
Secundi Community District => Town Square => Topic started by: Saturnalia on March 26, 2013, 10:23:22 AM

Title: Back from PAX!
Post by: Saturnalia on March 26, 2013, 10:23:22 AM
Whee! I have returned from PAX East. I figured I'd share some photos with you guys... I know there are some League of Legends players on here, and that was by far the biggest booth at PAX. And there were so many fantastic cosplays!

So... some selections from my extended weekend :)

Unicorns I baked for the Cookie Brigade. Cookie Brigade goes around giving out cookies at the convention in exchange for donations for the Child's Play charity... they ended up raising over $17000 this year! So awesome; I was glad to have been a part of it.

International Food Exchange! I brought salt water taffy-- I live 30 minutes from where it was created. I got to sample lots of delicious things, and got a Crunchie bar (seriously, I envy you guys who have constant access to those) and some delicious caramel wafer thingies from a lovely British gentleman.

Ryze! (They had some super sweet LoL statues.)

The Video Game Orchestra. If you like beautiful music that also happens to be video game covers, check them out. They are super talented, and the founder, Shota Nakama, looks like the happiest guy in the world when he plays. Adorable!

Those Who Fight... a Final Fantasy rock opera. Hadn't seen them before, but they were superfun. (And supernice, I found out later!)

Some of my beloved Protomen :) Original-music Megaman rock opera. And some of the most awesome people ever. (...seeing them again tomorrow night, and probably Friday, and I also saw them Sunday after PAX as my birthday gift to myself, haha.)

Walking to the BCEC on Morning #2. Thank you, Boston weather!


Taric n' Me.
Yes... I had a Knuckles the Echidna hoodie. Yes, it had a tail and gloves, haha ;) This was the truly outrageous Armor of the Fifth Age Taric... and he had fuzzy pink boots. It was glorious. Unfortunately, the kind stranger that took this photo didn't turn the camera the right way :(


My newest lovelies <3 You can bet that these will be determining Miniwyv genetics...

Cake at our company party. Om nom nom nom nom

Our booth! We sold a lot of books, did a lot of demos, and had a great time aside from one of the authors (thankfully not my boyfriend, haha) getting horribly sick on Day 3.

Hello Kitty Ghostbuster. Yes.

The Crowning Glory of All Cosplays Ever... Fiddlesticks. On stilts. He danced. He would come at you with the scythe if he saw you taking his photo. He battled other LoL cosplayers. He made me want to RUN THE HECK AWAY BEFORE I GOT GANKED which I'm sure anyone who's played LoL against Fiddle will understand.
I wanted to hug him and hide and watch him forever all at once.

Yesterday was my birthday, and mostly spend driving back to Jersey from Boston, with a stop along the way to eat entirely too much sushi.

A birthday weekend well spent, I'd say!

Title: Re: Back from PAX!
Post by: BabyKittenCandy on March 26, 2013, 11:02:05 AM

I have No idea what PAX is but it looks like fun!!! Sound like you had a fantastic birthday! And hey, if you like Crunchies etc im always on the look out for people to do swaps with ;)
Title: Re: Back from PAX!
Post by: Saturnalia on March 26, 2013, 11:06:11 AM
Penny Arcade Expo-- founded by the guys who do that comic online :) The convention is all about gaming, pretty much-- video games, computer games, tabletop games... it's delightful!

And oooh... I think we could certainly arrange some swaps at some point! :D
Title: Re: Back from PAX!
Post by: Bunraku on March 27, 2013, 11:09:52 AM

*clings* Everything looks so awesome >< Why oh why fates was I denied the wonder of frolicing at PAX?! DX
Title: Re: Back from PAX!
Post by: Saturnalia on March 27, 2013, 12:20:09 PM
Next year for definites, Bun? I will flail at you when tickets go on sale! I want Bunfrolicssss!
Title: Re: Back from PAX!
Post by: Bunraku on March 27, 2013, 12:48:44 PM
Next year for definitlies <3 And remind me next year that PAX dose NOT function like anime Boston and that I need to buy my ticket the very moment they go on sale. Literally beat me over the head with it XD