
Secundi Market District => Breeding Areas => Topic started by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2010, 08:59:47 AM

Title: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2010, 08:59:47 AM
Apologies if this is the wrong forum, I couldn't think of anywhere else for this to go. I'm making a list of the various Quin markings/genes and which breeds they exist for, and which ones they don't. That way I can tell what breeding projects I might want to tackle to get new genes into the other breeds. ^_^

Anyone is welcome to post in this thread with more information, especially those who understand the genes more than me (which is just about everyone here XD ). And feel free to post if you want to share your own breeding plans! I'm making this as more of a public thread than a thread for my own info.

Exists in: Clyd, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Arabian, Friesian, Luestin

Exists in: Arabian, Clyd, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Friesian, Luestin

Exists in: Andalusian, Arabian, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Clyd, Friesian, Luestin

Exists in: Arabian, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Clyd, Friesian, Luestin, Mustang

Appaloosa Snowflake
Exists in: Gypsy Vanner
Is not in: Andalusian, Arabian, Clyd, Freisian, Luestin, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland

Appaloosa Blanket
Exists in: Gypsy Vanner, Mustang, Miniature Horse
Is not in: Andalusian, Arabian, Clyd, Freisian, Luestin, Shetland

Appaloosa Leopard
Exists in: Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse
Is not in: Andalusian, Arabian, Clyd, Freisian, Luestin, Mustang, Shetland

Exists in: Arabian, Clyd, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Freisian, Luestin

Overo Frame
Exists in: Arabian, Clyd, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Freisian, Luestin, Mustang

Overo Sabino
Exists in: Arabian, Clyd, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Freisian, Luestin

Overo Splash
Exists in: Arabian, Clyd, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Freisian, Luestin

Exists in: Clyd, Arabian, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Freisian, Luestin

Silver Dapple
Exists in: Arabian, Clyd, Gypsy Vanner, Miniature Horse, Mustang, Shetland
Is not in: Andalusian, Freisian, Luestin

Coat colors:
Black Coat: Anda, Arabian, Clyd, Friesian, Vanner, Luestin, Mini, Mustang, Shetland
Red coat: Arabian, Clyd, Vanner, Mini, Mustang, Shetland (no Anda, Friesian, Luestin)

Bay: Anda, Arabian, Clyd, Vanner, Luestin, Mini, Mustang, Shetland (no Friesian)
Brown: Arabian, Clyd, Vanner, Mini, Mustang, Shetland (no Anda, Friesian, Luestin)

Cream genes:

Buckskin: Arabian, Clyd, Vanner, Mini, Mustang, Shetlands (no Anda, Friesian, Luestin)
Palomino: Arabian, Vanner, Mini, Mustang, Shetland (no Anda, Clyd, Friesian, Luestin)
Smokey Black: Arabian, Vanner, Mini, Shetland (no Anda, Clyd, Friesian, Luestin, Mustang)

Perlino: Arabian, Vanner, Mustang (no Anda, Clyd, Friesian, Luestin, Mini, Shetland)
Cremello: Arabian, Vanner, Shetland (no Anda, Clyd, Friesian, Luestin, Mini, Mustang)
Smokey cream: Arabian, Vanner (no Anda, Clyd, Friesian, Luestin, Mini, Mustang, Shetland)

Also listing dun and roan:

Mouse Dun: Arabian, Vanner, Shetland
Red Dun: Arabian, Clyd, Vanner, Shetland
Yellow Dun: Arabian, Clyd, Vanner, Mini, Mustang, Shetland
Blue Dun: Arabian, Vanner, Shetland

Brown Roan: Vanner, Mustang, Shetland
Bay Roan: Clyd, Vanner, Mini, Shetland
Chestnut Roan: Clyd, Vanner, Shetland
Black Roan: Vanner, Mini, Shetland
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: TheLeet on September 28, 2010, 10:57:15 AM
I'm no good at genetics but I just wanted to say that I like the idea of breeding new genes into certain breeds. I looked at Clydesdales the other day and just wished there would be a few Duns among them :D
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Keilin Alyr on September 28, 2010, 11:13:41 AM
Cream exists in the Arabians as well. Sunchaser owns examples of cream in both Arabian (Sunchaser) and Gypsy Vanner (Grace, Angel, Gabriel, Ethereal). Mutt also owns a cream Arabian.

I know you said you had trouble with dominance in regular agouti, but cream is just a variation of it. Golden buckskin is cream-bay, sooty buckskin is cream-brown, and smoky black is cream-black. Palomino is cream-chestnut. Perlino is double-cream on the agouti colors, while cremello is double-cream on chestnut.

Also, breeding the frame and splash overo variations in the non-Friesian breeds shouldn't be too difficult. It's not a separate gene, it's related to the base overo gene, so even Quinsta that don't show overo carry the potential for it. All it takes is two sabino parents (one carrying, of course) to create any overo pattern variant.

And heh... not being a horse person, I really sound like I'm stretching what little knowledge I have. Could someone bail me out here? Springacres, maybe? XD

As for projects, I'm hoping to work on Palomino Tobiano and Yellow Dun Silver Dapple Clydes, though the 75% or more of one breed in the final project is throwing the first project a little. I don't want to inbreed.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on September 28, 2010, 11:22:13 AM
XD Little knowledge or not, you are very right.
You did forget smoky cream which is double-cream on black :)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2010, 11:32:18 AM
Quote from: Keilin Alyr on September 28, 2010, 11:13:41 AM
Also, breeding the frame and splash overo variations in the non-Friesian breeds shouldn't be too difficult. It's not a separate gene, it's related to the base overo gene, so even Quinsta that don't show overo carry the potential for it. All it takes is two sabino parents (one carrying, of course) to create any overo pattern variant.

lol that explains how the only Frame Quin in existence came to be from breeding a sabino overo parent.

Hmm, I think frame and tobiano would be really pretty in the Clyds... *makes a note for future projects*

lol the agouti/cream thing still makes my eyes go @_<
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on September 28, 2010, 11:41:00 AM
Basically all horses are either black or chestnut (EE and Ee being black, ee being chestnut).

A visually black horse has no agouti (aa). Agouti can change the color a black base to appear brown or bay.  AA, AAt and Aa agouti make the horse bay, AtAt and Ata make the horse brown.
If the base is chestnut (ee) then the agouti does not change the color of the horse and you won't know what agouti genes it has unless you breed it to black-based horses (black/brown/bay).
Two black horses will never produce a bay or brown together, because they simply don't have an agouti gene.

Cream can change any color. A horse can have single and double cream (Cc and CC. Just like a horse can be homozygous tobiano or heterozygous tobiano for example). If a horse does not have a cream gene it stays black/bay/brown/chestnut (whatever it already was). If the horse does have cream you get the following;
Black + single cream = Smoky Black
Black + double cream = Smoky Cream
Bay + single cream = Golden Buckskin
Bay + double cream = Perlino
Brown + single cream = Sooty Buckskin
Brown + double cream = Perlino
Chestnut + single cream = Palomino
Chestnut + double cream = Cremello

I hope that was somewhat helpful.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Keilin Alyr on September 28, 2010, 11:42:44 AM
You know, given that my main Stable plans revolve around base black and its genetic variants, I'm not sure how I managed to forget smoky cream. You're probably the best person to have caught that though, YLO, thanks for the head's up. XD
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2010, 11:53:52 AM
Ohhhh!! You know, that clears up a lot for me!

So if you breed a black horse to a chestnut horse (not taking into consideration the agouti at the moment) you have the possibility of 100% black babies if the black parent is EE (because that would make all the babies Ee). Or 50/50 chance for black or chestnut baby if the black parent is Ee (because the babies would either come out Ee or ee). HA! I finally get that first part of breeding! XD

I understand tobiano and cream in that they only have 'either/or' options (either CC or Cc for cream, for example). I can do punnet squares like that. The agouti is still a little confusing since there's four things to consider: AA, AAt, Aa, and aa. Not sure how one would set up a punnet square to figure out foal possibilities when there's that much complication...

But at least I am making strides! lol. The 'e's and the 'c's are no longer a mystery to me! lol.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on September 28, 2010, 11:55:53 AM
No there are only three types: A, At and a.
And yay, I am glad I was able to explain some stuff in a way that made sense :D
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2010, 12:24:45 PM
Oh, oh, yes! ha! That is a little more clear.

There's two types of gene for those 'either/or' genes: C and c. Which leaves 3 possible combos: CC, Cc, or cc.

With the agouti there's three genes: A, At and a. But that leaves.... nine possible combos, right? wait wait no.. they only match up in pairs. So the combos could be: AA, AAt, Aa, AtAt, Ata, and aa. Ha, exactly what you wrote in your post earlier! Haha! I think I am getting it! XD
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on September 28, 2010, 12:25:40 PM
That is completely right! :D
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: springacres on September 28, 2010, 12:45:51 PM
You have both perlino and cremello listed as single cream colors on that list, YLO.

Also, Ryuu, I love love love this idea.  But you left out gray.  (Pretty sure it only exists in Arabians anyway, but I do love it and want to spread more of it across other breeds...)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: TheLeet on September 28, 2010, 01:07:16 PM
Yes, grey is lovely. I think there's a grey grade horse out there too  :)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on September 28, 2010, 01:28:00 PM
And white! Don't forget white <3 (the regular one, not the lethal overo x overo form)

@spring: that's what I get for copy pasting XD But Ryuu got my point, so all is good.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Keilin Alyr on September 28, 2010, 01:41:06 PM
Yeah, I want a white Vanner so badly. I've been thinking about trying my hand at a project, but I think I have my hands full with my two Clyde ideas. =)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2010, 02:24:34 PM
Oooo gray and white are important! I added them in.

Hmm, maybe I'll make a list of what Grades are out there, later. That will help in breeding planning. <3
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2010, 07:34:10 PM
List of Grades added, hope some find that helpful ^^
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: springacres on September 28, 2010, 08:27:09 PM
Thanks for posting the grades, Ryuu.  And this thread has given me new ideas for my Clyde mare next season :)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: springacres on September 28, 2010, 08:27:55 PM
Thanks for posting the grades, Ryuu.  And this thread has given me new ideas for my Clyde mare next season :)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: red_uni387 on September 28, 2010, 11:43:57 PM
oohh thank you Ryuu! this is very helpful :D

debating whether I should try for a silver dapple grade or a roan grade please? xD

and looking at the stable website, it says blue roan has a base of black, so would black roan = blue roan? Filana's description says black roan, and that's not one of the options on the website so i'm confused
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: springacres on September 28, 2010, 11:50:12 PM
Black roan and blue roan are genetically identical, but for whatever reason black roan has a darker base coat.  I think that's the only difference.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on September 29, 2010, 05:49:01 AM
@spring: TheStable does not have those as different things. Black + roan = blue roan. It's just a common name. Just like chestnut roan is also called red roan or strawberry roan. It's the same thing. So if Quinsta follows TheStable genetics then blue and black roan should be the same thing.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 29, 2010, 09:10:32 AM
Yeah I'm 99% sure Sil said she's going with TheStable's way of breeding, so blue roan is black roan, just with a fancy name. (Like blue dun is also called grullo.)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 29, 2010, 11:10:47 AM
moved to top post
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Spiderfly on October 01, 2010, 07:31:30 AM
I have a splash overo arabian stud if you'd like to try breeding either of your tobiano arabian X grades to him. ^^
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: TheLeet on October 02, 2010, 07:08:48 AM
It looks like there now is a grey Gypsy Vanner. Yay :D
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on October 02, 2010, 01:34:06 PM
Yes! And an appaloosa blanket Vanner too! :D WHOO
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Nighthenge on October 02, 2010, 05:07:00 PM
I've decided to work on bringing cream, tobiano, and grey into the Clyde population.  Should have a cream (and hopefully tobiano) grade at the end of this breeding season to get me started.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: springacres on October 02, 2010, 05:29:55 PM
Hehe, Nighthenge, I'm doing the same thing.  Hoping for a silver dapple tobiano grade myself because we could use another silver dapple line in Clydes.  (Though I wouldn't say no to a nice bay tobiano either... xD
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Sunchaser on October 02, 2010, 07:59:40 PM
Go Ethereal! *giggles*
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: springacres on October 02, 2010, 08:14:39 PM
Quote from: YourLoveOnly on September 29, 2010, 05:49:01 AM
@spring: TheStable does not have those as different things. Black + roan = blue roan. It's just a common name. Just like chestnut roan is also called red roan or strawberry roan. It's the same thing. So if Quinsta follows TheStable genetics then blue and black roan should be the same thing.
Didn't see this before, but thanks for clarifying that, YLO.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Keilin Alyr on October 02, 2010, 08:19:17 PM
Quote from: springacres on October 02, 2010, 05:29:55 PM
Hehe, Nighthenge, I'm doing the same thing.  Hoping for a silver dapple tobiano grade myself because we could use another silver dapple line in Clydes.  (Though I wouldn't say no to a nice bay tobiano either... xD

I think a few more of the solid flaxen chestnut mares should be test-bred. I noticed quite a few of the Vanners of that coloration (including my Verin) were hiding silver dapples, so I wouldn't be surprised if that were also the case in the Clydes. I know Rising Sun hides silver since he's Chanda's father, though that doesn't help if the intent is to create new lines. =)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on January 05, 2011, 08:09:49 PM
Updated! Hope this helps some more people with their breeding projects!
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 06, 2011, 03:02:12 AM
It would help if people didn't leave secundi XD
*pokes inactive users that have Quins with awesome genes* Not helping TAT
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: toffeeca on January 06, 2011, 12:22:52 PM
How much of one breed do we need in a grade for it to become pure? I thought it was around 80% but I have scene 75% other places and I just wanted to check for the projects I have going.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 06, 2011, 12:42:54 PM
At least 80%, the FAQ confirms this too:

QuoteQ: Is it possible for a grade horse to produce offspring of a particular breed?
A: Yes, under certain conditions.  If the grade horse in question is mostly a particular breed (more than 80%), and the foal's other parent is that breed as well, the foal has a chance of showing enough of that breed's characteristics to be officially considered that breed rather than grade.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 06, 2011, 01:23:30 PM
*is amused first post says Banners instead of Vanners in some places*
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on January 06, 2011, 01:28:28 PM
Cuz they're so pretty, y'know? Like banners flapping in the breeze. XD
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Neocridders on January 06, 2011, 03:42:13 PM
I'e set up a thread lookig for a fresian to use for breeding. I'm planning to breed with a vanner to create some grades with vanner coats in fresians. I'll possibly breed a couple vanners this season with fresians if i find some to borrow, and I'll continue each season, breeding fresians into my grades in hope of a new coat for fresians.
I don't know how many grades I'll end up getting. I'm probably going to try for two grades this season and next time breed those with fresians.
Unless the black color is dominant. Then oh no. I'll have to get vanner colored fresians if I want to work on my project.

Anyone  have any idea how many generations ut'll take to get the grade offspring to be enough fresian to be considered one?
Eta oh i see it! Thanks XD
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: toffeeca on January 06, 2011, 03:47:07 PM
I'm pretty sure it will take three generations for a grade to become pure. The first generation it would be 50% of each parent, the next it would be 75% of the breed you want to introduce the gene to, the third it would be 87.5% of that breed so it would be considered pure.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 06, 2011, 04:24:31 PM
@Neo: Black base is dominant, but bay and brown are also black base coats. For bay and brown you would need to look for Quinsta that has AA, AAt or AtAt as their agouti, not Aa or Ata, because aa produces black. If you use a bay or brown that is Aa or Ata you have a 50% chance of getting a black grade. If you use one that is AA, AAt or AtAt you have a 100% chance of getting something that is nót black.

Because chestnut into Friesians will be a LOT more painful because all Friesians are homozygous black. They never produce chestnuts, so if silv stayed true to the breed which I think she did then none of the Friesians carry chestnut. I recommend waiting for 4th gen Friesians to show up before attempting it.

If you ever need any help, feel free to PM me.

@toffeeca: That is true, assuming you use first gen pets of course.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Neocridders on January 06, 2011, 04:33:15 PM
Neo fails a horse genetics.
What this means is that I can't use a fresian and get a color other than black?
Or, it could happen with the right pair?
So if I wanted to introduce a white vanner coat to fresian, is it possible to get a white offspring?
I've got a girl who is white. Could thatgo to offspring?
Or a chestnut?
Or another color? Should I look for a vanner that doesn't carry black?

Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Pinkshadow on January 06, 2011, 04:34:24 PM
I wish i would knew what all this meant :p
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 06, 2011, 05:08:29 PM
Chestnut is harder, as you need a chestnut need from both parents to get chestnut. No Friesians carry chestnut, so it would take a lot of breeding to get that to happen. The easiest and fastest way is using two 4th gen Friesians and two 1st gen chestnuts of another breed. But I don't think we have 4th gen Friesians yet.

White hides anything, so it can have chestnut, bay, brown and black hidden under it as well as special genes like grey, dun and roan. So it's harder to predict what will happen there.

Bay and brown should be do able, you just either need luck or do a bit of searching to find one that doesn't hide a black agouti gene. If you want help with that, feel free to PM me.

Patterns like paint, dun and roan are the easiest as the Friesian's black color cannot alter a pattern so you only have to worry about finding a Vanner that is homozygous for the pattern you want OR cross your fingers and hope it passes XD
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Nighthenge on January 06, 2011, 06:34:37 PM
Quote from: YourLoveOnly on January 06, 2011, 04:24:31 PM
Because chestnut into Friesians will be a LOT more painful because all Friesians are homozygous black. They never produce chestnuts, so if silv stayed true to the breed which I think she did then none of the Friesians carry chestnut. I recommend waiting for 4th gen Friesians to show up before attempting it.
Actually, this is not the case IRL.  There are quite a few chestnut Friesians out there, the registry just won't accept them into the breeding stock books (they'll only register them in the foal books).
Fire Magic is one of the better known. (
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: toffeeca on January 06, 2011, 06:57:38 PM
@YLO- It wouldn't matter what generations you started with, as long as they are all pure. My Yuliana is 50% Arabian and 50% Gypsy, yet her father is a second generation himself. So long as every parent is pure than the percentages will still go 50%, 75%, 87.5%.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on January 06, 2011, 08:32:23 PM
0_0 Chestnut Fresian photo = love!
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 07, 2011, 02:44:00 AM
@Nighthenge: oh maybe some Friesian quins will carry Chestnut then.. In that case it would be a lot easier, but until we find out if one carries chestnut it will be a pain

@toffeeca: I wasn't talking about %s, I was assuming Friesians don't carry chestnut. In which case you would need to get a pure Friesian rather quickly or you would have to keep breeding back to chestnut horses of other breeds to make sure the new offspring carries chestnut. If Friesians do carry chestnut this will be a LOT less painful <3 If they don't.. Well then you need to get two chestnut Grades of at least 80% Friesian in its pedigree and then breed those to Friesians until you get a pure Friesian from each breeding, each one an opposite gender. If Friesians don't carry chestnut then getting a visible chestnut Grade with 80% you will need at least a 4th gen or you will have to keep breeding back to other breeds to make sure the chestnut keeps showing or at least keeps getting carries and then it would take ages to get that 80%. Breed those together until they both pass on their carried chestnut gene and then you will have the first chestnut Friesian. Of course, if none of the pure Friesians carry chestnut you would only get carriers when breeding the chestnut any further >.< So I am really hoping Nighthenge is right or it will be extremely extremely painful to establish that color in the breed.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 29, 2011, 06:10:53 PM
First post has been updated with this season's new genes! ^_^
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 19, 2011, 09:10:52 PM
Updated with all the current genes, including those that have been bred into new breeds. :3
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Luv007 on September 20, 2011, 06:51:20 AM
WOW-- I'm completely confused.

Every time I sit down and examine TheStable genes, I think I'm starting to understand it, but when I try to understand anything past that, I get completely lost.

So in the interest of breeding projects and whatnot, I have a few questions......

Can a bay mustang bred chestnut sabino overo mustang make a bay frame overo baby???

The agouti gene just completely blows my mind... and I haven't been able to wrap my mind around it completely, but I *kind of* am starting to get a general idea behind the other genes..... the more I look....
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 20, 2011, 10:21:14 AM
That was exactly how I was too, luv! Slowly, little by little, I started to catch on, the more I played with The Stable and Quinsta lol. Agouti is the most confusing thing, I think. It was the hardest for me to 'get'. I understood all the other genes long before I grasped how agouti works.

Breeding bay to chestnut can give you a bay baby, yup. You might also get a chestnut, or even a black! And I THINK (not positive) that you can get the frame marking from sabino (it depends on the genes of the other non-sabino parent), but I think you're much more likley to get frame from frame.
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Luv007 on September 20, 2011, 10:51:32 AM
Thank you, Ryuu!  I am aware I'm not likely to get the frame, but so long as there is a chance, I'm going for it! ..... or at least the way I am looking at the genes, I have a chance, and your conformation helps!!

VERY slowly, but surely I'm figuring gene by gene. :)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: skysnolimit on May 29, 2013, 05:51:57 AM
Let's update this, shall we?!  *grins*

Roan is now in Andalusian, Friesian, and Luestin!

Dun is in Friesian and Luestin!

Gray is in Friesian and Luestin!

Appaloosa Snowflake is in Arabian and Luestin!

Appaloosa Blanket is in Arabian, Friesian, Luestin!

Appaloosa Leopard is in Andalusian, Arabian, Friesian, and Luestin!

Flaxen is in Andalusian!

Silver Dapple is in Friesian!

I know for a fact that I missed a ton--this wasn't thorough, just from my memory.  And there are new breeds too XD;  Can we collectively fill in the gaps?
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Sarah Badr on May 29, 2013, 06:36:37 AM
Bay Friesian

Akhal Teke
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: TheLeet on May 29, 2013, 07:12:19 AM
snowflake and blanket appy in clydes :)
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: CutieePiee on May 29, 2013, 09:11:36 AM
Frame Overo is in Mustangs!

I'm lucky to own 2 of them.  ;D
Title: Re: Quin Breeding Projects
Post by: Ryuukokoro on May 29, 2013, 09:54:36 AM
lol! You guys, I made this thread in 2011! XD

I have a more recent one that is updated except for this breeding season and last season, I'll bump that one and lock this.