
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:05:20 PM

Title: The Roe'ak (In progress)
Post by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:05:20 PM
Please do not post yet; We are setting up.


Title: Re: The Roe'ak (In progress)
Post by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:06:15 PM
Roe'ak Information and Care

The Roe'ak are small aquatic creatures with soft, slightly textured skin and a vague likeness to the fabled lochness monster. They are egg laying and live in relatively shallow, slow-moving water. A naturally resilient species, they are able to live even in tepid water in their adult life, and gulp air at the water's surface to supplement what oxygen they acquire through their gills.They grow to be rather large, and need a respectable amount of space to swim and play in.

They are omnivorous, delighting in fruits and small insects when they can catch them. Their mouths are small and are unable to hunt things that are much bigger and stronger than small non-vertebrates.

  The females can top eight inches in length, and is most comfortable in over 30 gallons of space which she stakes out as her territory. The females are slightly less bright in color than males, tending to be on the darker side with camouflaged and natural coloring.

  Males are slightly smaller, averaging five to six inches in length. They are brightly colored and flashy and are extremely active. They group together around females and protect her and her territory, but no more than three males can stay to a female without being detrimental to the group.

  The most common and widely distributed gender of fish is the 'nannyfish'. Though they themselves are unable to mate, they are known for their dazzling pearlescent colors, nice manners, and small size and are easy keepers for someone who wishes to have an attractive, nonbreeding tank. In the wild, their light colors makes them the target for predators, which in turn saves a great number of the better camoflaged breeding fish. The ones that do survive almost immediately find a female to serve under, and when they grow older they serve as nannies to the eggs that the female produces. A female Roe'ak will not breed without a sufficient number of nannyfish.
Title: Re: The Roe'ak (In progress)
Post by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:06:22 PM
Title: Re: The Roe'ak (In progress)
Post by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:11:11 PM
Upcoming Events
Title: Re: The Roe'ak (In progress)
Post by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:11:45 PM
The Roe'ak Supply Store

Aisle 1: Tanks
Tiny Ten Gallon:
This tiny tank is cute and compact, and can hold up to three nannies or two males

Top-Notch Twenty Gallon:
This tank can hold up to three males, or a very flashy five nannies. Perfect for holding your extra breeders or just to have a few nannies to look pretty in your office.

You 'thirty' Girl:
A sufficient thirty gallon tank perfect for a starter female. This gives her plenty of room, but also room for friends! She can be housed with up to three males, and three nannies.

The 'Nifty Fifty':
This is great for the owner that wants the ultimate experience in owning Roe'ak. Two females, six males, and four nannies can be housed in this aquarium. Witness the interaction between two females sharing an expansive territory. Drama! Betrayal! Boyfriend swapping! The amusement will never end.

Eggs in a Basket Breeding Tank:
A simple beginner's breeding tank, it automatically comes with breeding reeds for the season when you first buy it. It is shallow with very gently circulated water, creating the needed 'mood' for love to be in the air. This will house a single female and her three male mates, along with four nanny fish to care for the eggs.

Aisle 2: Pond Installment

Small Rock Garden Roe'ak Pond:
Five feet long and four feet wide, and with an average depth of 2 1/2 feet, this is an ideal oasis for a large family of Roe'ak. It will house three females, nine males, and a rather large amount of nannies (though only a maximum of twelve may help with egg rearing). On one side of the pond is a shallower area where breeder's reeds may be planted. No need to put your Roe'ak through the unnecessary stress of moving them to a breeding tank when the season comes around! Because of this, Pond Roe'ak breed sooner in the season and produce more eggs than tank Roe'ak. Sadly it also means the predators get first pickings on the sizeable fry population. (Breeds a minimum of ten and a maximum of twenty fry per season)

Title: Re: The Roe'ak (In progress)
Post by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:11:58 PM
Title: Re: The Roe'ak (In progress)
Post by: Nako on February 13, 2011, 03:14:43 PM