
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Drift on January 25, 2011, 08:27:42 AM

Title: Hello everyone!
Post by: Drift on January 25, 2011, 08:27:42 AM
I'm new here, and I've got to say that this place is straight-up amazing. I wanted to drop in and say "hello," and with any luck, I found the right forum to do it in.

I was very active with cyberpets back when I was no good at making them. I stalked the Orchard Message Post and Shivuez Clouds (hopefully at least one person will be familiar with that place) under the name "Rhayeqasr" at least four or five years ago now. I am also familiar with the lovely Painted Unicorns, though if I managed to adopt one back in the day, I've lost it thanks to Geocities :( If only I had logged on just once to save all my pets before Geocities ate them. And now that photobucket switches inactive account's images to stupid icons and I can't remember my's almost like my my past life was wiped off the interweb. But enough ranting ...

Thankfully, my artistic skills have drastically improved (as well as my tools) so I intend to create a species to start sellin' around here. In the meantime, I hope to get to know everybody :)
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on January 25, 2011, 08:33:13 AM
Oooo welcome to Secundi! We love newcomers! ^_^

I know exactly what you mean about losing your internet life. When I left PonyIsland, where I had been collecting adoptables for over three years, I felt like I had lost a big portion of my life because I spent so much time collecting adoptables lol. But Secundi is a great place to be so I'm sure you'll have lots of fun here!

I hope to see you collecting in the Generals forum, as well as starting your own shop. ;)
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Drift on January 25, 2011, 08:44:25 AM
Oh, I was never a member of PI. As much as I loved MLP and adoptables, I can't afford to play a game that makes you pay just to register. I did play Wajas, but that didn't last long. Not quite my cup of tea.

I used to spend all my online time adopting a few years ago, and I can't wait to get back into it. Looking back, I'm fairly certain the only reason I stopped was because Shivuez went under, and I was mostly active there. This place is like a fancier Shivuez, from what I can tell. I'm so excited to be here.

"I hope to see you collecting in the Generals forum, as well as starting your own shop. "

That is, of course, a given! :D
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on January 25, 2011, 09:00:47 AM
PI can definitely get very addictive very quickly, but I played for three years and only paid once: for my initial 6 month activation. ;) I had sneaky ways of bribing people with ponies and adoptables to pay for my remaining years of play.

Thankfully there are lots of fun and free sites out there! I too tried Wajas for a while but didn't get into it. I've heard a lot about Gaia but don't dare step foot over there, too scary. >.> Then there's those games on Facebook that are kinda like collecting pets...

If you like RPing you should come join the AAA, an adoptable forum site where each adoptable is uniquely drawn just for you and you role play their lives. It's great fun! ^__^
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 25, 2011, 09:01:07 AM
I pay for PI once then use artwork to get renewals. I don't think it's worth to keep spending money on that site, if I spend any money there it's on shiny adoptables xD I also played wajas but went inactive. When I tried going back a little while back I noticed the entire site changed and they had auto-erased presentations and subscribed topics, so I lost all my adoptables on there. Back then I never thought to save them to my computer, or maybe I did, but that was the computer that crashed and lost all the files anyway xD I don't think I know/knew Shivues..

Really nice to see someone new join our little community ^^ We have a lot of different pet types so I am sure you can find things you like <3 I am also looking forward to seeing your artwork!
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Drift on January 25, 2011, 09:08:09 AM
Hehe sneaky, sneaky. I guess I never thought about that. But, not having a paypal account makes it difficult to even pay the first time. I guess I figured I had enough MLP when I was six...but I secretly wish I could have played for more than 20 days. Gaia intimidates me. I've stalked the forums and oogled at the awesome art, but the community is so big and scary. I'd get lost.

Ugghh, sucks losing your files, doesn't it?

And Shivuez was a small proboard adoptable market forum. It was pretty awesome back in the day; we tried to revive it, but it's been inactive again for almost a year. I only mention it because, if there isn't anyone here that remembers it, there should be. Very similar communities.

EDIT: "If you like RPing you should come join the AAA, an adoptable forum site where each adoptable is uniquely drawn just for you and you role play their lives. It's great fun! ^__^"

I don't know that I'll have time since I'm working on my own site very similar to that, and I also want to run an adoptable here. Buuuttt, I do love to RP and I'll need more places than just my own site (who likes to be an admin all the time?) so could you give me a link? I'm definitely interested.
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Sunchaser on January 25, 2011, 09:16:15 AM
well Ryuu and YLO are part of our welcoming committee :) So about all i have left to say is WELCOME!
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on January 25, 2011, 09:18:52 AM
Well Sunny that is because YLO has no life XD
My health doesn't allow me to go to school or work, so I am online a LOT :P
So yes, expect to see a lot of me xD

AAA is here:
I am part of that community too, so are Ryuu, Sunchaser, PonyMama and the artists of that site are also on secundi. If you love RP it is really worth checking out!
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Sunchaser on January 25, 2011, 09:21:21 AM
yes come rp with meeee im addicted to rp and have been for a long long time. i actually no longer remeber when i first started just the site i started on lol. But its been awhile :-p

AAA is fun you should  join *nods*
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Solistia on January 25, 2011, 11:09:37 AM
(aaaa you guys make me blush >////< )

Welcome Drift! I do hope you enjoy your time here! One thing I really love about this site is that it's dedicated to user-made and run adoptables, rather than just a large site adoptable and people making their own on a small board in the site's forum. it creates a nice community, because you get to know all the adoptable makers and players really well (particularly since Secundi is still so small). Whenever I go to any kind of pet site, or community forum site, I tend to spend most of my time in whatever adoptable section they have :3
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Drift on January 25, 2011, 11:35:38 AM
"My health doesn't allow me to go to school or work, so I am online a LOT"

I'll keep you company! I basically have no life when my boyfriend's not home. But, then again, I have the worst internet connection ever, and my bf hates it when I'm online when he's around. Something about me not giving him my full attention? Hehe.

Yeah, expect to see me at AAA sooner or later. I used to be a creative writing major before I got tired of being treated like a joke at my school and stopped going. I really need to start writing ... creatively. I wouldn't want to get rusty.

@ Solistia, that's exactly why I decided to join! I don't normally enjoy pet sites like that at all. I joined Chicken Smoothie for a day before I realized that it wasn't what I thought it was - this place, however, is precisely what I was looking for. I'm so happy I found this place.
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Sunchaser on January 25, 2011, 11:37:40 AM
ooo Drift i might have to get your Messenger :) im disabled to where i cant get a job. So im a stay at home wife. As for being online when your bfs not home i find that ammusing cause i do that with my hubby i make him get off if he has been on for awhile so that i can get him to give me some attention. but then im an attention hog with him considering he will be dissapearing come march for 6 months.
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: hiyoko on January 25, 2011, 11:45:05 AM
Welcome to secundi!^^ If you need anything, feel free to ask me.^^ I'm on here, a lot, except when I'm with my fiance or at work/college.

Quote from: Drift on January 25, 2011, 11:35:38 AM
I'll keep you company! I basically have no life when my boyfriend's not home. But, then again, I have the worst internet connection ever, and my bf hates it when I'm online when he's around. Something about me not giving him my full attention? Hehe.

I agree with you on that. lol My fiance hates it when I log on here or PI when he's around. Even if it's a quick second, he says I love my online life more than him!lol
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Ryuukokoro on January 25, 2011, 11:51:38 AM
Quote from: Drift on January 25, 2011, 11:35:38 AM
Yeah, expect to see me at AAA sooner or later. I used to be a creative writing major before I got tired of being treated like a joke at my school and stopped going. I really need to start writing ... creatively. I wouldn't want to get rusty.

*raises hand* Seconded. I finished my creative writing major and long ago got tired of being treated like a joke by my school AND family AND future employers. -_-

Ah well it was fun anyway. :3
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Keilin Alyr on January 25, 2011, 12:14:27 PM
Wait... Rhayeqasr, I know that name. I don't think we've ever talked, but I was Flye on the Orchard and Twille and Keilin Alyr on various other adoption sites, depending on the timeline (yes, I've been around that long XD). But in case we've never met, welcome to Secundi and hello! =)

I remember lurking at Shivuez Clouds, though my primary marketplace back in the day was Eastern Isle, at least while it was still active. We might have wander through some nostalgia at some point, it's not often I see a cyberpet-vet that I haven't chattered into insanity or bored silly. XD
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Drift on January 25, 2011, 01:22:43 PM
I don't have Messenger, sorry. I'll look into getting one, though.

I can't mind that my bf doesn't like when I'm online because I don't like it when he doesn't pay attention to me. I get plenty of time for my hobbies/addictions when he's not around.

Awesome! It's nice to hear that that place is remembered XD I was never on Eastern Isle, but I did lurk around it a lot.

It's so nice to nice everyone ^_^
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Silvanon on January 25, 2011, 01:36:10 PM
*wave wave*  Nice to see another Orcharder name pop up here.  Welcome to Secundi!  :)
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: jojo on January 25, 2011, 02:27:42 PM
Welcome Drift! Yay :) I hope you enjoy Secundi!
Title: Re: Hello everyone!
Post by: Kahlira on January 25, 2011, 03:12:57 PM
Welcome, Drift <3

I hope you enjoy it here! *snugs*