
Secundi Market District => Help Booths => Topic started by: Super Starz on June 05, 2012, 05:43:48 PM

Question: What do you think of this Adoptable?
Option 1: I love them and I'd love to own one! :D
Option 2: I love them, but they aren't for me :)
Option 3: They are okay (Please post ways to be improved)
Option 4: Hmmm :/
Option 5: They are okay, But nothing special (Please post ways to be improved)
Option 6: I hate them,Sorry! :( (Please post ways to be improved)
Option 7: I think Secundi has enough Adoptables already :/
Title: {Interest Thread} Needing Ideas on a Background Story! :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 05, 2012, 05:43:48 PM
I'm currently having an Adoptable Set commissioned by Willow. The Adoptable is currently unamed so if you have any suggestions, Please let me know XD I'll also be on the look out for Colorists/Event Runners..etc to help me with the running of these little guys, So if you'd like to help, Please also let me know :) If you have any suggestions or comments about this Adoptable, Please post them because I'm new at running adoptables and not sure what Secundi would like to see :)
So here are the lines, Now mostly finished! xD
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: SkySong on June 05, 2012, 08:24:32 PM
Very cute. :) Random names:


I think that the name would be easier if you had a story to base it off of, but it isn't necessary.
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 05, 2012, 08:40:21 PM
Thank you :) And I quite like those names! Especially Whispers :) And that's an idea :) I might get to work creating a story for them :D Thank you for SkySong your suggestions! :)
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 06, 2012, 05:27:24 AM
What does anything think of the name Whinny's? I know it's so original ;/ :) But it's simple, hopefully easier to remember and pronounce, and I think it's the first Adopty to be called that on Secundi? :) That way I can expand it to different breeds of horses as it becomes established maybe? :) Or should I have a name that could combine other species/animals into it later on?
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: SkySong on June 06, 2012, 05:36:50 AM
I like Whinny's :) Whether you want to keep them as they are, or add more lines to them is up to you, though.
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 06, 2012, 05:59:54 AM
It just seemed simple and effective to me :) And yes, That's another decision I'll have to think of for this Adopty but I'd always love to hear everyone's opinions, As I'm only new at running an Adoptable xD
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: TheLeet on June 06, 2012, 06:46:42 AM
I voted for "they are ok" so now I have to come up with ways to improve them :P

Their big empty looking eyes kinda creep me out but they'll probably be given proper eyes when they get shaded anyway?
That's my only complaint. Apart from the currently creepy eyes, they're lovely ^^
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on June 06, 2012, 06:50:56 AM

Not sure what to vote. I like them, i think they are cute, but I also think we do have a fair few horse adopts here, so i think you will have stiff competition. I think i would prolly look to get a few, not sure how avidly i would follow them, depends on how you run them etc I think for me.

Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: Willow on June 06, 2012, 06:58:16 AM
Quote from: TheLeet on June 06, 2012, 06:46:42 AM
I voted for "they are ok" so now I have to come up with ways to improve them :P

Their big empty looking eyes kinda creep me out but they'll probably be given proper eyes when they get shaded anyway?
That's my only complaint. Apart from the currently creepy eyes, they're lovely ^^

Yep, I work on the eyes with shading, they won't be open orbs and should end up like this ~

As for the name, I used to run an adoptable on here called the Whinnys, but I don't really run them any more so I assume there wouldn't be any confusion :3

If not I like Whispers, Little Hooves, Nickers, Clip Clops. Something like those xD;

I also agree they would benefit from a backstory to give them some 'beef', rather than being 'just another horse adoptable' ^__^
I'm sure people will help come up with ideas if you need it.
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on June 06, 2012, 07:02:08 AM

I thought I was right in thinking there was another adopt called Whinny's!

Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 06, 2012, 02:59:55 PM
Thank you for all your feedback! <3 To TheLeet- Thank you for your honest opinion :) And as Willow said, The eyes should get all fixed up when they are shaded :) To BKC- And yes, I always knew I'd have other competition with them like Quinsta,TheStable..etc the list goes on! xD But hopefully I can bring something a little different to them and make them as active as I possibly can :) To Willow- Oh my! Did you really? xD Great minds think alike? XD Haha well I think I'll have to change that then, Haha I had no idea there already was a Winny's! Although I do still like Whispers or Little Hooves now? :) And yes, I do like the idea of a background story so I'll start to create one but if anyone had any ideas, I'm happy to listen :) And BKC- It seems everyone knew about this other Whinny's except for me xD Hahaha but now I know so I start brainstorming again :)

In overall, What does everything think of these names, and which would you prefer if any at all?
Whispers or Little Hooves

I've also decided to create a background story so if anyone would have any ideas, I'm happy to listen :D
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: Winged on June 06, 2012, 03:02:49 PM
They look really cute! And i like the name Whispers :)
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Currently Unamed Adopty by Willow :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 06, 2012, 03:06:51 PM
Thank you for your feedback Winged! And I'm glad you like them :D
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Whispers or Little Hooves? (Brainstorming names :D)
Post by: SkySong on June 06, 2012, 03:21:02 PM
I like both names. :) Afraid I can't help with the back story much, though.
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Whispers or Little Hooves? (Brainstorming names :D)
Post by: Super Starz on June 06, 2012, 03:23:52 PM
Thank you SkySong :) And I'm not sure which name will get chosen yet, But hopefully soon I'll have a decision :) And that's fine! Thank you for your name suggestion earlier :D
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Whispers or Little Hooves? (Brainstorming names :D)
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on June 06, 2012, 03:25:13 PM

I like Little Hooves moreso than Whispers.
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Whispers or Little Hooves? (Brainstorming names :D)
Post by: Aralie on June 06, 2012, 03:30:31 PM
I prefer Whispers <3
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Whispers or Little Hooves? (Brainstorming names :D)
Post by: Super Starz on June 06, 2012, 03:31:22 PM
Thank you BKC and Aralie! :) I'll try and keep everyone's preferences in mind when the final decision gets made :)
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Whispers or Little Hooves? (Brainstorming names :D)
Post by: Super Starz on June 08, 2012, 05:09:25 AM
Now to concentrate on a background story :) If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them because writing isn't my strong point xD
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Needing Ideas on a Background Story! :)
Post by: Willow on June 08, 2012, 01:51:36 PM
Some finished examples :D

Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Needing Ideas on a Background Story! :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 08, 2012, 03:53:37 PM
Thank you for posting those Willow! :D
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Needing Ideas on a Background Story! :)
Post by: Luv007 on June 08, 2012, 04:44:12 PM
Going off the name, I would say for a back story that maybe they are little pocket-size pony pets?  Maybe bred in a lab if you want to go the scientific route, or just dreamed into existance if you are looking more towards fantasy?  I could write something up probably if you want?  *loves writing*
Title: Re: {Interest Thread} Needing Ideas on a Background Story! :)
Post by: Super Starz on June 09, 2012, 04:26:18 PM
The Cert & Tack! All done by the fabulous Willow! :D