
Secundi Market District => Trading Booths => Topic started by: Kadana Sorano on August 12, 2012, 11:39:02 PM

Title: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties (Mom's coming home!) :)
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 12, 2012, 11:39:02 PM
Not been doing much on here, not even checking regular adopt threads that much.  Just LH thread, and doing a few games on FB.  Mom (SweetCaroline) went into the hospital a few days ago, and I've just not felt too social. 

Now I realize there are adopt events going on, and some I already missed, but.. I still don't feel too social or "playful"  But I would still like some new adopties to love on.

Atm I can only offer sg for some.  I won't offer to exchange customs/semi customs of my SC adopt, as I dunno how long till I feel up to coloring.  Maybe whenever hey finally let mom come home, but not right now anyway.  So SG is it for now.

But I do have plenty of SG.  So as long as you don;t price things rediculously, I should be able to meet your price request.

I'd be interested in premades, or inspiration type customs (picture, word, song title etc) or mimics.  But no semi/full customs, as I really don;t feel like thinking about much for filling forms out right now.

I'm interested in pretty much any adopt, except agency pets I don;t already have some of.  If I don;t already own an agency pet or two, then chances are I am not following that agency for some/whatever reason.  I don;t think there are many that I don;t follow though, I'm not that piccky/hard to please lol
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: FCFC on August 12, 2012, 11:48:03 PM
Pretty coming your way
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 13, 2012, 01:02:32 AM
Aww *hugs* thank you Willow (PM?)  You didn't say how much SG I should send you though lol  *snuggles with pretty Ragdoll kitty*
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: YourLoveOnly on August 13, 2012, 02:29:05 AM
Oh no =( I hope it's nothing super serious!

I can offer !Blub!: fully random fish (you only pick gender), out of season breedings, color !Blub! where you pick gender, species and one color it must or must not have. One random fish is 10K, one male and two female randoms 25K. Picking species for randoms is +5K. A color fish is 50K. A breeding is 200K because out of season breedings are rare.

I can also offer Panda Shrimps because they'll be returning soonish, yay. Random premades are 10K.

Can also offer Jaeman Prophecy if you want any horse mimic adopts, but it's currently not certain if they'll be fully actively return, if that doesn't bug you then feel free to order. Horse mimics are 50K.

Some previously colored pets:
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Winged on August 13, 2012, 04:23:11 AM
Are you interested in Gliders? I can dig out and colour a few premades for you to pick from, or i'll do a mimic. A premade would be 30k and a mimic would be 40k+ depending on what you're asking me to mimic, complicated custom markings, ect.

Here's a couple of recent Gliders:
( Has small custom markings
( on the paint is custom, rest is premade markings.
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 13, 2012, 05:17:42 AM
YLO Can I get the "One male and two female randoms for 25k" ?  It's been a while since I had a new fish adopt, and they fit in with my AquaLife on FB I've bene playing.  A very soothing "game", I love full screening my tank and just watching the fish lol

Winged, do you think you could do a mimic of my Gryphion Wynter (  If she would be too hard, then I'll take a premade :)
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: YourLoveOnly on August 13, 2012, 05:27:24 AM
Absolutely! They are similair to Jeune, if you follow those, and the old Gene Pool so first gen fish have no markings, they are discovered through breeding, hope that's okay?  If so I'll get those started for you right away! And every non-owner gets a free !Blub! too so I'll toss that in there as well <3
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 13, 2012, 06:12:47 AM
That's fine, and since I fail with genetics, I'll really have a nice surprise whenever I breed :)

ETA: Sorry, I'm kind of out of it and thought I answered you before already heh I dunno how serious it is/isn't, but she went to the doctors, normal visit, then called me and said they send her to the ER because they don't like her breathing levels.  She's had all sorts of labs, xrays etc, and is on oxygen and breathing treatments.

We talk to her every day on the phone, but we can't go see her every day, even though the hospital isn't really THAT far.  But it's far for walking, especially with 3 kids, even if they are teenagers.  Plus I'm not in the best physical shape for that much walking.  But I don't have a license/know how to drive so.. heh Mom was our sole mode of transportation.  Might try walking it anyway though, if the weather manages to stay a little cool, and not rain.
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Winged on August 13, 2012, 06:14:16 AM
I should be able to have a go at her :)
Since it's a full body marking, i'd say 60k for her, if that okay? And any hexes for the grey or does that not matter? If no hexes, is it one shade of grey for the body marking and wing tips? And final question what mutations would you like?
Mutations list, bottom of that post- (
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Elenaria on August 13, 2012, 06:14:47 AM
Aww, hun, I'll be showing a lot of Elenaria to their stalls today... I could probably squeeze in a little singing to the stars if you like? No charge, because this is a cheer you up gift! Just... find me a song to sing alright? And PM it right to this account.

I do hope everything turns out alright.

You know what, as an after thought... give me two song, one from you and one for your mom. I'll sing her down a pretty Elenaria too.
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 13, 2012, 06:34:04 AM
Winged, I think one shade of grey, not 100% certain, she wasn't a custom.  Just one of my favorites lol  And no specific hex, whatever looks best.  Mutations, feathered feet, Tail Tuft, and Crest all look like they would fit, so any of those you want to put on :)

Aww thank you Corlanna, I'll ask mom what song she wants to use when I talk to her later, and send you both songs then.  That's really sweet of you *hugs*
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Winged on August 13, 2012, 06:38:26 AM
That's good :) I'll get her done today hopefully. I'll let you know later how she's coming on.
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 13, 2012, 07:09:30 AM
Thank you Winged :)
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Winged on August 13, 2012, 08:33:49 AM
No problem :) I think you sent a bit extra SG, is that intentional?
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 13, 2012, 10:03:32 AM
Yes, it was :)
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: PonyMama on August 13, 2012, 11:35:11 AM
it was from me Which is why I signed the post :)
and also I did not say how much SG because I expect none
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 13, 2012, 06:34:06 PM
Aww thank you PM!  *hugs* 

And wow, it totally didn't register in my head that you signed the post, I'm sorry.  My mind just isn't "here" I guess :S
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: YourLoveOnly on August 14, 2012, 03:37:24 AM
Here are your !Blub! :D

ID#: 159
Gender: female
Species: Angelfish
Genetic string:
012221 0020 02121
0101110 1010001
000012222 0000

ID#: 160
Gender: male
Species: Betta
Genetic string:
122210 2002 10111
0010110 1100111

ID#: 161
Gender: female
Species: Betta
Genetic string:
212122 2002 22101
1001010 1111000
001121110 0221

ID#: 162
Gender: female
Species: Betta
Genetic string:
010122 0121 02121
1111001 1000011
212020011 2102

They grow after 7 to 10 days.
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 14, 2012, 07:29:45 AM
Sweet!  Thank you YLO :)  Is there someplace specific I need to go to name them?
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: YourLoveOnly on August 14, 2012, 07:32:18 AM
Nope, I don't keep track of names. If we ever become an Agency, which I'm hoping, people can name their fish but I don't keep track of them -blush-
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Winged on August 14, 2012, 08:12:38 AM
How is this for Wynter?

The markings on the wings were quite difficult to get right with the shading, let me know if they're okay and i'll cert her :)
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 14, 2012, 04:51:21 PM
Oh that's fine YLO, I saved them to my comp with ID numbers then, goodluck making Agency!

That looks great Winged, I know the markings can be hard (that's why the extra sg's lol) but you did a lovely job with her, thank you :)
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Winged on August 14, 2012, 04:59:01 PM
Here she is certed :) I was surprised that she's your first!
She was tricky, but not so much as i expected. The marking got easier as i went down.

Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 15, 2012, 03:35:14 AM
haha yea she is.  I saw them around a bit, but I was going through a period of trying to limit how many new adopts I added to my stalk list.  I dunno if I will have time to be a "good" stalker once Mom is back home and I am back at work, but it's nice to have my first.  And Wynter makes a very superb first :)
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties
Post by: Winged on August 15, 2012, 07:03:30 AM
Ah, being a 'good' stalker doesn't matter :) I try to have simple raffles and the like so people with little time can still enter.
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties (Mom's coming home!) :)
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 15, 2012, 10:52:19 AM
Mom just called, she's all packed up and just waiting on them to sign her release paper's, then she gets to come home.  Hopefully they don;t drag their feet "too" long on that.  I remember the last time I waited for that, it took them over 8 hours :S

Anyway.. she'll be home "soon".  And I can;t wait.  I'm 35 freakin years old and we (Mom and I) have always lived together, barring vacations or such.  I'm not used to living with her not here, it just feels wrong on so many levels!

Thank you all for stopping in to help cheer me up, you (my online friends) mean so much to me.  I love you all!

*hugs everyone*

We're cleaning up some more, trying to make things especially nice for her, but I should be back on by tomorrow sometime, if not sooner, and maybe even get to do some SC stuff with you all then :)
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties (Mom's coming home!) :)
Post by: jojo on August 16, 2012, 12:39:02 AM
Glad SweetCaroline is ok! Hugs for both of you!
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties (Mom's coming home!) :)
Post by: Winged on August 16, 2012, 04:55:22 AM
That's great she's getting to leave, hope it all goes well!
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties (Mom's coming home!) :)
Post by: Elenaria on August 16, 2012, 10:07:38 AM
Sorry about the delay dear, uploading was just not happening yesterday! Boy... is that not a job for me... My brother can do it much better! Hehehe, at least I'm not as bad as my sister... She's so calm most days, but really she's such a scatter brain!

Oh right, your Elenaria! When I sung the songs, a beautiful mother and daughter came trotting down to be with you!

For SweetCaroline

And for you Kadana
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties (Mom's coming home!) :)
Post by: Kadana Sorano on August 17, 2012, 10:03:31 AM
Aww they are beautiful, thank you so much Corlanna! *hugs*  And i had a bit of trouble with importing as well, I'm still not sure all of my mistakes were caught and fixed lol

Mom is doing better, thank you everyone for the well wishes, care and concern.  She got on an entirely different schedule while in the Hospital, and here at home our normal schedule went right out the window and got all changed around.  So now were trying to all of us adjust, and find a schedule that is close enough to what Mom is already used to, but that will also work for back to school and work hours.

We've got a bumpy road ahead most likely, lot's of things have to change.  But were all happy to have Mom back home with us, and we'll make it.  And I'm happy to say that I've got things at home caught up for now, and can take a break to play on Secundi a bit. 

Thank you again, you guys are all awesome!
Title: Re: Wanted: Cheerful Pretties (Mom's coming home!) :)
Post by: SweetCaroline on August 17, 2012, 08:05:08 PM
I want to Thank all of you for keeping Kadana company & trying to keep her spirits up in my absence. I know it was hard on her & the kids while I was gone, and I am so very glad that Kadana had someplace to go & someone to talk to. So I Thank you all for all the support & Love you have sent her way.  And a Special Thanks to Corlanna for the Magnificent Elenaria. I really do Love her & will have to pick a Special name for her.

Thank you all again for being here. Hugs to you all