuus first start out as eggs with the texture of uncooked jelly cubes.
After a fairly random time, the egg will 'collapse' into a little evuu chick, these chicks come in many shapes,colours and sizes.
Eggs are 'laid' in batches of 2-6, and all Evvu are genderless so any pair can 'merge' temporarily and create eggs.


Or 'mutations' as they are also called.

ee - Cyclops
Ee - Normal two eyes
EE - Three or more eyes
bb - Singular body shape
Bb - Body shape with floating orbs/wings/bits
BB - Two separate bodies, working with the same mind
gg - No glow
Gg - Moderate glow round body
GG - Bright glowing body

More to be found?



As you can see the creatures only have one small evolutionary stage, but I thought they were quite cute, in an odd way.

Now I need some help, please fill in the survey if you have time :)

What do you think of the idea so far?
Do you think anything should be added?
Do you think I should only use a template once (so there'd only be Morph that looked like Morph)?
Or do you think I should have a few of each template?
Do you think they're TOO simple?
Would you like one, and would you collect them?
Do you think I should involve items/things that would change how a Evuu looked?

Title: Re: Evuus? Evolving unique blob things?
Post by: Angella on May 20, 2010, 03:14:34 PM
I love the idea! Blobs are always cute. :) I would definitely get one (or two, or three, or four). I think there should be a few of each template because it's hard to make blobs look unique. I also think you should involve items that changed Evuu's appearances for the above reason. I don't think they're too simple as long as you offer enough mutations (you might want to add a few). What kind of colors would there be?