
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Ryuukokoro on October 22, 2010, 11:49:18 PM

Question: Which sounds like the best novel I should work on for NaNo?
Option 1: Dragon story votes: 0
Option 2: Horse story votes: 3
Option 3: Dolphin story votes: 4
Option 4: Internet story votes: 6
Title: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on October 22, 2010, 11:49:18 PM
So November is right around the corner and I'm looking forward to using it as a good excuse to crack down on one of my novels. Only problem is, there's several that have been poking into my brain and I can't decide which one is the best to work on first!

I need your help to bring me peace of mind. Please vote and let me know which one you think would make the best novel. This piece is planned for publication, so vote as if you were looking at the following three books on the shelf at a bookstore, and choose the one you'd most likely want to give a read (or buy for a kid in your life, if you don't read kids books like I do lol).

Genre Information:
I write kids fantasy novels at about the 9-12 year old range, so all four of these plots would fall into that category. If you've read or heard about the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, that's pretty similar to the stuff I usually write.

(Titles are the last thing I decide on after I've written the first draft, so please excuse the generic options below. XD )

Dragon Story
Fantasy story taking place in a fictional setting where young teens are trained to ride on dragons and form a partnership with them. Mouse, a very shy and quiet slave girl working at the training facility, befriends one of the dragons and becomes the first girl dragon rider. Kind of a classic fantasy story, readers will be almost entirely young girls, themes will include self-confidence and girl empowerment. Similar to the kind of plots written by Tamora Pierce.

Horse Story
Animal-centric story taking place in a wild, open grassland setting. No humans in this story but the animals act very humanlike and there will be fantastic elements in the story. Main characters are a herd of normal horses, and antagonists are a herd of winged horses. Readers will be mostly young girls (heavy romance subplot with a female character in one herd and a male character in the other), themes will include overcoming differences. Similar to the Guardians of Ga'Hoole books, with a bit more fantasy.

Dolphin Story
Animal-centric story taking place entirely in the ocean following a pod of dolphins, specifically a young outcast male dolphin named Sunrise as he leaves home and goes on a journey of discovery. Attempting a very realistic story with little to no human characters, all animals in this story will act naturally as they do in the wild but they do have a developed fictional culture. Readers will be both boys and girls, themes will include overcoming adversity, high adventure, and proving yourself. Similar to Warriors and Guardians of Ga'Hoole.

Internet Story
Urban fantasy/sci-fi story that cobbles together several different genre elements in a present-day setting. Main character is a nerdy young boy (or possibly girl, but for now leaning toward boy). Story involves the boy accidentally releasing a dark evil from slumber and getting pulled into a fantasy world that later turns out to be created from the internet. Characters in the world will be related to computer terms (Trojans, Firefoxs, etc.). Readers will be mainly boys, and girls who like action stories. Themes will be high adventure, overcoming dangers, finding home again. Similar to... erm I don't know anything well-known I can compare this one to for you guys. The Neverending Story with a technological twist? ^^;;

I would love to hear any comments you have, along with your votes. ^_^ Thank you for your time!
Title: Re: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on October 23, 2010, 03:48:39 AM
*is not voting because she already voted on AAA*

I picked internet story, for originality. My second choice would be the dolphin story.
Title: Re: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: Winged on October 23, 2010, 04:02:29 AM
They all sound interesting, but i picked the dolphin story :) Good luck!
Title: Re: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: TheLeet on October 23, 2010, 04:41:45 AM
I also picked the dolphin story ^^
Title: Re: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on October 23, 2010, 07:56:55 AM
thank you guys so much for your input! ^^

lol I totally didn't think the second two stories were going to get any votes, and they're the ones that have gotten the most. XD I'm glad I put this up!
Title: Re: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: Sunchaser on October 23, 2010, 10:05:20 AM
*votes for dolphin and horse* <.< though the first one is a good idea its just a little to close to the joust chornicals for me ^_^
Title: Re: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: Wolfs Fang on October 24, 2010, 11:32:19 PM
I agree with YourLoveOnly; the last story idea sounds the most original/interesting. :)

I assume that this is for NaNoWriMo? :D

Title: Re: Bout at my wits end, help me make up my mind!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on October 25, 2010, 01:05:51 AM
@Sunchaser- lol yes the first one was inspired by Mercedes Lackey's amazing character-driven fantasy worlds as well.

@Wolfs Fang- Yup, this is for NaNo. ^_^

It's looking like the internet story is the one people are most interested in! Totally surprised me but hey, tis a good thing! ^^ I'm working on an outline now so I'll be ready when Nov comes around.