
Secundi Market District => Help Booths => Topic started by: Ravvana on March 11, 2011, 02:21:31 PM

Title: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion
Post by: Ravvana on March 11, 2011, 02:21:31 PM
Leet drew some amazing unicorns, and I am lucky enough to get to run them :)

( Female
( Male
( Baby


How I plan to run them:

1. Every other month will be a breeding month. During a breeding month, each user can request one breeding for a nominal fee. Outside RBs and studdings are permissible; users may even borrow both dam and stud. In addition, there will be somewhat rare items to get second or third breedings in one month. These items can be earned through bribes, auctions, raffles, giveaways, etc.

2. The non-breeding months would be event months. During an event month, I will try to give out a minimum of 10 unicorns. This could be through a pick-a-door, scavenger hunt, RP, Franken, auction, raffle, art contest, poetry contest, etc, etc. These unicorns will primarily be premades, although semi-customs will be available with less frequency.

3. Full customs will be primarily bribe-only. They still may show up as special event rewards, but bribing is the primary way to get one. This way, I won't get bogged down by trying to perfectly color intricate mimics, giving me more time to color premades and semis -- and thus ultimately giving more unicorns to more users :)


Questions on Breeding:
1. What should be the "nominal fee" for a normal monthly breeding? 1k? 5k? Other?
2. Would you be happy with one breeding resulting in one foal? Or should two foals be the normal result from a single breeding?

I have decided on 10k per breeding (no item required for first slot).
The standard will be 1 foal. However, a semi-rare item will be available to get twins.

Question on Markings:
3. How do you feel about standard markings? These will not be markings that I have templated; I will still color all unicorns 100% by hand. But, similar to Noms (or perhaps most like Horses, but with the markings drawn by hand each time), there will be some standard markings like fade, dun, splotches, stripes, tobiano, socks, etc. This will streamline the breeding process, as I can use a basic Punnet square for each trait. All premades and semis will have standard markings; full customs can have special custom markings that will also be inherited through a basic Punnet square. Does this sound like a good plan, or...?

This is definitely how I'm planning to do it.

And most importantly--
Question on NAME:
4. What should these guys be called? Just Unicorns? Uni? The Uni? Something really creative that you want to throw out there? XD

The Cloven!



Everyone who answers all four questions will be put in a raffle to win a premade unicorn (to be colored after the marking decision is made). The number of premades to be won will depend on the number of contributors.

Whoever suggests the name that I end up using will receive a semi-custom.

EDIT: No more prizes, but feel free to still make comments/suggestions :)

Thank you for your attention! :D
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 11, 2011, 02:39:18 PM
Congrats Rav! I'm so excited!! *major hugs* Ryuu has very few adoptables she really gets into and alraedy I am in love with these! ^^

Questions on Breeding:
1. What should be the "nominal fee" for a normal monthly breeding? 1k? 5k? Other?

I would say a minimum of 10k per breeding, though it's hard to say with the market currently draining like it is thanks to the Horses. :3

2. Would you be happy with one breeding resulting in one foal? Or should two foals be the normal result from a single breeding?

As a collector I want to say 2 foals is better because hey, who doesn't like foals? XD Also because a lot of people like a baby to be used as a breeding fee. However, Okibi only have 1 baby per breeding for a reason. XD Twins take a lot of toll on a colorist! And twins garanteed every time... ouch. And for realism sake, 1 is probably more likely than an equine animal dropping two offspring every time.

So as a shop owner myself, for the sake of your own sanity, my opinion is one foal per breeding. But that's just me. ^^

Question on Markings:
3. How do you feel about standard markings?

Applauds to you for your statement of non templating markings! That's a hard goal. I would personally say you SHOULD have templated markings, because it allows for much more ease of coloring, and that means getting more out to the public! However, in the end it's up to you. ^^ I really like your idea of the punnet square, so if you're happy with that, I would say go for it!

similar to Noms (or perhaps most like Horses, but with the markings drawn by hand each time)

For analogy, you can use the Faes and Air Fish. They have standard markings, which are shown on their website, that are hard drawn every time. ^^

And most importantly--
Question on NAME:
4. What should these guys be called?

I'd really love to see Leet's name in the creature name, just because Leet's style is so distinct! You can look at these critters and immediately say "Those are Leet's unicorns all right!"

So my suggestions for a shop name would be:
-Cloven Leets
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Sparki on March 11, 2011, 02:43:58 PM
How adorable! I think some standard markings would be fine, especially since you intend to draw them by hand. Even if the marking is technically the same, they'll all be different. =) For that reason I would encourage charging on the higher end of the spectrum for breeding. I would also think one foal would be fine, but twins could be a rarity or you could incorporate an item to use to get them.

I would call them Legends because I love that movie. XD But Unicorns (or something with the word in it) would be straightforward and good for thread titles so people could immediately tell what they were!
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Neocridders on March 11, 2011, 03:31:31 PM
Breeding Questions:
1.I think a fair price is 1k. I think if you plan to have items used on top as a bonus thing, that's fine, but if you are charging per breeding you shouldn't also need an item required for each breeding.

2.As for foal count, I think 1 is fair. Of course, I think it would be fun to have one you could keep, and then HAVE to rehome the other one, so there could be fraternal twins with each breeding.

3. I like standard markings. It makes it easier to know what I like. As long as there are new markings that come in from time to time, I'd love that idea. Plus, if someone wanted a custom and ordered a custom marking, it could only be attained through breeding or customs. Otherwise standard markings were all people could fine (unless you had like the rare 'Special marking unicorn auction' or something. That's fine too!)

4. As far as names  go, I will throw out some.
-Protectors (of the forest?)

I dunno. I'm usually a bit better at coming up with names. Right now I dunno I guess I just can't come up with anything.
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Kahlira on March 11, 2011, 03:56:16 PM
I  can not wait to stalk these guys =D

1. Nominal fees, yes. The Horses have sucked all of my SG out of me. So I'd put the fee in the 1-5k range. *nodnod*

2. One foal seems perfectly fine to me, though my greedy heart says two would be awesome. But yeah that'd be more work on you. Keep it fun and simple, and maybe have a random number and (Say 1-20) and if a breeding hits that number twins result.

3. Standard markings hand drawn, yes that would be awesome. Easier on you then to say have a starry one bred to a paint splotchy one..what would result? lol

4. Keeping it simple, I'd go with the Unicorns.
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Whimsy on March 11, 2011, 04:06:04 PM
1. What should be the "nominal fee" for a normal monthly breeding? Personally I think 10k is fair number to ask simply because you will have to color that resulting offpsring twice. I always loved breeding seasons for the babies but I always hated coloring a baby & an adult and match them almost perfectly I got to the point that I'd make the adult and then loosely mimic the baby.

2. Would you be happy with one breeding resulting in one foal? Or should two foals be the normal result from a single breeding?
Personally I'd really like to see two foals for the fact that we can only do one breeding. That way you have at least a small choice and then someone that maybe didnt have the chance to breed can have the other foal ^-^ I know thats more work for you, but thats just my thinking.

Question on Markings:
3. How do you feel about standard markings? I think this is a great way to go about things, I only recently thought of this myself for an adoptable im going to attempt on PI. That way I feel like they are a little more personal ^-^

And most importantly--
Question on NAME:
4. What should these guys be called? I so fail at names for adoptables and though I hate to steal ryuus idea its a very nice one. So here are is my go at a "leet"name.

The Eleet
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 11, 2011, 06:28:30 PM
*giggle* Nice one Whimsy!
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ravvana on March 11, 2011, 08:13:19 PM
Hmm, who could this be...

Do you like the cert font?
How about the size? Is 300x300, 350x350, or 400x400 better?

And here are my current markings. I'll release more as I go. Any you're dieing for that I didn't include?
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 11, 2011, 08:48:44 PM
I'm having trouble reading the cert words in the second one, so if you decided to go with the smaller one, I would suggest a different font?

Regardless I like the larger size better, anyway. :)
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: red_uni387 on March 11, 2011, 08:58:35 PM
I think the first is too big and the second is too small XD but Sean looks so cute!

Questions on Breeding:
1. I think 5k would be good, since that's what users start with
2. Honestly I would love it if 2 offspring came every time, but that's really tiring so 1 would be fine xD

Question on Markings:
3. This is a good plan! Even with pre-set markings each critter is still unique :D

And most importantly--
Question on NAME:
4. Since I believe unicorns are forest dwellers, I was thinking something that has to do with Glade? or Legend? since they're told of in fairy tales ^^
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: toffeeca on March 11, 2011, 09:11:17 PM
1. What should be the "nominal fee" for a normal monthly breeding? 1k? 5k? Other?
I think that between 1k and 5k would be fair. That is cheap enough for new members and/or members who spend all their money on horses.

2. Would you be happy with one breeding resulting in one foal? Or should two foals be the normal result from a single breeding?
I think one foal is more realistic in terms of work for you, but I would also love twins. Maybe a small chance of twins similar to The Stable?

3. How do you feel about standard markings?
I think that standard markings are perfectly fine. I like the idea of the basic inheritance for markings.

4. What should these guys be called? Just Uniorns? Uni? The Uni? Something really creative that you want to throw out there? XD
The Cumo (Cumo is latin for horn which is part of how unicorn was derived)
The Meadow, The Novella, The Dream, The Illusion (horses live in a stable for The Stable so unicorns live in... XD)
Or something simple like Unicorns, The Unicorns, something like that
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: kunaisa on March 11, 2011, 09:34:30 PM
1.  1k

2. I think it should be 1 foal but people still have a small chance in having 2 foals

Question on Markings:
3. I think it sounds good :)

And most importantly--
Question on NAME:
4. Add something in the beginning like Magical or something or like ex. Chokria Forrest Unicorns idk I just made that up right now...
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ravvana on March 11, 2011, 09:48:58 PM
Quote from: red_uni387 on March 11, 2011, 08:58:35 PM
I think the first is too big and the second is too small XD but Sean looks so cute!

Ding ding winner! I hadn't even thought of not scaling them in even hundreds XD I uploaded a 350x350 in the same post, which I think is my favorite size.
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: red_uni387 on March 11, 2011, 09:51:58 PM
lol 350 x 350 looks perfect! :D
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ravvana on March 11, 2011, 10:05:02 PM
Names I really like so far..

-The Cloven (derived from Ryuu's Cloven Leets) -- I like this because it's a similar concept to The Feli, which ties them back to Leet adoptables :)
-something to do with Glade (red)
-Unicorns XD
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Sparki on March 11, 2011, 10:11:25 PM
Really cute! 350 looks great.

Cloven would be adorable. XD
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 12, 2011, 12:59:34 AM
ooo I like The Cloven!! *nod*

I still like 400x400 better than 350x350, but I've always liked mine a bit bigger than most, I think lol.

Font seems readable at 350 though. *nodnod*
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Whimsy on March 12, 2011, 11:18:33 AM
The cloven is perfect ^_^
Title: Re: Leet's Unicorns: Name Ideas and Breeding/Marking Discussion (w/ Prizes!)
Post by: Ravvana on March 12, 2011, 11:28:32 AM
Okay, The Cloven it is! :)

Ryuu, you get the very first semi-custom <3 Please fill this out:

Three to Four Colors (Hexes OK):
One to Two Markings (Click (
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Ryuu wins naming contest)
Post by: Ravvana on March 12, 2011, 11:33:14 AM
Questionnaire Contributors (thus far):

I'll leave this open for suggestions for five or six more hours, and then run names through for the premades :)
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Ryuu wins naming contest)
Post by: YourLoveOnly on March 12, 2011, 11:48:26 AM
Breeding: Two would be helpful for studs/RBs, which might make it easier for new users to join in (finding a stud or RB might be a ton easier when you can offer a foal in return), but I wouldn't mind one either. Fee of 5K or 10K

Markings: I don't mind premade markings, although I would like the possibility of getting custom markings for bribes/full customs (like TheLeet does with her Feli and Garden Noms) or, because these aren't templated, make markings very generic so you can code them but people still have a lot of options (I think Garney does this with Air~Fish, like there is a marking called spots but it be different types of spots)
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Ryuu wins naming contest)
Post by: TheLeet on March 12, 2011, 12:02:34 PM
Questions on Breeding:
1. I think that anything between 1k and 20k would be fine for a nominal breeding fee. Even though there's a big SG sink out there now, it's still easy enough to make SG by competing.
2. I think that one foal would be just fine but I understand why some people would like two. Maybe you could sell a limited number of items that allow for twins, so people who really want two foals, still have a chance to get them.

Question on Markings:
Standard markings sound fine to me, as long as there's still an option for people to get special and unique markings through customs. I wouldn't even mind if they were templated - templated markings can save a lot of time and effort :D
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Ryuu wins naming contest)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 12, 2011, 05:16:33 PM
\o/ Whee!! Thank you thank you Rav!!

Name: Amalthea (of coooooourse XD )
Gender: female
Owner: Ryuukokoro
Three to Four Colors: white, pale ice blue, pale lavender
One to Two Markings: Bay, Stripes(Hair)
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Ryuu wins naming contest)
Post by: Goddesss on March 12, 2011, 05:37:01 PM
Questions on Breeding:
1. What should be the "nominal fee" for a normal monthly breeding? 5k - 20k sounds good to me.
2. Would you be happy with one breeding resulting in one foal? Or should two foals be the normal result from a single breeding?  I would be happy with one foal but would love 2 for trading.

Question on Markings:
Standard markings work well and it is cool to get a chance at special markings.  I think the way you are wanting to run these sounds awesome.

Size and font:
I like the 350X350 size best and the font is easy to read.
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion
Post by: Ravvana on March 12, 2011, 06:14:39 PM
Ryuu has a pretty!

Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 12, 2011, 06:59:51 PM
Eeee thank you!! Love love love how subtle her markings are to see. <3 *pets tiny little pretty*
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion
Post by: Ravvana on March 12, 2011, 08:42:39 PM
So glad you like her, Ryuu! There's definitely a learning curve to coloring them, but I'm getting there XD

Raffle Results

There were 11 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

   1. Neocridders
   2. Ryuu
   3. Whimsy
   4. kunaisa
   5. Sparki
   6. toffeeca
   7. red
   8. Leet
   9. Kahlira
  10. Goddesss
  11. YLO

Timestamp: 2011-03-13 02:29:09 UTC

And because I really do appreciate the feedback, you ALL get a premade! :D

1. Neocridders

2. Ryuu

3. Whimsy

4. kunaisa

5. Sparki

6. toffeeca

7. red

8. Leet

9. Kahlira

10. Goddesss

11. YLO

Please post names here <3 Ask if you want to know the marking/s for breeding purposes, but they are generally pretty obvious.
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: red_uni387 on March 12, 2011, 08:47:45 PM
awwww so nice, Rav!! <3 thank you!!

can't even escape green here i guess >_< at least he has really pretty yellow too.
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Ravvana on March 12, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
If you want to avoid the green, I am more than happy for you to swap premades with someone else (as long as the agreement is mutual XD). The same goes for everyone.

Haha, I just realized that I subconsciously made Whimsy's a near perfect mimic of my RL Sinatra XD *resists the urge to steal him back*
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: toffeeca on March 12, 2011, 08:52:50 PM
Green loooooooooves you red!

Can I  name my girl Prima please? Thank you so much Ravv!
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Sparki on March 12, 2011, 08:54:11 PM
YAY! <3 Can I please name her Mojave?

Thank you Ravvana! They all look beautiful!
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: red_uni387 on March 12, 2011, 08:56:37 PM
oh! didn't think to ask if that would be possible xD if anyone wants to swap with me please lemme know~

it does, toff Dx
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Whimsy on March 12, 2011, 09:45:49 PM
Ravv I'd be willing to trade him out for another natural colored cloven ^-^ Or if not and your okay with me keeping him I'd like to name him JoJo
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Ravvana on March 12, 2011, 09:53:49 PM
Hehe, thanks Whimsy. Here is a pretty buckskin boy for you:

Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Whimsy on March 12, 2011, 10:10:50 PM
Oh ravv *squees* Hes awesome I adore buckskins with blue eyes. My absolute favorite! Cant wait to get him a pretty girly!

Lets name him Hoss
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Goddesss on March 12, 2011, 10:24:43 PM
Thanks Ravv I love mine.  I like to name her Stella.
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: TheLeet on March 13, 2011, 04:56:39 AM
Quote from: red_uni387 on March 12, 2011, 08:56:37 PM
oh! didn't think to ask if that would be possible xD if anyone wants to swap with me please lemme know~

it does, toff Dx
I'd be happy to swap with you. I like the boy I got but green is one of my favourite colours :D
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Kahlira on March 13, 2011, 08:33:46 AM
My little lady is stunning! Thank you!

Naming is hard though.

I'm stumped!

But erm.. I think I'll go with Dream Marie

Yes, she shall be known as Dream Marie
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: red_uni387 on March 13, 2011, 12:03:37 PM
Quote from: TheLeet on March 13, 2011, 04:56:39 AM
Quote from: red_uni387 on March 12, 2011, 08:56:37 PM
oh! didn't think to ask if that would be possible xD if anyone wants to swap with me please lemme know~

it does, toff Dx
I'd be happy to swap with you. I like the boy I got but green is one of my favourite colours :D
squee! Thank you Leet <3
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: TheLeet on March 13, 2011, 12:14:48 PM
Quote from: red_uni387 on March 13, 2011, 12:03:37 PM
Quote from: TheLeet on March 13, 2011, 04:56:39 AM
Quote from: red_uni387 on March 12, 2011, 08:56:37 PM
oh! didn't think to ask if that would be possible xD if anyone wants to swap with me please lemme know~

it does, toff Dx
I'd be happy to swap with you. I like the boy I got but green is one of my favourite colours :D
squee! Thank you Leet <3
So it's a deal then. Thank you, too :D

@Ravvana :
I'd like to name my new green boy Forest, please ^^
I also just noticed that I seem to have gone a tiny little bit over the lines when I templated the eyes on the male. Feel free to fix that if it bothers you :)
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Neocridders on March 13, 2011, 04:30:31 PM
Thanks so much! He's so cool!
Name: Duncan

Thanks a million *loves him*
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: red_uni387 on March 13, 2011, 05:20:41 PM
Can I name mine Poppy? :D
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Ryuukokoro on March 14, 2011, 08:15:23 AM
Eee thank you Rav!! I'd like to name him Plummer please!
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (Winners!)
Post by: Ravvana on March 15, 2011, 03:54:27 PM
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (YLO & kunaisa - need names)
Post by: YourLoveOnly on March 15, 2011, 05:03:00 PM
I have seen and love mine, actually noticed the pick-ups quite soon, but I am completely stuck on a name >_<
Title: Re: The Cloven: Breeding/Marking Discussion (YLO & kunaisa - need names)
Post by: kunaisa on March 15, 2011, 06:17:45 PM
OMG so pretty!!!!!

owner: kunaisa