
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: PonyMama on September 16, 2010, 05:23:51 PM

Title: Sad lupine season
Post by: PonyMama on September 16, 2010, 05:23:51 PM
Ok I know some of you hate the adoptable, but I do love them, but I am sad.  I went broke pg wise buying two bones for breeding season a while back, and planned out my breedings hoping for stuff, certain stuff.  and it seems that what I got are two lupines that I will not keep.  I will trade them both away at my first chance, which is sad, because I had looked forward to them so much.

( + (

This pair hoped for soemthing not puple like the boy I own.  I got the piccolo like I wanted but she looks too much like daddy #2 to be worth my while, right down to marking type.

and then I had this pair:
( + (

this one I bred my Uzuri to another fooxie in hopes for a fooxie.  I looked for blue with swirls of his own becasue I knew what I hoped for, and No fooxie did not pass.  I am so disappointed at it.  Yeah I got a boy, which is needed in my pack, but he is just not worth it.  

I guess it was my fault becasue I did not knwo that even if both parents have it there is only an 80% chance of it passing, cause if I had have known that, I would not have bred Uzuri

Now I wait for trading season.
I will have to try and get something pretty to cheer me up.
(Sorry I woudl post this on PI but I don't want people getting mad at me for not being happy, I knwo the artists colored a ton, but it seems other people got a lot luckier then I did,a nd I feel sad)
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: red_uni387 on September 16, 2010, 05:31:42 PM
you are probably right about the people getting mad at you part, since I saw an anti-brag about a lupine once that got locked >>

*smooshes* even though they're not what you wanted, perhaps during trading season you'll find the perfect loopies to add to your pack <3

but seriously only 80% chance of passing even if both parents have it? and your cub didn't get it? that's just rediculous -_____- especially when you look at the people who bred multi mutated pets and got multi mutated cubs out of it. someone got one with like TEN mutations. >____<
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: PonyMama on September 16, 2010, 05:33:49 PM
that may have been a checkered breeding so 10 lupines, it ups yoru chances

but yeah I am just sad, this is just.  and I forgot to add, crest is pretty, but not a mutation I like at all

But again tot add, I love that the artisits worked so hard at coloring all the pretties, they are just not what I wanted
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: Whimsy on September 16, 2010, 05:43:02 PM
So sorry sweetie, i always wanted to get into the adoptable but it seems mostly they are very secluded and very costly :( i do hope you can trade them for something youd like.
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: YourLoveOnly on September 16, 2010, 05:46:12 PM
Aww, I'm sorry PM. I know how hard it can be to get ahold of Lupines. And I know how special little Uzuri is to you. -hugs tightly-
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: PonyMama on September 16, 2010, 06:05:08 PM
Every lupine I have ever gotten I adore
even my very first breeding season I got a beautiful cub, and she was more then I expected.

But yeah a real downer this time.

I will try and trade for something more to my liking of course, and yes my little Uzuri, I was so excited so I think I could have dealt with one dud, but two and being to my Uzuri I was heartbroken
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: PonyMama on September 16, 2010, 06:14:25 PM
However...... before the breeding season there was a RP (that is unfinshed) and I won a custom.
So I did get this pretty, so now I have both Uzuri and Dziko
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: Whimsy on September 16, 2010, 09:24:51 PM
Wish i played on pi though! id maul you for that first little cutie, love the spots and feathers!
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: springacres on September 16, 2010, 10:50:09 PM
I have to agree with Whimsy here, except I do play on PI and I'd maul you for either of them PM :)  So sorry they were not what you were looking for, though!
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: PonyMama on September 16, 2010, 10:53:56 PM
the first just looks too much like the one I own, but when trading season comes along I will be trading both, I hope for something more to my liking
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: springacres on September 16, 2010, 11:27:36 PM
To be honest, I had hoped mine would turn out differently too.  I was hoping for something like his dad but without the stripes.  Instead he got his mom's coloring and dad's stripes xD
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: Spixy on September 16, 2010, 11:43:17 PM
Aw I'm sorry PM *snugs* I really love the little piccolo though, she looks cheeky - maybe she'll grow on you? :P

I feel quite lucky - twin cub looks a lot like her daddy, but I don't mind. (It's my very first breeding, so I'd be satisfied with everything lol)

Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on September 17, 2010, 09:09:27 AM

Aww.. sorry to hear hun. My own cubbies are still appearing/havent grown yet. I do like the lil piccalo you have, maybe at trading season I'll see who im parting with and let you take a peek?

Lupines are rather hit and miss with the mutation, for me, i like the suprise and try not to hope for anything in particular but I can understand also what your saying.

On the plus side, i bet there are plenty of people out there who would have adored to take part and will be interested in the cubs if you do trade them in trading season :)
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: Sunchaser on September 17, 2010, 09:47:30 AM
im waiting for my two. i was hoping for a mutation on either one of the breeds but all i managed to get was fangs. Which is fine cause i kinda like vampire fangs. But im curious to know the coloring thats going to come out.

If you dont want them, i plan on being in lupines for a little longer mostly cause i like the art even if the staff arent always my favorite people. Mostly i have fun so if you want to give them away i can trade you pg or somthing else that you might like. For instance breeding my quinsta or somthing lol
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: sera on September 17, 2010, 02:24:40 PM
*Snugs PM* i think we've all had disappointments in breedings at some point or another.  i agree that the babies are still very cute, however, so at the very least you have some nice things to trade with!  ^^  Good luck in trading season, and i wish you the very best trades ever! <3
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: Neocridders on September 19, 2010, 07:19:00 AM
I'm so sorry.

I really like them, but I know it wouldn't different if I were the one waiting so long, and the bones were so expensive!
I wanted to buy just a basic potion, but I was told there were too many out there. So I spent like six dollarsmore for an ot

But what really ticked me off this season was how I had to wait so long. I had my form turned in and accepted within a couple hours of it being open.
But I had to wait a whole week. Every day I'd sit there, waiting for my phone to loathe images. But byWednesday it got to be so manyi couldn't even load the page.

I was hoping it'd be there by my birthday.
And I'm honestly shocked that while people with five cubs may have had all their cubs born and a few starting to grow.
I was sad.
Ihadnt even gotten my cub.

And now I finally have her.
She seems good for now.
Hints of blue tips on tail and ears. But my goal was a boy. A veeeeeerrrry unlikely goal.
But I'm still happy.
But she has no animation :(

Haha sorry about stealing the light from you. I needed a little vent.
Title: Re: Sad lupine season
Post by: PonyMama on September 19, 2010, 10:17:04 AM
No worries Neo, I understand.
I was happy for a boy, shocked really, but of course sad at other.

they are gorgeous, just not what I want.