
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Kadana Sorano on February 27, 2011, 02:46:24 AM

Title: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Kadana Sorano on February 27, 2011, 02:46:24 AM
OK, so I know there are multiple anti-virus software's out there now.  Some even for free.  But how do you go about choosing one that's right for you?  I know ultimately I have to choose myself *pokes someone.. yea you know who you are lol*  But I'm curious what you guys use, and why you chose to go with the one you did.

Do you/would you trust your machine to one of the free ones?  Do you have a particular loyalty to one over the other?  Or did you go simply by price?

I realize how incredibly stupid it is to not have an anti-virus protection on your machine.  Even so, I chose not to have one.  I had Mcafee once upon a time, years and years ago and it drove me completely nuts.  It slowed my machine to a crawl, and blocked me from playing games I played regularly.  So, not smart, but it's a choice I made because all I ever did online was play games.  So what's the point in being on if anti-virus was going to keep me from my games?

But I'm back in school now.  And I need my machine for my classes.  I need to know it's safe.  And I can;t afford (figuratively or literally) to have to wipe my drive if it gets a virus hat malware can't remove.  I don't have re-installation discs for windows or anything.  So.. OK, I need virus protection.  But I'm completely clueless.  Hence, I'm coming to you guys for advice/opinions.

And thank you, in advance, to anyone who actually reads through my little mini rant there.  I'm just a little bit scared, and a whole lot frustrated.
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Solistia on February 27, 2011, 03:44:22 AM
For me, I've almost always used AVG (it's free!) Coupled with PC Tools Firewall+. And I also periodically run an Ad-Aware and Malware Bytes scan :3 Haven't had anything real bad in a long time with all that!
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Sunchaser on February 27, 2011, 09:24:17 AM
I use Norton cause hubby bought it will his comp and it could be added to mine so i did. I also use malwarebytes which helps a lot.
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Neocridders on February 27, 2011, 09:57:35 AM
I have AVG.
It's free, which is always great.
I haven't had too many scares since I put it on this computer.
However, I do reccomend the virus protection stuff because on my last two computers, both have basically become vegitable machines.
My one computer has a virus so bad it can't go on the internet.
The other won't even turn on.
Both are just sitting in my house, can't use either.
That's what caused me to go inactive online for so many months, my lack of computers.
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 27, 2011, 10:06:03 AM
Quote from: Solistia on February 27, 2011, 03:44:22 AM
For me, I've almost always used AVG (it's free!) Coupled with PC Tools Firewall+. And I also periodically run an Ad-Aware and Malware Bytes scan :3 Haven't had anything real bad in a long time with all that!

lol this is crazy but I do the exact same as Soli. 0_o

AVG the free version is a pretty strong tool. My dad, who builds computers from scratch, uses it on all the family personal machines. I haven't bought anti-virus software in many years.

The difference between most bought and free versions of anti-virus, at least from what I've seen, is that the free stuff doesn't automatically update from the company website. You have to manually ask it to look for updates. However it's a one-click button right there on the front when you open AVG, so it's not hard to do lol. Just remember to click the Update button once a week or so and you'll be fine.

Because it's free and well-known, you're always going to have some -bleep- people out there who make viruses and stuff specifically targeted to get around this software. However the few times that has happened to me, I've gone and downloaded Malware Bytes for free and run it. Malware Bytes is a supremely strong virus scanner. I have NEVER had a virus (and I've had a few doozies!) that it couldn't clean off.

But keep in mind Malware Bytes is such a strong problem you shouldn't use it all the time. (ComboFix is another program that is the same way.) It has the possibility to sweep stuff off the computer you don't want it to. I use Malware Bytes only during emergencies and I've been just fine. :)

Ad-Aware is a spyware scanner, rather than a virus scanner. Spyware is specifically designed to get into your computer and sit in the background, recording stuff like what type of sites you visit (like if you always visit over, stuff like that). It then reports to whoever sent it out and that's how they gather shopping statistics on people, and info like that. Kinda evil and creepy... should be illegal.

It won't hurt your computer in any way, really, but it can slow it down because it uses the computer power to run and it's always there, sitting in the background and running. Ad-Aware is the best program I've heard of to deal with spyware (it's free too). Some anti-virus scanners will also look for spyware, but it's not what they're made for, so a spyware scanner is good to have too.

So yeah, I would get AVG free version and Ad-Aware for your computer, and then maybe Malware Bytes for emergencies. :)
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 27, 2011, 10:25:26 AM
Also I would like to say the best virus protection is a smart person. ;)

There is always going to be ways for viruses to get on your computer, but there are things you can do to make it less likely for them to get to you. Most of it is common sense, so sorry if all of these are things everyone already knows. Doesn't hurt to have a refresher course! ^_^

Firstly (and I think everyone knows this at this point) don't open emails from people you don't know. Especially if they have any sort of attachment! Sometimes just opening an email can download a virus to you, you don't need to actually click a link in it or open the attachment. If you have an email program like Outlook, where it opens up a little "preview" window for each email as you're scrolling through your list of emails, consider turning that option off. If you see spam that says "click here to be taken off our list" or "reply to be taken off our list" just ignore it. It just tells the other person that you are someone who constantly accesses and goes through your email account, and they'll just send you more spam. (Legitimate companies don't do that, they'll usually listen and take you off their mailing list, but anything that looks like spam, never respond in any way.)

Next it is strongly suggested you don't click on ANY banner ad on a website. Even if it looks legit or something interesting, or it's an ad for a product you might use in real life. I mean, if you trust the site I think it would be okay (for example I read a lot of webcomics, and most of them put ads to other webcomics at the top of their page, sharing advertising. That's a site I trust.) But any banner ad that seems like a fishy product to you, or tells you that you've won something, or is flashing a lot or trying to get your attention, don't click that banner.

It should also be mentioned that it is rare, but sometimes banner ads have viruses you can get just by viewing them, not actually clicking anything. Most legit sites won't less this happen, but if you're on a page and there are TONS of ads at the top, along both sides, and on the bottom, all flashing and looking fishy, I would strongly suggest not going to that site anymore. I once got a nasty virus because I was googling information on dog breeds for The Kennel and I got taken to a site that looked completely fine, they weren't selling anything, but they were SO full of banner ads everywhere on the page. As soon as I had loaded it, I got something nasty.

If you're on a website trying to watch videos or music or play an online game or something similar, and it asks you to download a special player to do so, I wouldn't do it. Likewise if it wants you to make an account to access their "free content" (like videos or music or coupons or games) I wouldn't do it unless you really trust the site. Better safe than sorry!

And this should go without saying but websites offering a lot of free stuff that is questionable in nature (i.e. free gambling/poker account or free pron) is usually full of viruses. No one policies sites like that so they can put whatever they want in their programming.

And this has been a mini-lesson by Ryuu! Hope you had fun. XD;; Be safe online!
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Silvanon on February 27, 2011, 01:49:23 PM
I did AVG for a long time.  Currently using Avast.  No real reason other than they were both free, highly rated at and when I got my new computer, Avast had moved to the top of the list.  Most anti-virus software will catch most viruses, and no anti-virus software will catch them all.  If I suspect a virus has gotten through whatever I'm using at the moment, then I'll download another free anti-virus temporarily and run it, and keep doing that until I'm satisfied the computer is clean.

... It's been a long time since I've had to deal with a fresh start due to viruses, though.  With my Cursed Computer Luck I generally end up with a new computer due to hardware failure first.  I've learned that any important documents should be emailed to my gmail or hotmail or uploaded to my website so that if my motherboard spontaneously combusts, I still have access to my important files.
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Leafy on February 27, 2011, 01:56:56 PM
I agree with most of the above posts, AVG is good and has been good for a long time, I'm personally rather smitten with Avast. I'm currently using Clam AV and it's served me really well so far, and updates itself so it's something I don't have to remember to do.
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Solistia on February 27, 2011, 02:20:17 PM
In connection with Ryuu's last post, I recommend Firefox and Google Chrome as browsers, they're much safer and more protected against viruses accessing your computer than IE. (Chrome actually has a feature that if a known ad/webpage links to viruses or malware, it own't even load the page unless you tell it to load)

PC Tools Firewall+ is very nice because it doesn't let things install on your computer that you don't want to, and will ask, upon any installation, if you want it to go through, and ask if you want such-and-such program to access the internet (it doesn't ask every time, once you okay things for one program it'll remember it unless you tel it otherwise, so it doesn't get super annoying). It's actually caught some suspicious activity on my computer a few times, so I'm glad I had it. But it's a very nice firewall that monitors what comes in and what goes out :3
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Kadana Sorano on February 27, 2011, 05:03:02 PM
Thanks guys!  I'll have to look up some of those and read on them now.

A question though.  I recently had a problem and while researching how to fix it read things other people had problems with.  And a lot of the things I read suggested people boot in safe mode, with an anti-virus software disc in the drive ready to auto run.  So I'm wondering, with the free to use programs, what happens if I find myself in need of doing this?  As I won;t have a disc to put in.

Not mind you, that my comp auto plays things anyway.  It used to, before repairs were needed and the motherboard was replaced.  But ever since then I can;t even auto play movie dvd's, I have to manually open them.  But hrm.. yea lol

And this sudden fear of virus was caused because the kids comp seems to have one.  My bf called and walked me through running malware on it to try and remove it.  It caught and removed 33 infections.  but not the virus or whatever that we were trying to remove.  And he's not a compy giuy, so that was the extent of what he knew to try and do lol

But they can;t do anything on the comp now, can;t open anything, nothing.  So it kinda freaked me outa bit, worrying about my own.
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Ryuukokoro on February 27, 2011, 05:32:30 PM
If you can't get auto-run to work, another option is to put the program on a flash drive, ready to plug into the computer (if your USB port works). Viruses these days are tricky and often they will shut off your internet access so you can't download a program to clean it, so keeping a program on a flash drive or a disc is a way around that.

For your kids comp, is it locking all your programs and won't let you open them? I had a virus like that. Chances are you can get around that if you put the Malware Bytes program right on the desktop and then reboot the machine. As the machine is loading, the virus won't kick in. It will start blocking programs only after the computer has fully loaded. So you have a short few seconds as things are booting up to open a program. Turn it on and as soon as you see the desktop, try to click on Malware Bytes. It might be able to open and run a sweep to catch the virus. Kinda tricky timing, but it worked for me.
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Kadana Sorano on February 27, 2011, 05:48:04 PM
I did put malware on a usb, and when we booted in safe mode I was able to run it.  But it didn't remove the virus thinger.  I can try putting it on desktop and doing it the way you said.. once mom puts everything back.  She pulled out all their old comps trying to find one that works for the kids, I can't get in there right now lol

OK, I found something I had bought (well over a year ago) from Walmart and never even opened the box let alone installed it.  I'm wondering now if any of you have heard of it/think it's a good idea to use.

It's called System Mechanic.  It says it will "Fix and speed up your PC... Automatically"

Says you can install it on up to 3 PC's, and it will..

And.. it says as a bonus it includes iolo Anti Virus for free inside.

Now, I remember someone when I got this told me they didn't think it would work.  Can't remember who or their reason at the time.  But the end result was I put it away on a shelf and never used it, as I didn't want to put more crap on my comp if it wasn't needed/wouldn't be useful.

Ali says he's never heard of it.  Have any of you?  And do you think installing it is a good idea?  I didn't even realize at the time I bought it that it had anti virus included.  But I've never heard of iolo.  So.. what do you think? 
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Silvanon on February 27, 2011, 06:39:27 PM
When in doubt, read the reviews:;4;3
Title: Re: Anti virus software, which one's better?
Post by: Leafy on February 28, 2011, 06:16:14 AM
You may not be dealing with a virus, there are other types like rootkits that most antivirus programs won't look for, you'd have to download a separate rootkit finder to get rid of it. I had one once, not fun.