
Secundi Market District => General Booths => Topic started by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:10:46 AM

Title: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:10:46 AM


Welcome all to the secundian grand opening of the Fables!  This has been a long awaited event, on my part at least, for the sheer joy that running the Fables gives me.  But as you all know, things were getting complicated and needed some organization.  I'm glad to announce that we know have divided the fables into two parts for users with more time and users with less.  We also have two new species to be introduced in this thread, and several mutations that have popped up in the Fable population!

Introducing the Fable Collection Site: (

The Renewed and Revised Fable Rpist Site: (

Post 1:  Welcome!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Setting Up-Please Don't Post Yet]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:10:56 AM
Post 1:  Welcome!
Post 2:  Table of Contents
Post 3:  PI Fables and the New Cert
Post 4:  7 RPist Events (Because I really love the number 7!)
Post 5:  New Info/Upcoming RP Event/Ways to Prepare and Links
Post 6:  7 Collectors Events
Post 7:  For Luck!

1.  Everything goes to the user "Fables" and NOT Luv007.  This includes funds, PMs, and any and all concerns please, unless directed otherwise.
2.  You may participate in as many events open in this thread as you like.  There is no limit, unless afore mentioned.
3.  Have fun, be sweet, and win yourself some Fables!!

Post 2:  Table of Contents
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Setting Up-Please Don't Post Yet]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:11:04 AM
Concerning Fables From PonyIsland:

I, with Leet's direction, have made a new cert that is very similar to the old one, except it has more room for the new mutations.  With this change, I decided to update cert ID#s and start from 001 here on Secundi.  All PI fables can still be moved over to Secundi, but now they will get a new ID on the new cert.  However, this means that I either need to go find the old files, which MIGHT be possible, OR I will have to recolor the Fable.  So be prepared for some slight differences if you choose this option.  I feel like this is going to be the easiest way to do the certing, which I have been putting off... and not repeat an old number that I haven't found.

For that reason, we have another change:  Any PI fable can now be cashed in as a custom certificate to replace that fable and a premade certificate to lesson the blow of loosing the old fable.

PI Fable with No Markings or Templated Markings--> Semi Custom Certificate and a Premade Certificate
PI Fable with Custom Markings-->  Full Custom Certificate and a Premade Certificate

To sum it up, you can do 1 of 2 things with PI Fables:
1.  Transfer them to Secundi Cert/ID OR
2.  Cash in for Custom Certificate

Post 3:  PI Fables and the New Cert
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Setting Up-Please Don't Post Yet]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:11:12 AM
Rpist's Event #1

Write a letter in red to describe what kind of mate your fable is looking for.  Perhaps you'll get a reply.

Price:  10k SG

1.  Pinkshadow [Paid] -Rosie
2.  Wildfilly94 [Paid] -Xavier
3.  Pinkshadow [Paid] -Celina
4.  Wildfilly -Lady Gaga


Rpist's Event #2


This sweet fable has fallen and hit her head.  She can't remember any of her past.  Can you please fill me in?  250 word length requirement.

Price:  FREE



Rpist's Event #3

1.  Winged Dreams
2.  Wolfsong
3.  Kahlira
4.  Pink
5.  Goddesss
6.  Wildfilly94
7.  Skysong
8.  BabyKittenCandy
9.  Scullisto
10.  kunaisa

Post in blue please!

QuoteWhat do your favorite pair of shoes look like?
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows?
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD?
What's your favorite season?
What color are you wearing right now?
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite fruit?


Rpist's Event #4

I know a lot of you want a full custom, and this is your way to do it.  Take the prompt I'm giving and use your would-be custom character's personality to respond and create a different situation.  The most imaginative situation created will be awarded a full custom.  The clearest developed character with get a custom inspired by the character they wrote from.  Entries should be 500 words or less.

You always look out into the dark woods and wonder if something is out there. One night when you look, a small face with bright eyes appears in the shadows. Write about what you do, who/what it is, and why they are there.

Price:  FREE



RPist's Event #5


Each ticket cost 500SG and one interesting fact or rule from the website or this thread.  Please don't repeat.  Title the funds sent "RP RAFFLE: (insert fact or rule here)".

Price:  500SG/ticket
1-5 Wildfilly94


RPist's Event #6


Not only is this boy fabulously colored, and a boy, but he is already trained as a Lvl 1 Harvester, so you can immediently start taking advantage of his training, or enter him into Lvl 2 training as made available.  He's a hard worker and grew up under his parents guidance.  Both his mother and father were high leveled harvesters back in his home herd.  There was a fire a few years back that took half of his home herd's land and resources... and both of his parents lives.  After the tragedy, he couldn't live in the territory where they had died and left the herd, becoming a nomad.  His heart is starting to recover, but rather than rejoin his home herd that would constantly remind him of the event, he is on the prowl for a new herd, one where he can be of use and make a new home for himself, without the constant reminder of what happened to his parents.

HB:  Kahlira 2 Mill
Starting Bid: 5k
End Date:  Oct 7 2011


This sweet girl comes from a herd of drama, seeking some more laid back Fables to exist with.  She has been trained in Lvl 1 Midwifery/Nurse-maiding and found her true love when she started working with the little ones.  A disagreement with another nursemaid over prejudice favoring the HL's little one led to dismissal from her home herd.  Her mother was sad to see her go, but allowed it none the less, creating a void in this sweetie's heart.  She never knew her father because he was from a different herd, though her mother spoke of him being proud and brave.  Really, this darling is just looking for a place to settle in and make a life, start over and coexist happily-- without having to compromise her morals.

HB:  Wildfilly94 1.52 Mill
Starting Bid: 5k
End Date:  Oct 7 2011


RPist's Event #7

(See Below-Will Follow the Closing of This Thread)

Post 4:  7 RPist Events (Because I really love the number 7!)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Setting Up-Please Don't Post Yet]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:11:20 AM
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Setting Up-Please Don't Post Yet]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:11:32 AM
Collector's Event #1

Round 1

Pink- Kahlira [PAID] (
Blue-  Wildfilly94 [PAID] (
Magenta- Pinkshadow [PAID] (
Violet- Goddesss [PAID] (
Orange- Winged Dreams [PAID] (

1.  You may only claim 1.
2.  First to post following ALL the rules takes the Fable home.
3.  Post the keyword in bold and green!

OPEN Sept 28 at 12:00 Secundi Time!
Price:  15k


Collector's Event #2


1.  1k per ticket, unlimited tickets.
2.  Gifting is allowed.
3.  Send funds to Fables, separate funds per user.  Ex.  Send funds for your tickets in one lump, and send funds to gift to user X is a seperate lump, and funds for user Y in yet another lump.

Price:  1k/ticket
End Date:  Oct 7 2011

1-100 Wildfilly94
101-300 SkySong
301-450 Wildfilly94


Collector's Event #3


1.  Post in bold and blue.
2.  Only choose one horseshoe.

Pick a Horse Shoe

1.  skysnolimit
2.  BKC
3.  Wildnightblazer
4.  kunaisa
5.  Kahlira
8.  Pinkshadow
9.  CrystalAngelNeko
10.  Wildfilly94

Price:  Free
End Date:  When all picked or Oct 7 2011


Collector's Event #4


We're going to start with ten trees number 1-10.  The first ten users to post some variation of "{user}'s {fable} waits patiently at tree #{your choice}." are the ten users that will play.  
After that, I'll start the music and some time within 24 hours later, I'll post in bold that the music has stopped.
At that time, each of the ten users must post some variation of "{user}'s {fable} races quickly to tree #{your choice}.", except this time one tree has been removed from the game.  So the first users to post for trees 1-9 stay in.
Essentially, we're playing a virtual game of musical chairs, except first to post wins.  Keep in mind that if you post for a tree that has already been posted for, you better repost fast for an unclaimed tree.  Post in Bold and Maroon please!

3.  Kahlira
8.  CrystalAngelNeko
10.  Wildfilly94

Price:  Free
End Date: Once we shuffle through the whole game.  If not enough participants, Fable goes back in the premade folder.


Collector's Event #5

Fill out a form and post it in the correct color to enter.  I will raffle off 3 premades, 2 semi customs, and 1 full custom.

Full Custom-Bold and Brown
Semi Custom- Bold and  Orange
Premade- Bold and Teal

Custom forms can be found on the RP website here: (

Premade Entries:

Semi Entries:

Full Entries:

End Date:  Oct 7 2011


Collector's Event #6


I have a few favorite TV shows that my husband and I watch pretty consistantly.  From each of them, I have drawn up a question.  The first person to pm the Fable account with all the correct answers will win this lovely Fable.  If no one gets all the answers right, I will take the first person with the most correct answers.

1.  In Grey's Anatomy, who are the 'twisted sisters' pair?
2.  In Private Practice, who declined an date from Sam way back in med school, leading to his relationship and marriage to Naomi?
3.  In Desperate Housewives, which husband slept with his wife's best friend in college-- a best friend that never truly got over their one night stand?
4.  In the new Thundercats, how long does the life of their little plant friend, Emrick, last?
5.  In Sons of Anarchy, what is the name of the female character who stopped Gemma late at night asking for help 'bc her baby was choking', then knocked Gemma out?
6.  In Tinkerbelle and the Great Fairy Rescue, Vidia's wings got wet because of Tink's curiosity.  What machine was Tink exploring when this happened?
7.  In Tangled, how do Repunzel and Eugene escape from the bar, Ugly Duckling, when soldiers come looking for Eugene?
8.  In Rio, Rafael has quite a large family.  How many members does his family consist of, adults included?
9.  In True Blood, what name did Terra go by in New Orleans?
10.  In Bolt, what event gets the duo (Bold and Mittens) brought into the animal shelter?

Price:  Free
End Date:  When someone answers all correctly, or Oct 7 2011


Collector's Event #7

Simply post a word, or picture, or song lyric... or anything really and the words "inspirational custom" in purple.  I will start with just five slots and you can just watch for more to open.

I will cert everyone up at once, upon recieval of names and funds.  :)

1.  SkySong-Delivered [PAID]
2.  Pinkshadow-Delivered [PAID]
3.  Ravvana- Delivered [PAID]
4.  Kahlira-Delivered [PAID]
5.  Wildfilly94-Delivered [PAID]
6.  Winged Dreams-Delivered [PAID]
7.  SkySong- Delivered[PAID]
8.  Ryuu-Delivered [PAID]
9.  Wolfsong-Delivered [PAID]
10.  Kahlira- Delivered [PAID]

Price: 10k
End Date:  Oct 7 2011

Post 6:  7 Collectors Events
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Setting Up-Please Don't Post Yet]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:11:48 AM
7/7-  You may post now!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: SkySong on September 26, 2011, 01:59:17 PM
Inspirational Custom
Shake me Down - Cage the Elephants

Sorry if it's not very inspirational DX It's been going through my head all day.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 26, 2011, 02:01:38 PM
Thank you, and I'll get right on it after I get all the information up!

I'm sure I can make something from the inspiration of it!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 26, 2011, 02:04:57 PM
Awesome hun ..

Dunno if i'm allowed to participate but if i am ;

Inspirational Custom
Chris Medina - What are Words
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 02:07:39 PM
Of course, Pink!

I'll add you too!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Ravvana on September 26, 2011, 02:46:27 PM
Inspirational Custom
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 26, 2011, 02:56:31 PM
Haha Ravv, You just love that movie? :P
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 26, 2011, 03:10:25 PM
Inspirational Custom

Garth Brooks: Standing Outside the Fire

All time favorite music video. Makes me cry every time.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Ravvana on September 26, 2011, 03:11:06 PM
I'm developing a semi-custom character based on that poster art, so whenever there are inspirational customs I use the chance to build up her numbers ;)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 26, 2011, 03:17:56 PM
Kahlira picks shoe number 5

Kahlira's Ashke waits patiently by tree number 3

Is the customs raffle free or paid..?
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Setting Up-Please Don't Post Yet]
Post by: Luv007 on September 26, 2011, 03:39:09 PM
Quote from: Fables on September 26, 2011, 09:11:32 AM

Collector's Event #5

Fill out a form and post it in the correct color to enter.  I will raffle off 3 premades, 2 semi customs, and 1 full custom.

Full Custom-Bold and Brown
Semi Custom- Bold and  Orange
Premade- Bold and Teal

Custom forms can be found on the RP website here: (

I quoted this so I can show you where to find the info-  

WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR [Free]  <----It's right here.

Each title should tell you if an event is free or paid.  There are 3 paid events per collector's/RP and all the rest are free!  

Wow.  I was starting to fear no one would enter!  I'm glad to see all the new entries!!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 03:49:18 PM
Tangled is my little ones favorite disney movie, I think.  Or at least it was the first to catch her attention.  I'm going to try to get ahold of a Rapunzel costume for her to wear for halloween!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 26, 2011, 04:05:32 PM
I so missed that XD So much fail on my part.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: wildnightblazer on September 26, 2011, 06:52:38 PM
Fables are so awesome! I really hope I finally get one!

Horseshoe #3

Name: EDIT: will wait to see it
Owner: wildnightblazer
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 26, 2011, 07:02:14 PM
Inspirational Custom: So Happy I Could Die-Lady Gaga

Okay so I'll be making notes of everything going on an what I want to participate in so I can figure out what I need t post and when. XD
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 26, 2011, 07:08:58 PM
@Kah:  Originally, I just had it as a side note for myself while I was making up the events, because I wanted there to be more free events, but I wanted to see how people value the Fables so I know what kind of prices I should be charging for customs later.

@wildnightblazer:  I am going to make a promise to each participant of this thread that you will all take home at LEAST one Fable!!  Just give me a heads up at the end of the events if you don't have one yet!

@Wildfilly:  I completely FAIL at simplicity.  If you or anyone else have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 26, 2011, 07:12:31 PM
Can we enter all three wish upon a star' things or just one?

Wildfilly94 picks horse shoe number 10.  

100 Tickets for the raffle please <3 (The 1k per ticket one)

I bid 100k on each auction. :3

For the 500sg raffle:
*Adults are called Fables, foals are called Stories.
*Human adults are called Dreams, and babies are called Wishes
*Fables live on a planet called Hadithi
*Breeding of Fables happens every other month
*Goat adults are called Legends, and their babies are called Parables
2,500SG total.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 26, 2011, 07:17:46 PM
Good Question.  Please just enter one.  That makes it fair to everyone. :)

More probability to get a premade than a semi and semi than a custom, but customs are a bit more valuable to most.  Soo... Your choice!

And wonderful!  I'll update things in just a second!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 26, 2011, 07:51:23 PM
Name: Will name when I see it?
Owner: Wildfilly94
Gender: Female
Three Colors: golden Yellowish, White, Black
Inspiring Word: Golden Sun
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 26, 2011, 07:58:03 PM
Naming it when you see it is perfectly fine. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 26, 2011, 08:22:36 PM
Name: Moehawk
Owner: Kahlira
Gender: Male
Body Color: Red (FF0002,255/000/002)
-Design: Four white stockings
Hair Color: Black (040210, 004|002|016)
-Design: Tipped in red (FB0622, 251|006|034)
Eye Color: Ruby-ish? (A80200, 168|002|000)

I <3 this boy.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 08:34:57 PM
First two Inspirational Customs!


Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 26, 2011, 08:36:31 PM
Entries updated thusfar, and I'm going to bed soon!  I'll keep working on the inspirational customs... They are quite fun to color!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 26, 2011, 08:40:41 PM
Pink's boy is so pretty and pink! Yay!

And I love Sky's gal, wow! Nice =D
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 26, 2011, 08:43:19 PM
Thank you, Kah!  I hope you'll like yours just as much once I get it colored up.  My energy is rapidly draining and I want to make pretties, not uglies so I'll finish them up tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: SkySong on September 26, 2011, 09:43:58 PM
I'd like to name my girl "Gaze upon the Sun", please. :) And thank you, I love her!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 27, 2011, 01:26:05 AM
Aww i loove him <3

Call him ; Loverboy :D

Collector's Event #3

Collector's Event #5
Name: Oceans Zippy
Owner: Pinkshadow
Gender: Male
Three Colors: Black, White & Cyan
Inspiring Word: Bright Zebra

RPist's Event #6
1: 150K
2: 150K
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 27, 2011, 06:18:11 AM
Can do, guys!  I'll update the first post in a second.  Thank you for all the participation!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 27, 2011, 07:46:59 AM
I have two more deliveries!

Ravvana- (awaiting payment)




I must say these are all a ton of fun to color!  If no one enters the other events, I may open up a few more.  I don't want to overwhelm myself. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 27, 2011, 09:03:47 AM
I Adore Kahs! :O

Auctions: 200k for both
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 27, 2011, 09:20:04 AM
Yours is next!!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 27, 2011, 12:51:28 PM
I have a delivery for wildfilly94-- (also awaiting funds here please)


I have to say that I did find your song harder to find inspiration from, but I tried.  Hope you like her!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 27, 2011, 01:01:23 PM
Also, I just wanted to say thank you and Pink for the bids!  You should find these two very helpful in a few weeks when it comes time to build herds again.  :)

I've got a ton of info that I've still got to add, and a few games to update as well, but I haven't transfered them from my handy notebook to the computer yet.  I keep telling people I want a notebook that automatically updates the computer with all the notes I keep in it.  I go through notebooks so fast, though a large part of it is due to my doodling!

The big massive RP event is scheduled to start Oct 10th, so long as we hit no snags along the way.  Which reminds me-- I need to get some training excersizes up asap so that you guys can have "advantages" in the RP.

Honestly, I've never really been much more than a stalker in adoptable RPs, but I have a few games planned along the way, and have the basic plan laid out, as well as intros typed up.  I'm asking that no more than one fable per user come on this journey so that I can send home a prize with everyone.  Let me know what you think-- I value any and all input, though keep in mind I take constructive critisms (As is nicely worded, I don't like this...) better than destructive crits (As in, I HATE YOU.).  Lol.  I get so much enjoyment out of running these and putting all of my imagination into them.  I want to share that with you guys.

And with NaNo coming up in November, you'll need to bust out your own imaginations.  Prizes will be held for that.  And for Halloween, we shall be having a Masquerade Ball for our Fables most likely.  No promises on that yet. :)

As for previous event items won and whatnot- I have about half the points counted up.  I printed out the whole threads, but one half of the big thread didn't print. I have to count that section and then I will deposite certificates and items into your inventories. :)  


You may order a second, but only one at a time.  Once I have completed your order, you may order another.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 27, 2011, 01:14:29 PM
Inspirational custom!

This photo, from my gold DofE camping expedition in the cairngorms :) Links to a larger photo.
( (
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 27, 2011, 01:15:33 PM
That is gorgeous, Winged!  I hope I can make a Fable that will hold up to the beauty in that picture!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 27, 2011, 01:32:15 PM
Aw, thanks! It was a lovely area.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: SkySong on September 27, 2011, 02:15:26 PM
Inspirational Custom
Cage the Elephant - Lotus

*Is curious how many songs she can get through before these are closed*
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 27, 2011, 02:34:57 PM
Inspirational Custom!


Yaaay these are fun! Maybe I need to do a little Okibi event too. X3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 27, 2011, 02:38:20 PM
i loove that last fable :o

Action 2 : 250K
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 27, 2011, 02:52:04 PM
Ahh shes gorgeous!!! :O
This is a perfect treat for me today. I've had a very bad day, so thank you very much. <3 Shes perfect.

I'll name her.... Lady Gaga. :p
And sending the 10k for her now. (Totally forgot.)

300k on the second auction. <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 27, 2011, 02:57:27 PM




seriously! She's epic!

I don't know what to name her >.<

Was thinking "Brooke" heh, but I dunno. (Ya know, after the singer guy, Garth Brooks)
But not I'm not so sure.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 27, 2011, 03:05:14 PM
I'll add those in asap and get them done when I'm feeling less gittery and can actually sit and do something.

I don't know if any of you have seen Limitless-- personally, I'm not a fan.  But energy drinks, specifically red Amps kind of work like that for me.  Make me shake and hyper and my body temp gets higher.  It's weird... but it helps me get things done and makes me able to focus, and at the same time seems to open my brain up.  I can think x100 clearer for some reason.  My husband use to say that energy drinks make me drunk.  I prefer to think that they just give me a lot more personality, or bring out the parts of personality I generally hide.  Lol.

Conclusion:  I'll work on these either later tonight or tomorrow. :)

@Kah- I'm so glad you like her.  I was actually a bit worried, but she was a ton of fun to color.

@Wild-  Not a problem. :)  I'm glad she meets your expectations.

@Pink- I'm quite fond of her myself.  I was sooo tempted to pick a different one for the auction and keep her, but she just fits the nursemaid role so well I think... Nice pretty simple colors and markings, but elegant at the same time.  So good luck to all bidders!!

@Ryuu:  I hope you do!!  And that is one gorgeous girl!

@Sky:  Depends on how long it takes me to burn out on these guys.  I'm opening them in small doses so that I make sure things get done though. :)

@Winged:  Looks incredible.  My husband just got an interview for a job in Alaska and we're interested in going out there because of the lack of population.  I'm totally a small town girl and love nature and the country.  The weird thing about AL is that I have been interested in no where else-- Hawaii included, but Alaska would be phenomenal to visit or even live in I think.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 27, 2011, 03:23:57 PM
Well this is in Scotland but i've no idea is Alaska is similar or not. I'm the same, i don't like cities much and love the country, especially the mountains!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 27, 2011, 03:28:44 PM
From what I know about Alaska... It's a whole lotta snow.  Lol.  But it's something new and different and it's NOT a huge city.  He interviewed for a Washington DC job and I was NOT happy about that one.  I couldn't stand living in a big city.  Lol.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 27, 2011, 03:49:47 PM
500k on both actions :D
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 27, 2011, 03:53:35 PM

Again, thanks for all the bids.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 27, 2011, 04:08:08 PM
550k on each auction <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 27, 2011, 04:10:03 PM
600K on action 1
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 27, 2011, 04:19:26 PM
650k on auction 1
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: kunaisa on September 27, 2011, 07:03:11 PM

horse shoe # 4

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 27, 2011, 07:12:31 PM

Thanks for the bids, guys!

@kunaisa- The flatsale will open tomorrow at 12:00 secundi time and you're welcome to claim Violet then, but until 12:00 tomorrow, I can't quite give her up!  Good luck!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: kunaisa on September 27, 2011, 07:15:50 PM
oh WOOPS!!!! sorry
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 27, 2011, 07:17:49 PM
Not a problem!  Glad to see you're eager. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 27, 2011, 08:19:59 PM
Im going to count down till the time, and make sure i post, even though ill be in the middle of school. XD
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 27, 2011, 08:20:56 PM
Good luck!!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 27, 2011, 08:21:43 PM
I'll be at work with no net access. *sadface* lol

Yes, I believe my gal's name will be Brooke.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: wildnightblazer on September 27, 2011, 08:55:47 PM
Aw Luv you're so sweet to give everyone at LEAST one fable XD

Also, I did a premade form with the name Rouik but I was wondering if I could wait till I see it?

Rpist's Event #2

When she was young, her mother cherished her. She always said, "My beautiful daughter shines with the colors of nature: green like the lush grass in the meadows, a purple-blue color like the color of the sky, and bits of pink like the flowers that brighten our life." The girl didn't care much for her looks, though. She was amazed by her mother's pure white coat that shone as brightly as the moon. When she eventually left her mom to find her own way in life, she always looked up to the moon at night because it reminded her so much of her mom. It's always there to guide you, always reassuring and never judging. She knew that even on a new moon, it was simply blinking and was still always watching over her. The moon was different than the sun. If you looked up to the sun, it would blind you and burn you with its harsh rays. The only thing that scared her were storms. Storms crashed down upon the grass in the meadows, blew away the flowers, darkened the sky, and, worst of all, covered the moon at night. On the night of one particularly harsh storm, she was so frantic that she was determined to reach the moon. The moon was outside the storm. It was peacful and safe from all troubles. She started climbing the tallest tree she could find, the wind howling in her ears and shaking the tree from side to side. Finally she stopped, clinging to the top of the tree with nowhere to go. The wind was so fierce that the tree blew down, and she hit the ground with no moon to watch over her, stealing her memory away.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 27, 2011, 11:47:04 PM
Action 1 : 1million SG (:
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: skysnolimit on September 28, 2011, 12:32:58 AM

I can't believe I'm here in time for this :3  I'm so glad Fables are starting up strong, and your website is gorgeous!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 28, 2011, 04:16:53 AM
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 28, 2011, 05:47:38 AM
=O I thought it was 12 noon XD


Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 08:01:08 AM
It IS 12 noon.  Lol.  Good try guys!

I go by a 24 hour clock to avoid that confusion because I fail at AM/PM for noon/midnight.

Everyone can post in 4 HOURS please!!

It makes me laugh to see everyone so excited!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 08:12:38 AM
@Kah- Sounds good!  I'll shoot Rav a PM and see if she knows what she wants to name her girl yet.

@Wildnightblazer- Thank you for the entry and I just want to spread the Fable love!  You can wait to name your Fable, but edit your form for me please to reflect that?

@Pink-  Wow!  Yay-- I'll update asap.

@skysnolimit-  I'm glad to see you here and thank you!  I spent a lot of time figuring the kinks out, but there are always more.

--And for those of you who will be at work or school during this flatsale, I may just do another and if so, I'll make it 23:59.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 28, 2011, 08:29:44 AM
I'm still trying to enter the "find a mate"event , but i just dont have a clue how to write it xD
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 08:52:53 AM
Hang on, and I'll type up an example...
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 08:59:57 AM
Dear Mystery Man,

I've been searching for a while now for a stud to call mine.  I'm a very headstrong girl, but I'll take care of you-- promise.  I can be difficult to love, but once you have my heart, I will be completely yours.  I'm faithful and honest and loyal.  I'm not ready for foals yet... but one day that's in the plans.  I'm particuarly attracted to cherry bay coats, and green eyes.  I'm more comfortable with natural colors and average markings.  I can't wait to find and get to know you-- I'm sure our lives will forever be entertwined thenceforth.


Pretty much-- You can take any of your fables, write a letter from them describing what they want their mate to look like and you get it... Kind of a custom if you word it right. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 28, 2011, 09:09:16 AM
I found one premade I REALLY want though, so I'll try hard to get her. :o
1 mill and 100k on auction 1. <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 28, 2011, 09:10:55 AM
Alright so I need to get that premade at 12, type up one or more find a mate forms, and type up a story for RP event 2.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 28, 2011, 09:29:27 AM
Wild- Unless she's marked unavailable, she can be acquired with a premade certificate.  That's part of the "new stuff" post.  Lol.

And I have more deliveries:

Winged-  I couldn't for the life of me get him to look nearly as beautiful as your pictures, but this is what I did get:

Sky- This one is very similar to the female, but the words that stuck out in the song the most are what gave me this.

Ryuu-  Not nearly as pretty as your Pykiin (I think that's the adoptable name-- possibly?), but this is what she inspired.

And everyone is paid up, so as soon as I get names, I'll cert these guys!

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 28, 2011, 09:39:23 AM
Because even I am having trouble keeping up with what is open and what isn't.

** means it's a paid event

1. Find a Mate- Open**
2.  Tell Me a Story- Open
3.  Survey Customs- Coming Soon
4.  Inpromtu Inspiration-Open
5.  Raffle- Open**
6.  Auction- Open**
7.  Massive Rp- Coming Later

Collector EVENTS
1.  Flatsale- Open in 2 1/2 Hours**
2.  Raffle- Open**
3.  Pick A Shoe- Open
4.  Musical Trees- Open
5.  When You Wish Upon A Star- Open
6.  Quiz- Open
7.  Inspirational Customs- Temporarily Closed**
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2011, 09:44:16 AM
Eee thank you luv! WOW she is beautiful, I love the textured look you gave to the clouds!!! I'd like to name her Hinoiri, please. ^^ It means 'sunrise' and certainly fits!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 28, 2011, 09:44:53 AM
I'm so glad you like her!  I'll mark her name down now.  It is very fitting!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 28, 2011, 10:12:16 AM
Where can I find my inventory? I dont know if I have items, and if I do, I'm not sure what I have
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: CrystalAngelNeko on September 28, 2011, 10:20:07 AM
I would like shoe number 9 please.

Frost makes his way to tree number 8

Name: Daizy Duke
Owner: CrystalAngelNeko
Gender: Female
Three Colors: Yellow, White, Black
Inspiring Word: Buckskin
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 10:37:17 AM
Wild, inventories are one of my "in progress" things.  I can at least tell you that you don't have a premade certificate bc I haven't given many out yet.

Crystal, I'll get that updated asap.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 28, 2011, 11:09:37 AM
He's stunning, i love the detail on him! Name him Allt Fearnach please.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 28, 2011, 12:56:03 PM
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 01:03:34 PM
Certainly, wild!

And I'm glad you're happy with him, Winged.  I tried a few different ways of doing it, but that just ended up looking best.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 28, 2011, 01:37:59 PM
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 01:45:22 PM
You got it, Winged!  -- I keep typing Wild instead of winged for some reason and having to correct myself, so if one of your Fables ends up in her file one day, you'll know why.  Lol.

Blue- Wildfilly94
Orange-Winged Dreams
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 28, 2011, 01:49:05 PM
Also, post names and send funds.  I'm wracking up quite the to-do list of Fables to cert.  Personally, I like to do them in masses though, so keep going guys!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 28, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
Quite easy to mix up :) Same with me, it's so much quicker to cert a load in one go! I'll name him Craze.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 01:58:31 PM
Oooo.  That's perfect for him!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 28, 2011, 02:20:17 PM

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 28, 2011, 02:21:06 PM
She's yours, Pink!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 28, 2011, 02:27:56 PM
Yay !!

Name her ; Oceana

Ow and ;

Find a Mate entry ;

Dear Mystery Man.

I'm a very laid back and reserved girl, who needs a brave and caring male to take care of me and protect me from my fears. I easily trust others, but i'm also fairly quick to get hurt, so i need a male that is aware of my many emotions. I can be difficult to love, but when you get my heart, your the only one who has it. I especially like blue eyes and lots of colours and patterns. I adore looking at the sunset and rainbows when they show, and would love someone to do that with.

Kind Regards
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 28, 2011, 02:32:20 PM
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 28, 2011, 03:20:48 PM
Just saw some examples of certed Fables and I have to say, the new certs are huge! 0_o I dunno if anyone else has made any comments, but I personally find the new cert kinda difficult to deal with. It takes up my entire computer screen. o.o And if there's a couple listed on a page together, it takes a lot to scroll down through them all. Any possibility of getting the certed image shrunken a bit? Any other Fable followers think the same, or maybe I'm alone in this? ^^;;
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 28, 2011, 03:57:42 PM
I agree, the size for the Fable is good, but the cert itself is way too tall for me. Not bad horizontally but vertically it would be great if you could cut it down a bit. It doesn't fit all in my computer screen, so i have to scroll down to get one cert in, and like Ryuu said if there's a list of them it takes a lot of scrolling.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 28, 2011, 04:08:14 PM
I'd like to name her Jilly Bean, spelled jsut like that. <3
Sending 15k
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: wildnightblazer on September 28, 2011, 05:46:48 PM
I just edited my post and those fables are soooo preeeettttty!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 28, 2011, 11:29:18 PM
Ryuu, Yeah i told her too, and i have an idea for her on how to fix it maybe..
- But it comes down too that she want to be able to add to the cert, like the new species and mutations, but i think she would be able to still if it was abit smaller (:
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 29, 2011, 06:52:03 AM
Kahlira, the pink flatsale girl is yours!  One more left! At 23:59 tonight, any of you may post again for another flatsale Fable!

Pink, I marked you down for the Find A Mate and will get working on him soon!

Ryuu, Winged, Pink:  The size definately suprised me when I got it on the forums.  It is a lot larger than what I was expecting.  Like Pink said, I want to be able to put a love pair together, and add humans to the bonded Fable's cert later.  I'll put a few on the cert and post links.

What size would you suggest I make the certs?  I love feedback and thank you for addressing this. :)

Here is the problem I have with making it smaller, but suggestions are welcome! (esp before I cert these new guys)

With Humans: (
With Antlers: (
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 29, 2011, 07:54:47 AM
One suggestion: rather than shrink the cert, why not shrink the entire image? If you're in Photoshop and go up to the top and choose the Image Size option, you can play around, maybe make it like 300 or 400 pixels wide? (just make sure you click the option that keeps the proportion the same so it doesn't stretch the image when you shrink it).
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 29, 2011, 08:08:16 AM
I'll try that as soon as I sit down with the computer again. Thanks, Ryuu!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 29, 2011, 08:57:09 AM
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 29, 2011, 08:57:54 AM

I'll name her Sebrina <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 29, 2011, 09:09:43 AM
You do!

And tonight at 23:59 you can claim another. Until then, we'll leave her for anyone who hasn't yet claimed a flatsale baby. K? Soon though.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 29, 2011, 10:09:10 AM
Ohh. XD My bad, I thought it was 23:59 Last night, not this comming night. Haha. Sorry :p
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 29, 2011, 10:57:16 AM
Not a problem.

I got offline last night to study and take my exam and kind just relaxed after I got done with my test, so I just updated things this morning.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 29, 2011, 12:52:52 PM
Here are sizes orginal 750, 500, 400, and then 300.  I think I prefer the 500 pixel size to the current sizes or the smaller sizes.  What does everyone else thinki??





Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: SkySong on September 29, 2011, 01:01:36 PM
200 Tickets for the Raffle. <3 And I'd like to name my boy Lotus, please.

I think I like 500 or 400 Best, but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Winged on September 29, 2011, 01:02:31 PM
The 500 one is the best i think.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 29, 2011, 01:08:41 PM
Thanks for the opinions, guys!

@Sky, I'll add you for the tickets and I'll put his name on my list.

I'm going to hold off certing now til we figure the size thing out.  I probably should have done that first.  My procrastination will be the death of me. x.x
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 29, 2011, 01:32:53 PM
UPDATED thus far.

And for those of you wondering, the "updated" post are mostly for me so I know where to start reading contest entries later. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 29, 2011, 03:58:07 PM
I loove the 500 and 400 hun <3

ow and in this ;

Collector's Event #5

- can we only enter one or all 3 ? :P
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 29, 2011, 04:01:39 PM
Only one please!  Thanks, Pink!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 29, 2011, 04:05:12 PM
Np and sure, just wanted to know xD
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 29, 2011, 06:45:30 PM
I like 500 adn 400. I think 400 more than 500, but either one is fine with me. <3

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 29, 2011, 06:46:48 PM
I'd like 150 more tickets for the raffle please <3

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Ryuukokoro on September 29, 2011, 07:57:29 PM
Ooo nice! I like 500 and 400, like other people. I would be happy with either. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 30, 2011, 06:49:25 AM
I'll wait for a few more to give their input, but 500 is looking like the size we'll go for. :)  Thank you everyone, for helping me make the Fables more to your liking!

Also, Violet Flatsale is now up for anyone to grab!

UPDATED --> with Wildfilly94's tickets

And good news- I have the survey customs ready to go so they will be opening soon!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Goddesss on September 30, 2011, 10:31:49 AM
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 30, 2011, 10:34:22 AM
Certainly!  What would you like to name her?
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [Some Events Open, Many Updates To Come!]
Post by: Fables on September 30, 2011, 10:56:46 AM

Post in blue please!

QuoteWhat do your favorite pair of shoes look like?
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows?
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD?
What's your favorite season?
What color are you wearing right now?
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite fruit?
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Winged on September 30, 2011, 11:10:34 AM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like? They're brown swede boots.
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? Definately hiking in the mountains!
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? ipod or my laptop speakers (so yeah, go for MP3)
What's your favorite season? Winter
What color are you wearing right now? Black
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? Cloudy
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite fruit? Apple or Watermelon
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 30, 2011, 11:29:49 AM

The colors didn't work together quite like I wanted, but I did a little editing. Hope you're happy with him!

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wolfsong on September 30, 2011, 11:33:03 AM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like? Flip flops with sparkly blue flowers :)
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? running through flowery meadows.
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? MP3
What's your favorite season? Autumn
What color are you wearing right now? Blue. Lots of blue.
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? Cloudy
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite fruit? Pomegranite (not sure if its spelled right, tho)

Wolfsong picks horseshoe number 2![/color]
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Winged on September 30, 2011, 11:36:26 AM
Yeah, i love him thanks! Name him Ren please.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on September 30, 2011, 11:40:57 AM


@Winged- Will do!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on September 30, 2011, 02:41:13 PM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like?
They're a pair of black mary janes.

Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows?
Well, I don't do either too well, so I'll say flowery meadow.

Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD?

What's your favorite season?

What color are you wearing right now?
Black pants, heather grey t-shirt

Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite fruit?
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on September 30, 2011, 02:54:42 PM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like? - White and pink baby phat sneakers :P
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? - Flowery Meadows
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? - MP3
What's your favorite season? - Spring
What color are you wearing right now? - Black & Pink
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? - Rainy
What is your favorite color? - Pink
What is your favorite fruit? - Peach
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Goddesss on September 30, 2011, 03:14:55 PM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like? Brown pink and white flip flops
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? running through flowery meadows
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? MP3
What's your favorite season? Spring
What color are you wearing right now? Black and white
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? Sunny
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite fruit? Peach

Can I name Violet Violet please
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on September 30, 2011, 08:02:54 PM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like? Converse. Lime green in color
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? Uhhh WALKING through flowery meadows. XD
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? MP3/Ipod
What's your favorite season? The ending weeks of summer
What color are you wearing right now? Purple tank top and Blue capris
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? Sunny with a cool breeze
What is your favorite color? Purple and Lime Green. I guess if I mut pick one, Purple.
What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: SkySong on September 30, 2011, 08:09:44 PM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like? White Running Shoes
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? Mountain Hiking Preferably at a slow pace. XD Perhaps with a camera around my neck, too.
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? MP3
What's your favorite season? Winter
What color are you wearing right now? Black and White (Just came from band)
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? Rainy
What is your favorite color? Let's go with Deep Red this time
What is your favorite fruit? Mango
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 01, 2011, 04:46:24 PM
I have three deliveries!






Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 01, 2011, 04:55:50 PM
d'aww she's so sweet!

Name for her: Mary Jane
Name for Pink (Flatsale gal): Romantic Fling
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 01, 2011, 05:00:04 PM
Glad you like her!

Here are the last two!





And with the last batch, you see a new templated body marking-- Swirls!!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on October 01, 2011, 05:11:53 PM

What do your favorite pair of shoes look like?
New Rocks with Purple flames up them
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows?
Meadows :)
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD?
What's your favorite season?
What color are you wearing right now?
Purple top and candy yellow purple blue and pink PJ bottoms
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite fruit?
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 01, 2011, 06:15:19 PM
Here are the names I have ready to be certed so far, and I'll probably get on that Monday in the 500 pixel size if everyone agrees with that size and whatnot?

Sky- Gaze Upon the Sun (Cage the Elephant)
Pink- Loverboy
Wild- Lady Gaga
Kah- Brooke
Winged-Allt Fearnach
Sky-Lotus (Lotus)

Wild (Blue)- Jilly Bean
Winged (Orange)- Craze
Pink (Magenta)- Oceana
Kahlira (Pink)-  Romantic Fling
Goddesss (Violet)-  Violet

Winged- Ren
Kahlira- Mary Jane

Delivery for BabyKittenCandy!

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Fables on October 01, 2011, 07:08:21 PM
Two slots left!


1.  Winged Dreams
2.  Wolfsong
3.  Kahlira
4.  Pink
5.  Goddesss
6.  Wildfilly94
7.  Skysong
8.  BabyKittenCandy
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 01, 2011, 09:01:29 PM
I'll name her Natasha. <3 She's pretty!! :D

And Can I enter the inspired custom a second time??
If so, Hey Baby, Here's That Song You Wanted-Bless The Fall
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 01, 2011, 09:40:49 PM
Wild, you way if/when I open up more slots. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on October 02, 2011, 05:04:12 AM

Ooo... she is pretty!!!! I will try and think of a good name for her today!

Im also hoping you will open more inspirational custom slots :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 02, 2011, 06:03:46 AM

I'll certainly take that into consideration!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on October 02, 2011, 06:51:50 AM
I loove her !

Name : Golden Love
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 02, 2011, 10:28:29 AM
Ohh I'm sorry. I thought tohosewere new slots, sense last time you opened three slots, which equaled 8, and then slots 9 and 10 randomly appeared available.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 02, 2011, 10:34:33 AM
If you look above the slots, it's for survery customs.  I prob will end up opening more, just not today.

Luv is feeling suppper crappy today.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Scullisto on October 02, 2011, 12:35:36 PM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like? Black Doc Martins with a some white paint that I spattered on them from work
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? Mountains
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? MP3
What's your favorite season? Autumn!!!!
What color are you wearing right now? Black t-shirt, black yoga pants and halloween socks
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? cloudy
What is your favorite color? Black
What is your favorite fruit? Oranges
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 02, 2011, 02:59:53 PM
I just realized that I've screwed up one of my questions bc I colored a few fables wrong.  So after I completely close this, I'll tell you what I messed up, but for now, I'm just going to work with it.

@Sculli:  I'll have your boy ready for you in just a few minutes!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 02, 2011, 03:14:59 PM
I have a delivery for Scullisto!  Hope you enjoy and glad to see you again!  I know you had PI fables and have followed these guys for a while!  Thank you!

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Winged on October 02, 2011, 03:33:36 PM
Gorgeous haloweeny boy! I love the little white splatters on his feet, congrats Sculli :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 02, 2011, 03:55:27 PM
Ohh. Haha, wow, I really need to pay attention to detail every once in a while.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 02, 2011, 04:52:30 PM

That one is perty <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 02, 2011, 05:21:09 PM
@Wild- It's super small print because I quoted it, so no biggie!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Scullisto on October 02, 2011, 10:58:05 PM
Oh Wow! He is Stunning!...yes I have two PI Fables I would like to transfer over to Secundi.

But for now...I think this handsome fellow should be named Salem
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 07:18:35 AM
Will do, Sculli! 
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on October 03, 2011, 09:19:17 AM
Action 1 ; 1,5 mil SG
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 09:29:09 AM
1.55 Mill on Auction 1
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: kunaisa on October 03, 2011, 07:20:54 PM
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like?  They are grey converse with pink inside and a flap thing thats pink and sparkly!
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains or running through flowery meadows? running through flowery meadow
Do you prefer to listen to music via cassette, MP3, or CD? MP3
What's your favorite season? winter
What color are you wearing right now? gold volleyball jersey
Which type of weather do you prefer: rainy, cloudy, or sunny? rainy
What is your favorite color?blue
What is your favorite fruit? strawberries
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 07:52:28 PM
Here you go, Kunaisa!


And that wraps up the survey custom slots!

I have two more slots to fill for the inspirational customs for now... (may open a few more later).

QuoteCollector's Event #7

Simply post a word, or picture, or song lyric... or anything really and the words "inspirational custom" in purple.

1.  SkySong-Delivered [PAID]
2.  Pinkshadow-Delivered [PAID]
3.  Ravvana- Delivered [PAID]
4.  Kahlira-Delivered [PAID]
5.  Wildfilly94-Delivered [PAID]
6.  Winged Dreams-Delivered [PAID]
7.  SkySong- Delivered[PAID]
8.  Ryuu-Delivered [PAID]

Price: 10k
End Date:  Oct 7 2011

And I need some more participants for the musical trees game!

QuoteCollector's Event #4

Post in Bold and Maroon please!

3.  Kahlira
8.  CrystalAngelNeko
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 08:08:04 PM
Pinkshadow, I have a blue eyed, bright colored, lots of patterns mystery man for your Fable!

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wolfsong on October 03, 2011, 08:16:25 PM
Wolfsong's fable picks tree number 7! (Btw, can I name her Dream?)

Inspirational custom: Song: On the wing by owl city
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 03, 2011, 08:17:44 PM
Can have anotherrr inspirational custom...?

Inspirational custom: Garth Brooks: The Red strokes
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 08:26:08 PM
How many Find-A-Mates can we do?? I have two adult Fables that are all certed an such. Plus those I got in this thread.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 08:31:04 PM
I'll mark you two down, Kah and Wolfsong!

Wild, you may enter one at a time, but once I deliver the one, you may enter another.  Does that make sense?  So don't enter five at once, but you can enter one, and then another, and then another.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 08:33:56 PM
Alright. ^^
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 08:43:40 PM
Dear Beautiful Maiden,

   I've been feeling lonely for a while, and really would love to start my own family.. I am a loving, faithful Portector of my herd, and I swear an oath to you, that I will love you and protect you through my whole life. I would adore a lady with hair similar to my own, but I don't mind if there's a little difference in it. A body coat that compliments mine would make me dearly happy. I'm hoping your an elegant beauty, whom will love me as I promise I will love her. I shall wait for you by the waterfall, my sweet, and hope you will grace me with your presence, dear beauty.

With love,
Xaiver <3

Sending sg now
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 08:59:12 PM
Very nice, Wild!  I'll get on that ASAP.  My bedtime is coming fast though.  Lol.  I did a lot of bleaching to day and it messes with my eyes... they're all dry and miserable!

Two  more deliveries:




Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 09:09:25 PM

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 03, 2011, 09:09:46 PM




Happy birthday to me, yes? Ummm Name him: Passions Uncaged.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 09:14:03 PM
I'm glad you like him so much, Kah!! You're so easy to please. :)  Now am I missing something or is it your birthday?

I often fail at getting sarcasm and whatnot... so I wasn't sure if you're joking or not....
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 03, 2011, 09:21:21 PM
Not today no, but on Wednesday it will be.

So an awesome early b-day pressie XD
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 09:30:27 PM

--->> (points to birthday club)-->> (

If you want more presents from me. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wolfsong on October 03, 2011, 09:31:21 PM
Wow. O.O I love him!!! Thank you luv!!! I shall name him Midnight Shadow.
And my B-day was less than a week ago, so it's like a birthday present for me, too :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 03, 2011, 09:34:36 PM
Kah has already signed up in the birthday club. I r a quick little devil. Did it like, the first, I think.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 03, 2011, 09:46:18 PM
....... luv should check the forms more often..... 

Wolfsong, feel free to sign up as well, if you haven't already!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 09:47:35 PM
O_o Kah I want your boy. Lol. BUT.. my BEAUTIFUL girl D: OMG!!!!! Thank you SO much Luv!!! She's amazing!! :3 Xavier is very pleased.. and wont move from her side. >.< Haha.

I'll name her Zoey (Can't think of another name.. r one pretty enough to match her.) I ADORE her eyes, by the way. :D
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wolfsong on October 03, 2011, 09:48:42 PM
I did. glad that there were catch-up sign ups, cause my b-day is right before oct.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 09:50:13 PM
There's a birthday club?! D:
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 09:57:19 PM
Wildfilly94's Liam waits patiently at tree 10 <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 03, 2011, 10:00:41 PM
I'll be back tomorrow to try a stab at the few RP events, as well as a second find a mate. <3
Then I need to work on 2 things for faudeer events Im entering. XD
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on October 04, 2011, 02:05:45 AM
Omg i looove him :O

Action 2 ; 1,5 million SG

Name him ; Paint Grass

Find a mate:

Dear Mystery Man.
- I am looking for someone to take care of me and that wants to make my dreams true with him. He must be loving and caring but also brave when troubles come, and watch out for me and our coming stories. I tend to prefer dark colours with bright patterns or markings. A mystery but wonderful man i'm looking for.
- Celina <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 04, 2011, 06:44:52 AM
Auction 2 1.52 Mill
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 04, 2011, 03:42:06 PM
Rpist's Event #2

   Bethany was born of a beautiful mother. Her father was gone at war with another herd, and had fallen in battle. So she lived on with her sister, Aleta, and her dear mother. Her mother's name is unknown, as she goes by Mum to all that know her. Aleta and Bethany were very close, and they stuck together through everything. Their mum was also there for them both through all their rough, and easy days. The three of them lived happily, filling the void of their fathers (Mum's husbands') death with the love they shared with eachother. Aleta and Bethany were very vocal and sang through everything they did. Their voices were well known through the valley by everyone in their herd, and they put on small concerts quite often for everyone to see. One day, on a rare day that Aleta was not at her side, Bethany was drinking water from the pond at the bottom of the valley, when she saw a shadow in the water. She jumped and looked all around, but the shadow moved too fast for her young eyes to see. She went back to drinking, whens he saw it again, and spun around fast enough to catch the shadow. It was a dark Fable. She had a bad feeling about him, and ran away as fast as she could, without being able to warn her people. She was running so fast, that infact, she fell, and everything went black. While she was out, her sister had been looking for her, and spotted the shadow. Aleta raced back to warn her people, but it was too late. The shadow Fable took evrything he could. He stole Aleta and Bethany's mother, and many of their friends, and then he was gone. Aleta wept, as she tried to find everyone. The only Fables left in the herd was 1 Story and an elderly Fable mare. Aleta took the Story to the elder mare and the three huddled together, hoping that Bethany, or Someone, would find them and come back to them...
(Depressing, I know. But thats just the way my brain decided to interpret that. XD)


Rpist's Event #4

Abbi looked into the dark woods with her beautiful grass green eyes, wondering if she'd ever find something in there. She was just about to give in, when suddenly, a small face appeared. Abbi jumped in suprise, causing her beautiful black mane to fall in her soft golden yellow face. The face quickly did the same, and in return, the face revealed light brown hair, falling into her matching green eyes. The two stared at eachother for a good few minutes, when Abbi decided to take a step forward. Staring into the eyes that reflected her own, the face moved forward as well. In doing so, the face was illuminated in light, as well as Abbi's own self. The face turned into a girls body and face, whose rosy lips gasped as she took in Abbi's color. Then the girl spoke, "Your so beautiful. Your golden body glimmers in the sun..". Abbi stood there a moment, forzen, before stammering, "Your... Your a... A Wish... N-No one in my h-herd has every seen a-a-... a Wish before..". Abbi took in the girls features, mezmerized by her lightly tanned skin and shoulder length hair with side-swept bangs. The girl was wearing a black jacket, with a black, fitting t-shirt to match. Something white was in the shirt, but she couldn't make out the design.. or was that words? The girl had on light blue fitted jeans, and black converse shoes. She was so pretty... "My name is Emma. Whats yours?" The girl said. Emma. Hmm... "I'm Abbi... What are you doing here?" Abbi stepped forward, revealing her white rump with black dots all over it, and her thick black tail. And, most importantly, her wings. Abbi has beautiful Golden wings, to match her body, that looked like they were dipped deeply in black paint, like her legs. But Abbi had a white sock on two of her legs, so they didn't match ehr wings perfectly, but it was a close match. Emma sighed at Abbi's beauty, and spoke, "I'm lost.. actually.. I ran off from my family, because they weren't being kind to me, so I ended up here... Can you help me?" Abbi thought for a moment.. Surely her herd wouldn't mind a Wish staying there? After all,t hey'd never seen one before and would love the extra company. "Yes, you can stay with us.. We'll keep you safe. Come with me?" And so Emma and Abbi set out back to Abbi's herd. Abbi introduced Emma to the herd, and they ass gasped in suprise to see a Wish in person. Emma was immediately accepted, and Emma cried of joy. She hugged Abbi's soft neck, and then kissed her black nose, following a caressing of her white blaze. Abbi's eyes smiled back at Emma, and the two became friends.

(Sorry its a bit cheesey. It was hard to come up witht he whole thing in a short paragraph. I tried to shorten it, but It just kinda made it choppy. I hope you don'tmind the choppyness in the end. Lol. And the Wish girl was just described and presented so I could get a better way of describing the Fable herself. Plus, Emma kinda jumps into alot of the things I write, sense she's my ultimate character and I use her personality, her looks, and such in nearly everything I write. XD ANYWAY, Abbi is the said 'Custom' Fable that this is for, just so you don't get confused.)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 04, 2011, 03:50:16 PM
Auction 1: 2 million.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 04, 2011, 04:07:32 PM
Dear Prince I'm awaiting,

  I'm looking for a sophisticated man to be with me. I like top class things, and I will admit, I'm a bit self-centered. I want a man with a good ego and a good body build. I would love your hair to be a shade of brown, more ont he darker side of brown, and a dark purple body. Purple isn't nessecary, but I want a dark body on you. Any other markings and such don't matter to me, I just need the dark colored body and darkish brown mane and tail. Ohh, and did I mention a big and tough body build? Anyway, Please get back to me soon. I'm lonely and need someone to tell me how pretty I look. *Pouts*

Lady Gaga

Yeah... Shes a *bit* Self-Centered. XD
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: skysnolimit on October 04, 2011, 04:40:27 PM
Horseshoe #1, please ^^
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on October 05, 2011, 03:21:13 AM

BKC picks horse shoe 2 please!

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Fables on October 05, 2011, 10:11:43 AM
I think everything is updated thusfar.

Also, new rule for the Musical Trees-- You can enter once for each Fable you own, since not to many people seem interested in playing.

BUT every Fable has to be played in a DIFFERENT post.

So example:

QuoteLuv's Forgotten Love rushes to tree 7!
Luv's Brightening Shadows races to tree 3!


QuoteLuv's Forgotten Love rushes to tree 7!

Luv's Brightening Shadows races to tree 3!

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: CrystalAngelNeko on October 05, 2011, 10:33:05 AM
Crystal's Quiet Rose rushes to tree 9!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 05, 2011, 11:56:08 AM
Wildfilly94's Estella waits patiently at tree 7
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: SkySong on October 05, 2011, 05:02:38 PM
SkySong's Gaze upon the Sun wanders over to tree 3.

And I can't remember if I named my survey boy, but I'd like him named Frostbite, please. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 05, 2011, 08:37:14 PM
Just want to give everyone a heads up:

I'll be here, but I got a lot of news today and I'm not going to be myself.  I'll pop in and out, or sit on and stalk the threads, but not really ME.

Also, depending on how this news turns up, I might have to postpone the RP longer.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 05, 2011, 09:42:06 PM
Uh oh. :( I hope everything turns out okay! <3 Hugs and love sending your way
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: skysnolimit on October 06, 2011, 01:49:31 PM
I love you, Luv :3  PM anytime.......
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 06, 2011, 06:54:55 PM
Thanks guys. This is something that my husband and I just have to hash out and see who wins... That's the scary part.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 06, 2011, 08:37:31 PM
Aww :( I hope it works out
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 08, 2011, 09:12:59 AM
I am fairly certain I won Hendrix. That's the name that I'm giving to my new boy, who will fit rather nicely into my grouping.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 08, 2011, 10:45:42 AM
Wow, alot of events ended yesterday. Lol. Good luck gathering all the winners Luv.

And I'd like to name the girl from the second auction Christine, please.
I'm sending the SG now, and I also sent in the SG for my second find a mate in a few days ago. <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 08, 2011, 07:16:17 PM
I know I'm immensly behind, guys, and I'm sorry.

The dilema I'm facing is that my husband has been offered a job in Alaska and they want him there by Dec 4th.... which means we either need to accept or turn down this job rather quickly.

I've lived in GA since I was 4.  All of my family is here.  My horse is here.  I give lessons here.

BUT AK is a wonderful oppertunity for my husband and we are trying to see if the finances will at least balance out if he takes the job.  They *say* they are going to give us incentive money and blah blah, but so far, we wouldn't make it on the money they have promised.

So my husband and I are spending all of our waking time working on getting things together, discussing what we would need, and ect. for this, all the while fighting with my mom about how this is wrong for us and I'll hate it and so on.

Conclusion:  Luv may be moving 80 hours from home within the next month and a half and it could be a very, very bad decision, or a wonderful and amazing oppertunity.  Or Luv could be living here for forever and being resented by her husband for eternity.... Fun choice.... really.

Also, while my husband was taking the phone call offering him this job, I was getting pretty scary news.  (Joe came to the dr with me, but Harley was upset that dr was 'hurting' mommy, so he had to leave with her.)  My kidneys aren't doing so well, bc of my crazy blood sugars and they are going to put me on some meds to help them.  I've always heard and dreaded and feared this day, but I guess I just didn't think it was coming so soon.  It in itself is not bad or deadly, but what will follow terrifies me.

Basically, I've been a freaking panic attack waiting to happen and before I could really share what is going on, I needed to calm down enough to grasp it.  So here it is.

Monday, I will tally all winners.  Auctions are over and Wild and Kah are the winners.

All other events will be extended until I wrap things up, and games will be held with whatever participants we have at that point.

Again, I am SO SO sorry for the wait, but this really NEEDS to be handled first and foremost.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: SkySong on October 08, 2011, 10:13:28 PM
I'm so sorry you have such bad stuff you're going through right now, luv! D: Take all the time you need, we all know and understand how much rl takes precedence to all things virtual.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 09, 2011, 01:46:29 AM
Take your time dear, RL is more important
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 13, 2011, 11:59:01 AM
I'm FINALLY getting these things rounded up and I can't apologize enough for this.  Alaska is just such a drastic thing to take in and consider and my husband is SO sure that it will work out if he takes the job and I am SO SO sure that it will NOT.  Honestly, I even took my one and only 'pass' on my test this week.  My mind has been on nothing but this possible move, and trying to stick together as a team when we decide hopefully to stay here so that there aren't hurt feelings.

RESULTS:  (I'll update the first post ASAP)

1. Find a Mate- Open (one slot left)
2.  Tell Me a Story- Closed (judging now)
3.  Survey Customs- Closed
4.  Inpromtu Inspiration- Closed
Full Custom Win:  Wildfilly94
Inspired Custom Win:  Wildfilly94
5.  Raffle- Closed
Winner by Default:  Wildfilly94
6.  Auction- Closed
Winner 1:  Kahlira
Winner 2:  Wildfilly94

7.  Massive Rp- Coming Later

Collector EVENTS
1.  Flatsale- Closed
2.  Raffle- Closed
Winner with Ticket #428:  Wildfilly94
3.  Pick A Shoe- Closed
Winner with Horseshoe #9:  CrystalAngelNeko
4.  Musical Trees- Open (Waiting on me to get off my butt and start the game.)
5.  When You Wish Upon A Star- Closed
Winner of Full Custom by Default:  Kahlira
2 Winners of Semi Custom:  CrystalAngelNeko and Wildfilly94
3 Winners of Premades:  wildnightblazer (I'm going to let you take all three home since you were the only entry.)

6.  Quiz- Closed
Winner by Default with 5/10 Correct Answers:  Wildfilly94
7.  Inspirational Customs- Closed
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 13, 2011, 12:14:18 PM
Here are my Musical Tree entries:

1  Ashke (Kahlira)
2  Gaze Upon the Sun (Skysong)
3  Frost (Crystal)
4  Estella (Wildfilly94)
5  Quiet Rose (Crystal)
6  Liam (Wildfilly94)
7  Dream (wolfsong)

I have changed the numbers, bc they don't really matter now.

Okay, everyone... dance around the pretty trees.  Annnnnd.... NOW!  Rush to one of the FIVE remaining trees!
 Remember, post a different post per Fable and no two Fables can be standing at ONE single tree!

Tree One:  Gaze
Tree Two:  Estella
Tree Three:  Liam
Tree Four:
Tree Five:  Ashke
Tree Six:

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 13, 2011, 03:30:27 PM
Estella races to tree 2!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 13, 2011, 03:30:53 PM
Liam runs to tree 3!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 13, 2011, 03:33:34 PM
Ashke runs to tree 5
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 13, 2011, 03:40:21 PM
Can I have the full custom ticket added to my inventory for the Impromtu?

Name for the Raffle girl: Delilah

I already posted a name for the Auction girl I won.

Name for the Raffle girl: Maureen

Can I get the semi custom ticket put into my inventory for the Wish upon a Star?

I'm going to gift the girl from the Quiz to SkySong, if she wants her. <3
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 13, 2011, 03:43:47 PM
That's a very sweet gift, Wild!

The Wish Upon a Star custom will be done according to what you have in the thread already, but the full custom ticket can be added to your inventory asap!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Kahlira on October 13, 2011, 03:46:51 PM
Oh man XD Just realized I get the Hawk! SO much spazz right now XD

And Wild made out like a bandit! Many congrats to you, girl!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 13, 2011, 03:52:07 PM
Yes, yes!  Many prizes for Luv to get going with. :)

And she did!  She entered so many of the events and put a lot of effort into her entries too.  So yay for her!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 13, 2011, 03:52:50 PM
Ohh yeah, I forgot we filled out forms already for the wish upon a star thing.

And haha, I did! Lol.
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: SkySong on October 13, 2011, 04:05:09 PM
Gaze trots over to tree 1!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: SkySong on October 13, 2011, 04:09:48 PM
And Wild, I'd love the girl. <3 Thanks! Can I name her Candy Corn, please?
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 13, 2011, 04:47:13 PM
Your welcome dear. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 13, 2011, 08:14:10 PM
Two Deliveries from the Find a Mate:



Wildfilly94 (still need payment please, hon):

Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 13, 2011, 08:20:07 PM
Ohh my gosh I love him!! :D
Hmm... Name: Judas     (One of Gaga's songs. XD)

And I thought I sent it??? I didn't label what it was for, but I sent the sg. O_o?
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 13, 2011, 08:29:42 PM
I'll go back and check Wild.  You know I make mistakes frequently. :)
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Fables on October 13, 2011, 08:31:44 PM
You did, Wild.  I just forgot my own rules and was looking through my Luv007 account instead of my Fable account.  Sorry!
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Wildfilly94 on October 13, 2011, 08:34:21 PM
Lol, silly. :p
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 13, 2011, 08:44:58 PM
And I made another boo-boo.... I missed this:

QuoteWolfsong's fable picks tree number 7! (Btw, can I name her Dream?)

So... I'm adding a sixth tree....
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Pinkshadow on October 14, 2011, 02:08:59 AM
He's different :p
- I like <3

Name ; Dark Zaco
Title: Re: ~Fables~ [11 Events Open! -RP Prep Coming!]
Post by: Luv007 on October 14, 2011, 06:11:48 PM
Can do!  Glad you like him.  :)