
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Sunchaser on March 17, 2013, 05:53:19 PM

Title: We have new orders!
Post by: Sunchaser on March 17, 2013, 05:53:19 PM
So i am not certain who all knows this but my husband was put on med hold. What that means is pretty much he was put on hiatus of the navy and while he still worked for them was pretty much waiting for a board to tell him if he was going to be kicked out for medical disabilities or stay in as active duty. this happened before christmas and scared us bad enough we where worried if he would be kicked out before then and if we would be homeless.

well that did not happen thankfully and all the paperwork went to washington last month and we got told it could take 6 months before we hear anything. We got a call a few days ago and we where told that he is now back to active duty! YAY

so with this we are also up for orders. He should be going to shore duty but we won't know more till monday for the soonest. Are fingers are crossed for Key west because its still close to family but its something new for both of us. But we know that God will send us where he will and just can't wait to find out. So prayers that we will get a place that we both like and just have fun.

But if i am in and out for a bit this is why. we are packing up to move in with my parents for the time till we move, move so that we can save up some money. YAY

ETA WE have new orders! we will be moving to Little Creek Virginia!!
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: Saturnalia on March 17, 2013, 07:03:36 PM
Hooray! :) Hope it all works out and you guys can go somewhere fun!
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: Goddesss on March 17, 2013, 09:42:45 PM
So happy for you guys.  Keep us posted =)
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: springacres on March 17, 2013, 10:50:25 PM
Glad they didn't end up kicking your husband out, fingers crossed that everything works out and you get him back from active duty safe and sound! Much much <3 to you both :)
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: YourLoveOnly on March 18, 2013, 05:59:13 AM
*does remember the full story* Glad to hear things are getting better, I hope you guys end up somewhere amazing!
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: Sunchaser on March 19, 2013, 05:44:30 AM
thank you guys :) Are fingers are crossed and we are praying and just waiting now for the call. It sucks waiting but all things worth having involve some waiting no?
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: Bunraku on March 19, 2013, 03:57:32 PM
Yay sunny! *tackles* you deserve happiness after all thats happened <3
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: Winged on March 19, 2013, 05:23:00 PM
That's great news, i'm really happy for both of you! Hope it all gets sorted quickly now.
Title: Re: Good news finally!
Post by: Sunchaser on March 26, 2013, 09:28:31 AM
so i got hospitalized for blood pressure that was 210/120 and for extreme dizzyness. Well we figured out that the dizzy is from crystals in my ear not being in the right spot. And the blood pressure is probably because I stopped taking my synthriod medication which is for my thyroid. Reason I stoped is because the doctor i had before the current one put me on four different doses within four months and thats not smart. I stopped because i did not feel right under them and i even made a appointment which will be wednesday but of course things always happen before your appointments.

We are still waiting for word on orders but at least we have been told that the detailer is looking into them. We got a call from him the other day saying we have to wait lol. I just want to also say you all rock and I know my part of adoptables has been extremly failing latly but it will not always be like this. At least I have learned that Secundi is part of my home and when things happen I can turn to you guys *snuggles everyone*
Title: Re: We have new orders!
Post by: Sunchaser on March 27, 2013, 06:08:01 PM
New orders YAY
Title: Re: We have new orders!
Post by: Scullisto on March 27, 2013, 06:32:29 PM
Title: Re: We have new orders!
Post by: springacres on March 27, 2013, 10:33:28 PM
Yay for new orders!  Boo for health problems :(